480000 tobacco deaths per year

>480000 tobacco deaths per year
>88000 alcohol deaths per year
>ZER0 cannabis deaths per year

how can anyone justify cannabis being a schedule 1 controlled substance when alcohol and tobacco are FAR more dangerous?

Other urls found in this thread:


The only person posting this everyday is the same faggot shilling against it later in the threads.
Nice false flag, faggot.
Smoking a bong is not even a healthy way to consume cannabis.

Even coke is still schedule II because it can be used as a topical anaesthetic. I can literally order it at work and have it the next day.


posting in a weed thread cause i miss it

Hook a nigga up. Shit mang


>how can anyone justify cannabis being a schedule 1 controlled substance

Did you see the guy in the webm? That's why

i can order it over the phone and have a few grams in minutes

I called your number but theres no answer

>ZER0 cannabis deaths per year
This is actually not true.

You post this thread at least 3-4 times a day.
>go outside

Yes, but how can we control this substance to benefit the Jews? This is the question we must ask.

>how can anyone justify cannabis being a schedule 1 controlled substance

You can't.

Now fuck off.


How old is rawog420?

It's called a false flag I called it out in the first post. Only people who see this thread and don't Immediately think "oh another edgy 13 year old DARE kid" has zero sense of bias confirmation.

But when I do it, it's totally legal.

Another one of these threads

Because fuck hippies

Smoking weed does one thing really well: It makes you feel comfortable with your current situation. Thats all.

If your current situation is sitting inside all day, playing vidya, thats how you'll feel comfortable. You get uncomfortable the second you leave.

How do the jews use this against us? Make it illegal so theres a taboo on it, cant feel comfortable in public with pot. People who care about the law (whites) will end up smoking all day inside by themselves and become couch leeches.

>how can anyone justify cannabis being a schedule 1 controlled substance when alcohol and tobacco are FAR more dangerous?
The only people who protest against Marijuana are butthurt losers that never got invited to the cool kids parties in school/college. Either that, or butthurt betas that can't handle their smoke.

>0 cannabis deaths per year
Smoke less pot and maybe you won't be so stupid.

>this thread again

all i do is smoke when i come home from work

Ok well if you're going to reply to this faggot who false flags this retarded stoned shit (like that's a normal cannabis user, HA) you may as well learn the reality of why Pharma kikes want it banned.

but people have died from smoking pot. it causes the same diseases as smoking tobacco. and pot smokers hold in the smoke deeper and longer which makes it worse on a per-smoke measure.

I used to smoke weed. After you grow out of this shit you get really redpilled on weed.

It makes you lazy as fuck and the culture behind it is some of the worst form of degeneracy. Huge fucking waste of money too. Now I really know why people who don't smoke weed and why past generations hated it so much. It brings nothing to society. It just makes you a liberal minded faggot and for most people they can't actually moderate their usage, so it becomes a pretty destructive habit

Fuck weed, it's for degenerates. If any of you guys haven't grown out of that shit DO IT NOW. It will make you a much better person

>Make it illegal so theres a taboo on it, cant feel comfortable in public with pot. People who care about the law (whites) will end up smoking all day inside by themselves and become couch leeches.

this theory is retarded. people smoke weed outside all the time, in public and in private. they still end up braindamaged lefties like most stoners.

We need to legalize speed before we legalize weed.
Think about it, ever seen a nigger do a line of amphetamine or smoke a bowl of shard?

Also, legalize LSD.

Legalize and tax

tell me user, do you drink alcohol or have any hobbies

Nope, studies prove that anyone who smokes anything get cancer. But smoking plastic isn't illegal. Smoking tobacco isnt illegal, though it increases medical operation recovery time by up to 500%!!!
Cannabis speeds body recovery and THC has twenty times the antiinflammatpry effects of Asprin.
Smoking it out of a fat bong is fucking retarded, but so is taking 15 shots of vodka, yet that is common among American kids.

It is physically impossible to OD on cannabis.

