Do you know anyone who still watches """comedy""" talk shows?

I haven't had cable for 8 years, but when I went over to a libshit Berniebro's house, he had his daughter and two sons watch that terrible Colbert show with him. It was really strange, they were glued to the TV and their laughs timed with the audience's. I asked them if they ever get tired of hearing about Trump all the time and, no joke, the father guy looked me dead in the eye and said Colbert is part of the resistance, watching the show is a way of fighting Trump.

Awwwww do Trump lovers need a safe space from the big bad comedians?

post the daughters pics

What exactly is he resisting? Having borders?

The only time the late night shows are on in my house is when someone forgets to turn the TV off.

I have no idea what the op is referring to so this

Those shows are designed to hypnotize people to some degree. Somebody post that screencap about John Oliver I don't have it on my phone (inb4 phoneposter). A bunch of my friends watch that shit and I baffles me how they can stay entertained by what are essentially the same 5 or 6 jokes on repeat with slight variations.

Sadly 90% of my senpai & the people I grew up with still watch it and practice the good think.

Here in America there is a peculiar TV show with Stephen Colbert who acts like a talk show host. It has all the makings of a late night comedy talk show; live audience, interviews, special segments where he goes to different places.

But the very strange thing about it is, it's a show dedicated to nothing but digs at Trump. Nothing but bad jokes and timed laughs, all about Trump. Seriously, it's like the 10th or 11th show in the season and so far Trump's been the main talking point for all the shows.

You can see they occasionally try to pull off a little impartiality by sprinkling in segments about how Republicans are stupid, but it's 99% Trump. Just constant Trump bashing. I think the word "Trump" gets repeated on Colbert's show more than actual laughs.

I have never seen such a thing in my 20+ years of watching TV. It's almost like one of those crazy evangelical channels where the guy is preaching 24/7 to join his church.

i have a relative who does. he watches it as much as he can,
rewatching it a few times a day, every day whenever its airing.

its no longer entertainment, its pretty much religion for him.

>be me
>on holiday with my wife
>watch tv after a day of driving
>find the Fallon show
>the wife wants to watch it because she saw some funny videos of the guy on youtube
>complains it's going to be "trump is retarded" the whole thing
>30 seconds in "trump is retarded, amirite?"
>2 minutes in "trump is retarded, amirite?"
>15 minutes in Kevin Bacon is talking about sandwiches
Never again

Even my lefty mates hate Colbert and current year guy


Shit I dunno, I stopped watching them forever ago. I just watch Game of Thrones and Rick and Morty on Sundays. Oh, and South Park and Archer when they're on.

Every time I see commercials for the Daily Show the guy just can't seem to shut the fuck up about Trump and if I wanted news I'd just hit up Al Jazeera or something.

Girlfriends pajama boy/neckbeard combo brother asked me if I knew who John Oliver was over the holidays. Like it was top secret stuff, it was weird.

Were they Blt sandwiches? Did Kevin wear a hat with tomato and lettuce and dance around like a fool?

My step brother did this to me, I whispered back "john oliver, the huge faggot?"
No 30yr old man should watch that drivel

They were talking about BLAST and BLOAT sandwiches, didn't watch more of it. I'm used to unfunny shows because here in France they don't have enough money to have as much writers but this was still painfully lame.

The resident Irish cripple at my work watches Oliver on his lunch break. I made fun of him for it and he mumbled about how he makes some good points, and then went back to being a loser haha. (I really hope he shoots the place up soon)

I dont speak when im around her family, just kinda nod and grunt..try not to even small talk. It's a complete shitshow

>giving a cripple a hard time about a show he likes

I just leave libshits alone unless they start shit with me. They're too nutty and usually on like 4 anti-depressants


if I make fun of ZLUMPF can i be comedian too?

Man, he looks much more Jewish as he gets older

That's what I said a while ago... you can see the merchant just drawing itself out of the lines of his face.

Get a side shot of him.

The new ones only work in conjunction with another antidepressant, lower the blood brain barrier for ssri iirc.

I think it's the scraggly beard.

I don't know anyone who watches it.

Most millennials don't watch TV except for maybe the very lowly educated ones who are still living in 1995 because they fried their brain out on weed.

Nearly everyone I know who watches the TV by choice are over the age of 60.

I remember my dad (70) turning on the big bang theory and laughing...

> oh this show is so funny, u got to watch it

Baby Boomers are a the cancer. They are (((the))) cancer.

Yeah I don't know many people who still get TV service. Most are just on internet.

I guess I'm the rare user that has awesome boomer generation parents.


They do exist, but they are a minority.

I'v found quite a few of the older boomers and even some silent gen still alive that make for great friends to have great sit and talk with.

It's just rare.

>Trump lovers hate comedians?
As if comedians behind news desks haven't formed the average leftists warped ideology for the past 15 years.


I find in my country at least, they have been shamed into silence over the last 2 decades. If you make sure they know you're not a judgemental progressive type they open up

lol comedians are nu male cucks that all dress the same complaining about MUH R-RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD while being childless at 35

Late night comedy TV has become effortless in the years of the Trump administration. Fuck, back when Bush was president, Stewart and Colbert had to make skits and special props just to get people interested. With Trump, they just straight up copy quotes from their press releases, make a quick gag with a reaction, and the audience loves it. Trump is just making it too easy, he's gotta make Late Night great again by not fucking up in such a spectacular fashion so Colbert and co. have to work for their jokes.

He has to make it easy for them so the Kansas City shuffle works

fuck those people, they are dead wood. they need to be burned away.

metaphorically speaking. please do not burn their house down.