The White fertility rate was really low in the 1980's when it was "morning in America"

The White fertility rate was really low in the 1980's when it was "morning in America".






All info you need

Wow, those lines are erratic

LOL that Hispanic Birth rate aint looking so hot anymore and Trump is deporting millions of them. So long Libs.

Only one problem remains: Hispanic immigration from Southern America. Mexico is no longer a real demograpic problem, as you can see here.

South America has 1/4 million whites.
>Argentina is blanca

They are not coming from Argentina, nor Southern Brazil, nor Uruagay.

Guatemala, El Salvador, and Niggeragua are our biggest threats now

At least we're outpacing those fucking savages out in the plains in their teepees

>El Salvador
ICE has been focusing on El Salvador for deportations over Mexico lately.

Only because they are the race most likely to race mix.

Interesting, Hispanics and Amerindians actually took the biggest hit

We should be talking about Hispanic genocide, white birth rate is actually relatively stable compared to them

We all need too do a better job of getting middle class whites to breed but i'm not in a rush while it is white liberals who are dying off.

Holy Fuck, why is the Native american birthrate so low?

I read somewhere the women dominate the society and there's lots of broken families.

Imagine having a white Trump baby boom, plus mass immigration from Western Europeans.

They aren't coming from South America. They are coming from the minor Central American states (i.e. Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.)