>ever seen a nigger do shard or a line
Crack is better for you than meth, and is a stimulant. Columbia niggers make cocaine. You are completely wrong.
Cannabis has been used extensively all over the planet for 3000 years.

bruh i smoked daily for 2 years and im against weed now take that flag off you degenerate

i also used to smoke weed as noted in my first post above, and i can tell you this man's opinion is skewed and/or larp. just because he was a useless loser and blames weed doesnt mean that all people who smoke are useless losers like him. loser who smoke will be losers, and winners who smoke will be winners. it doesnt create who you are, unless you were nothing to begin with.

Retard appears
Hey "bruh" who didn't fucking bother to read fucking thread,
He is one of you retards, shilling against a plant because you are too retarded to make edibles or CBD oil which cures cancer among thousands of other uses.

Yes many hobbies. I hunt, fish, read, swim, make beer, write, and collect shit to sell at the local flea market, also selling at the flea market is a hobby. I hike as well, hiking is my favorite hobby

I drink alcohol, mostly just beer though and I don't really get drunk I just enjoy the beer.

nah, i never post the same thread twice per day. must be other shitposters.
>taking a shitpost this seriously
lmao youre a massive tool.

>Cannabis speeds body recovery

wtf is "body recovery", you have a source on that claim? Also weed suppresses the functioning of your immune system, so it probably wouldn't be recommended for someone recovering from surgery (for the increased risk of infection)


fucking gas yourself hippie

And you're posting an unhealthy looking mongrel taking fat bong rips on the worst Cannabis advocation of all time, if you aren't a literal shill then you are a literal retard.

>which cures cancer

you're retarded. treating cancer is not the same as curing cancer. Show me one documented, proven case of a person whose cancer was cured through use of CBD

Crack ain't got shit on proper stims like meth and pyros. Shit lasts for all of 20 minutes. You'll never see a crackhead who's been awake for a week.
Coke and crack are babby-tier stims.

Bottom line is, you don't see lower races dabbling in strong stims. They're scared of them. Too many shadow people, niggers think it's satanic, and beaners too.

Weed's cool. No reason for it to be illegal at all. It's caffeine/coffee-tier. Alcohol is far and away a stronger drug, from a pharmacological perspective. And yet society thinks nothing of it. Society is, after all, stupid. Thanks to government and the media.

I was actually never a loser when I smoked, but most my friends were

Tell me user why are most people who smoke weed liberals, niggers, degenerates, white trash, or idiots? Why is it the drug of high school dropouts, white niggers and people who look up to burnouts like Tommy Chong? Go ahead though, defend a bad habit. That's all weed is. Something that is a bad habit

No one cares what you think, faggot, I live in a vet filled state of medical and rec users, we are successful and everyone is trying to move here. You can suck a fat dick for assuming I'm a hippy for advocating a magic plant that my ancestors used.

It's funny. I started smoking weed in my mid twenties and went from a lefty to libertarian right, partly because of that.

You should read up on the Third Reich's actual drug laws. By modern standards they were lenient as fuck.

didnt read
fucking gas yourself hippie

>why are most people who smoke weed
What the fuck are you talking about? I have millionaire tech genius friends who smoke weed everyday. Not all of us are on your fucking level, I'm sorry you can't function with it but MOST can, and that's a fact!
Your interpretation is nothing but opinions bias

>Tell me user why are most people who smoke weed liberals, niggers, degenerates, white trash, or idiots?

Because smart people don't talk about their habits?

You know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is?

That's nice, but also why I said "most", not all. Don't even try to argue that most stoners arent lefties.

No one gives a fuck what you think. You are obviously a shill who doesn't know not to reply to threads unless you are bringing them attention.

But the ratio to insufferable cunts is through the roof!


>stompers aren't lefties
You realize that cannabis users don't even like stoners??? Do you hang out with Drunk homeless people (everyone who I see drinking is homeless after all!) because you have a glass of wine once in a while?

