Why does Sup Forums hate liberals so much?

Especially the burgers on Sup Forums.

>'muh freedums'

Guess what, that means you're a liberal.

Definitions change my nigga

What part of "politically incorrect" do you not understand?

Sup Forums doesn't hate liberals
Sup Forums hates leftists

progressives and SJWs have gone so far left that liberals are now center-right compared to those crazy assholes

We don't hate what liberals once stood for. The classic liberal. They hijacked the movement in the early 20th century. They are, today, kinda a mix of fascism, communism and socialism. Funny mix it is but that's how I see it. I see them more a Statist. And they are degenerat by nature thus making then regressive. I feel most of them have some sort of mental disorder. I have my theory on that but that is for another time.

Classical liberalism is fine

The problem is people who call themselves "liberals" in the US 99% of the time are far left and have almost no actual liberal values

Hypocrisy on Islam and their hatred of the nation state.

Economically liberal is not the same as socially liberal. Not paying attention to this distinction is purposefully misleading and points to your fallacy.

Sup Forums rightfully is against the second kind.

Reasons? Inconsequence; irrational and damaging attitudes and decisions; a system of values that benefits the weak, unskilled and unfit -- to name a few.

liberals are total "do gooders" and they come in a bundle package of all the stupid stuff

Burger liberal != classic liberal my dog blowing friend. Classic liberal is more akin to libertarian...

Liberalism is a mental disorder most grow out of eventually. The only elder Libs are really sick or absolute corruption. Anyone who thinks through any issue figures out with ease that the Liberal argument is great on feelings but very short on reality.


So what you're saying is that you don't understand the use of the word "liberal" in the context of modern American political discourse?

You're either intentionally or woefully ignorant.

Guess what, that means you're a leaf.

>The problem is people who call themselves "liberals" in the US 99% of the time are far left and have almost no actual liberal values

>burger meme

We don't hate people that are socially liberal, we hate leftists. Libertarians are often socially liberal, but unlike leftists we don't try to take away people's rights.

Because they don't understand themselves.

Fuck you cunt. Show your tits. Suck white cock. KYS.
In that order. Saged.

Fuck yourself you degenerate faggot leaf. America is doing what is right by stomping out the rampant erosion of rationality. You will be thanking us

I think the problem is immaturity and lack of humility that personal setbacks in life will teach you. Many young people these days hold kinda "hard values" when it comes to economics, social issues etc. When they age they'll understand that things aren't usually so black and white. It is easy to be bold when you're in your prime.

Also liberalism is pretty much stolen by globalists and too much associated with economy.

Mostly because of their irrational desire to invite brown people. Other than that I'd mostly align with them.

liberals are also social workers and participation reward givers. That's not essentially leftist, but it's totally liberal.

"my post is retarded so i need to upload a picture of an attractive female as bait"


Liberals want to ban robowaifus, I will not allow that

i would stab them to death with a rusty screwdriver if I was allowed to and it would not bother me one bit.

it's the brainwashed commie cultists who are the problem, shitskin. those are neither "Liberals" nor "liberals."
if you'd lurked like you were supposed to you'd know this.

can't really blame Sup Forums for hating what the term actually means rather than what it was supposed to

I have mostly liberal views myself, but 99% of modern self-proclaimed 'liberals' are disgusting

UCF are turbo pussys. Nothing to see here.

Yea well you liberals up in leaf land made damn sure you didn't even have free speech. Bunch of cucks.

So commies now believe in freedom. What a wonderful world we live in.

Maybe it's the total lack of self-awareness?

You flabdicked shiteater, OP. The kinds of people we refer to with the term "liberals" aren't much like what others might distinguish as libertarian or classic liberal. They're neoliberals. Social justice, progressivism and a marxist ideal of equity is what they stand for, roughly speaking. Scientism, atheism and transhumanism often signifies the ones not quite as dim as the rest. The vast majority of the rabble (here conservatives, by all means, are guilty of the same) are willing to sacrifice freedoms from in favor of freedoms to. True liberty demands both, however. Their socialist tendencies are second nature. Intellectually squalid neolibs will falsely think that true liberty can be without a liberal market, but the slightly quicker ones will give you three fucking scoops of shitflavored ice cream with an academic coating and claim that equality as well as liberal markets can co-exist. It can't. I know the market isnt the sole determinant in the society game, but its extremely significant in affecting what activities the governments and states can engage in. Some of the more radical leftists (that many would call liberals) are totalitarian autocrats without even realizing it.

up is down, right is wrong.
It's 2017 user

What's with burgers greentexting 'burger meme' all the time? What are you even trying to imply?

Basically a desperate attempt at defending their country's integrity, image and reputation. It's okay user, we know you're not ALL (just most) basically 2nd worlders, and if you aren't, all the best. However. The US as a collective entity is nothing to admire or look up to.

It's probably a response to whatever the fuck "burger" is supposed to mean.
If you live here, you know the people who abuse food like burgers are all in the South.
They're hicks, the type to fuck their daughters and cousins, and basically the stupidest "god and guns" type that couldn't hold a coherent 2-post conversation on Sup Forums.

Not like anyone was seriously concerned with this in the first place.

My guess would be they still are only brave enough to 'fight' parked cars and storefronts. If anything, the training should make them less of a threat in case they hurt themselves during it

Society breeds weakness. That weakness manifests itself as liberalism, a phenomenon not found in nature. There's fascism in nature, there's conservatism in nature, but not liberalism. Why is that? Because nature has selected liberals for death. What do you think happens to sheep who think "wolf lives matter"? They don't live very long. For society to function, and remain strong, this weakness must be removed.