Play in a radical feminist hardcore band

>play in a radical feminist hardcore band
>stick your dick in crazy left-wing chick
>she accuses you of rape, destroys your life and disbands your band

never ever.

Eating each other.
Absolute degenerates.

full story?

LMAO i just read through that Facebook post

The comments are hilarious. I have never seen such concentrated levels of cucking in my entire life. The dudes literally say "womyn" unironically while groveling and pleading to the cult of progressivism.

They deserve it. I used to play in a touring deathcore band but quit in 2913 because it was starting to go full SJW and it just wasn't fun anymore. I know like 5 band dudes who have been accused of "rape" from psycho SJW girls and had to go into hiding


This gay ass hardcore band called "wolf down" was supposed to go on tour with Stray from the path, but some stupid cunt said one of the dudes raped her. Sounds like total bullshit.

Go to their Facebook and read the post. It is like every SJW meme in one, there's even a trigger warning

john titor detected

Guitarist of a German radical feminist hardcore band got accused of rape by Ex-GF 2 persons. He confirmed the accusions to be true. In the aftermath the band disbanded and there is now a shitstorm on going.

Funny part is the band knew this the whole time as their first female singer left the band because of sexual harassment. Also the guitarist doesn't face any consequences as the victims didn't file charges.

>He confirmed the accusions to be true.
He admitted to rape? Or he admitted to the SJW-watered-down-second-thoughts-kinda rape?

Vague anonymous accusations that could have been made up by some alt right asshole seeking to cause infighting

>their first female singer left the band because of sexual harassment.
>be grill
>sing in punk rock band
>work and travel with guys
>one of them eventually makes some kind of move
>have mental fuckin breakdown
>wonder why males want to have sex
>everything is against me
>all sex is raep
i swear to god just saying someone looks nice today is becoming some kind of rape, i'm starting to believe the idea that ugly, obnoxious bitches push this because rape means they are attractive enough to warrant attention, so every action is a category of rape.
I don't want this shit to spasm into gay fascist misogyny mgtow faggotry, maybe the millenials could just learn to respect difference and maybe the Sup Forumstards could give up the safe space nationalist retardation.

Second. She said it was "kind of rape"

>fuck a girl, consensually, as a radical feminist
>grab her tiddies, she doesnt really like it
>get accused of rape because it wasnt consenseual enough
holy fuck lmao

What's it like in the future?

How's the future treating you?

From the statement:
>"I met the person that holds the accusations against me, last year in February. During that time, I have to admit, that my sexual self-reflection concerning the right approach to consensual sex had not yet been brought to the same level as my other radical-leftwing convictions. I feel ashamed for that."

Le kek du jour... Trigger warning, cringy pandering.. God I love this cannibalism

Just shows you what sort of piece of shit pretends to be a male feminist to begin with.

everything these people say and do is instrumental. it's an inevitable psychological reaction to their moral/philosophy

Every guy I know who became an SJW around the 2012-2014 time was an absolute piece of shit prior to becoming an SJW. Rude, arrogant, nasty, creepy, and a little rapey.

So many SJW guys I know have been accused of rape and taken to court, despite talking about stupid feminist shit 24/7.

People are attracted to SJW ideology to bully people. They're nothing but bullies, they don't actually want to help anyone.

WolfDown seems like Tumblr: The Band

>People are attracted to SJW ideology to bully people
this tbf
if they're telling that they're a good guy, chances are that they're not even close to being a good guy
anybody who is actually a decent person hides that shit for the weakness it really is

What the fuck did I just read.

They also canceled a gig with a african band that was also accused of rape but later it turned out it was just horse shit

>So underage they haven't even been born yet.