>I have millionaire tech genius friends who smoke weed everyday.

sure buddy, whatever you say. the chronically unemployed loser who lives with his grandma down the street from me smokes weed everyday too. There's a reason why people associate weed/stoners with retards like Cheech and Chong or Seth Rogen, they don't associate it with Elon Musk or any scientist/engineer etc

>Used to smoke weed
>Proceeds to write as if he's currently high as a kite.

nazi germany had an anti smoking law which included marijuana

If you think potheads are insufferable, you should get out into the real world and deal with actual insufferable assholes.
Tip: College isn't forever.

I actually don't care if people smoke weed but I'll vote against it every time i see someone filming themselves smoking pot and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>Do you hang out with Drunk homeless people (everyone who I see drinking is homeless after all!)

this analogy is retarded. Go to your local bar, tell me how many of the people in there are homeless. Then go hang out with some stoners and tell me how many of them aren't lefties.

Nope, Seth Rogan is a STONER. Doing a drug does not making you a druggie, abusing the drug makes you a druggie.
Cannabis is harmless and doesn't affect driving or thinking abilities. The effects are short term and are not measurable after 2-4 hours,

didnt read
gas yourself hippie

You counting how many people die from the illicit marijuana trade? Didn't think so, nigger.


I say legalize every drug. fuck it lmao. if you're stupid enough to get hooked on drugs, it's your own damn fault.

>kosher marijuana
So speed is approved then!

>doesn't affect driving or thinking abilities.

full retard. It's not even debatable that weed affects thinking abilities like short-term memory. And it may not affect your driving abilities as badly as alcohol, but it doesn't help. Just because you drive fine when high doesn't mean most people do (ever had a drunk friend try to tell you that he drives better after a few drinks? makes you roll your eyes, right?)

A stoner is someone who smokes too much weed, it is not an analogy it's a parallel term.
>illicit marijuana trade
Legal cannabis industry saves lives each day. Vets who are on opiates would do much better to use a healing cannabis oil or tincture.

>A stoner is someone who smokes too much weed

Um, no. A stoner is just someone who smokes weed habitually/frequently.


Amphetamine/meth actually improve driving ability however.

You realize there are different types of cannabis right? With measurable, chemical differences? You probably didn't know this, but smoking Sativa speeds your functions up, like caffeine without the after effects. Meanwhile, smoking Indica slows you down.
Regardless, the studies done to find Drunk vs. High driving differences found insignificant differences between the CONTROL group and th "high" group, other than the high group driving slightly more cautiously.

Almost all of the stoners I know are moderates or lean toward libertarianism. Libertarianism is essentially conservatism free from the retarded ideologies of evangelicals which plague the sad and decrepit Republican party.

Drunks are ignorant and talk about politics and social affairs like it's a football game between two teams. No doubt it's a condition of staring at a television their whole life downing a Budweiser and rooting for a team that is probably down in their division anyway.

Black markets are inherently violent.

over indulgence of anything is a bad habit. those who lack self control are prone to make mistakes. the reason all the shit examples you list are examples is probably because those are the types most likely to glorify and signal their actions. all women have vaginas, but you only see pics of the cam whores' vag for the same reason. all your examples only show how people who want to impress others show off how 'cool' they are in methods learned from media they consume. it also tells something of the people who you personally are exposed to. i know plenty of successful, educated, employed, financially satisfied conservative types who partake, and the only reason i know is because they trusted me enough to not fear disclosing this info. finally, im not defending a bad habit, im defending a choice people should be able to make. whether it is 'bad' or not- is up to the end user, which is typically usually manifested though abuse and persistent failure.

people who were destined to fail will fail regardless, and people who were destined to succeed will succeed regardless

No, a stoner is someone who gets constantly "stoned" as in, smoking gram bowls and dabbing constantly. Just like a drunk is someone who takes five shots and then drinks a forty every couple days. You don't have to argue, I know what the term means.

>Black market
>inherently violent

Clue is in the title senpai.

>You probably didn't know this, but smoking Sativa speeds your functions up, like caffeine without the after effects.

I smoked weed for years, retard. We even used to have a dispensary in my town. Smoking a strong sativa will absolutely not "speed your functions up", it's nothing like caffeine. Just because it makes you less lethargic than Indicas doesn't mean it "speeds you up".

