The Huffington Post Victimizes Child Abusers In One Of Their Latest Articles

>Written by Dr. Eve and titled "It's Not A Popular Subject, But The Latest Research About Pedophilia May Help Us Protect Our Kids," the author starts off by saying, "Professionals who work clinically and conduct research into pedophilia must be scientific and confident to withstand the arrows that get slung at them."

>This first statement in itself is not alarming. What follows is.

>Three paragraphs into the article, the author says, "I ask you to hold back judgment, consider compassion... and hope you will keep reading this so you can learn with me." She then states, "let's get our terms sorted out to obviate confusion," and proceeds to define, and separate, pedophilic disorder from child molestors.

>One of the most disturbing and mind-bending conclusions the author has come up with is the following:

>"So you get the differences, right? Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, the pedophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges to act out and child molesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be pedophiles."


>"Just because someone is a pedophile, doesn't mean they're a bad person."

Other urls found in this thread:

Homosexuality is a mental disorder too. Whats the point of sex if not to procreate? It is no different than a person who eats when they don't need calories.

>So you get the differences, right? Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, the pedophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges to act out
Partially agree, I don't condemn pedos outright purely because they were likely victims themselves. If they act, however, then get the cross.
> child molesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be pedophiles.
One of the dumbest things I've read in a while. Also,
>open link, click Dr. Eve hotlink, her real name is Marlene Wasserman
imagine my shock

Every time I see this shit I keep saying to myself "lol this can't be real" and every time it turns out to be real

>so you get the differences, right?
>opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children
>vs non-opportunistically pedophiles who have healthy, consensual pedophile relationships with mature children.
what's the hold-up on the arrests? the republic is dead if it allows people like this to get away with it.
Where is Julius Caesar? When you planning on crossing the Rubicon?


If someone molested my child, I would take it to the authorities. If the authorities didn't arrest the molester, I would murder the molester. That's all

>So you get the differences, right?
>Paedophilia is a sexual orientation,
>the paedophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges to act out
>and child molesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be paedophiles.

>pedophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges

So, every non-heterosexual sexual urge confirmed for mental disorder? Because that's what categorizing "pedophilic disorder" as such is tantamount to.

Under the DSM-V, yes, actually. All fetishes are considered mental disorders, HOWEVER: They are considered to not be a problem unless they are either illegal or interfering with every day life.

>They are considered to not be a problem unless they are either illegal or interfering with every day life.

Bullshit, buddy. This kind of wishy washy approach is exactly why we need to stop this nonsense in its tracks.

Ambiguous legalese will enable these criminals and end up normalizing their behavior. It's already starting...

Like pottery

Pedophilia is a paraphilia, not a sexual orientation. Anyone who claims otherwise either does not know about the existence of paraphiliae as a classification, or are closet pedophiles or pedophile sympathizers.
Pedophilia is a mental illness. Without treatment, it eventually drives the victim to commit child abuse, child molestation, or other activities. All pedophiles must be cured via therapy, or culled, for the safety of all children.

>it eventually drives the victim to commit child abuse

See, you already fucked up by calling them victims.

Anything sexual that does not result in more healthy children being born into secure families is immoral and should be discouraged. The "sexual orientation" and sex as an identity paradigms are wrong and based on misinformation.

slaying 13 year olds is a thousand times more normal than homosexuality

but one is illegal and the other is not, hmm

I meant victim in a clinical sense, strictly in terms of the fact that they suffer from a mental illness. Nothing more, nothing less.
If we were talking about someone with histrionic personality disorder, I'd call them a victim, too. Doesn't mean I'd spare any pity or attention for them. They didn't lose their kids in a fire, after all.

Most are victims though.

>my personal morals on the subject are scientific

In separate instances early on in their lives, sure. But what happens later on when they actually act on their sick fetishes. Then they are the criminals and the children they've abused are the victims.

>Anything sexual that does not result in more healthy children being born into secure families is immoral and should be discouraged.
>citation needed

>"So you get the differences, right? Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, the pedophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges to act out and child molesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be pedophiles."
This is so fucking retarded i don't even know where to start.