I fucking love how weed smokers use this whole BUT LOOK AT THIS ONE OUTLIER. As if that changes that fact that most people who smoke weed are utter degenerates.

A drunk is someone who drinks all the time. A stoner is someone who smokes all the time. Pretty fucking basic.

Sounds like you had shorty weed, and for me and most other people I know, Sativa (actual Sativa from a modern dispo) definitely speeds you up.
Again saying most people are this doesn't make it true. Most people who you know smoke weed are probably retarded. Most people who smoke weed don't just let on to faggots like you that they smoke weed.

Why do you fuck tard pot heads always say "it is a cure for cancer it can do everything it's a cure all" when that is not true and it has real medical uses that have been proven like treating epilipsie.

>Almost all of the stoners I know are moderates or lean toward libertarianism

that's great. almost all of the regular smokers I know are lefties. All of the celebrities you associate with weed are lefties. All of the musicians and artists you associate with weed are lefties. Smokers are generally lefties.

Are you retarded?

weed makes you fucking dumb as shit. but it is a less TOXIC than cigarettes or alcohol. Dont be a degenerate stoner retarded.

>you had shorty weed

I assume you mean "shitty weed", and you're wrong. I was probably smoking better shit than you. Again, it was from a medical dispensary. It wasn't fucking brickweed.

Read the post that's what I just fucking said. Drinking a half glass of wine every night doesn't make someone a "drunk" it is proven that this extends your lifetime. For a cannabis user substituting brain killers like Adderall, everyday use doesn't constitute being a "stoner" to anyone but an outsider (like how ex Drunks treat all alcohol as degenerate)


would you like a translation, i understand you brits dont speak american

righto mate, any willy nilly fellow whom partaketh of ye olde sillyphilly doth noth be yet inclined to thee ol' failureola lest he be so inclined to produce thee deuce despite his own self! the right chap be not inflicted upon by thine bollocks so verily doth he succeed in the need to be not bound by the bellend of the willow! Cheerio!

>As if that changes that fact that most people who smoke weed are utter degenerates.

Son, please.
You do not get to use Sup Forums and legitimately call other people degenerate.
I know it's a joke among us who've been here a long time, but you newfaggots really need to understand.

>Drinking a half glass of wine

this is the equivalent of taking like one or two tokes of weed per evening. How many people do you know who do that?

>it is proven that this extends your lifetime

Found the drunk.

Says the tard hiding their flag.
I've done the pothead scene, and gone out into the real world, yes the world is full of cunts I wish was socially acceptable to shoot in the face.
But at least they change the fucking tune once in a while..

>who do you know who takes one or two roles a night
Most friends I smoke with smoke maybe once or twice a week, if that... it's not addictive unless you let the feeling of high nostalgia get out of control.
I am a fucking medical user and that's exactly what I do I have double ulnar neuropathy and being able to take one or two tokes a day keeps me happier than if I was on Opiates.

>whenever faggots ask this question to me and I just tell them that I think they should all be illegal and they get buttmad as fuck and start calling me a nazi since they wanted to get into a debate they would win about why le these are legal but this aint le

>Most friends I smoke with smoke maybe once or twice a week

I'm not talking about people who smoke once or twice a week, I'm talking about people who smoke 5+ days per week.

>I do I have double ulnar neuropathy

yeah yeah I'm sure you do have some special snowflake medical condition and ONLY take one or two hits per night, fuck off then my posts don't apply to you

>I've done the pothead scene, and gone out into the real world, yes the world is full of cunts I wish was socially acceptable to shoot in the face.

You're still green I see.
You need to learn how to cruise life. You're too uptight, and it's going to end up killing you, or at minimum, make you hate living.
I don't hide my flag. I'm an ameritard, in Florida. I prefer this flag to the one my rotten shit government flies.

Infects the minds of the weak. Look at that Webm, this guy is obsessed with this plant.

I guess α-PVP isn't a strong stimulate huh?

Regardless if you think niggers don't do meth you're a fucking idiot they'll take anything they get their hands on thats what poor people do