Why are so many peice of shit racists championing national socialism as some sort of justification or rallying call for...

Why are so many peice of shit racists championing national socialism as some sort of justification or rallying call for their dumbasses?
National socialism was never about a master race or supremacy, it was about rallying a race around a mentality of progression and capability. Germans were a defeated people after ww1 and needed to be rallied, Hitler did so, but he still had respect for all races and creeds.
Propaganda us responsible for all the bullshit surrounding the 3rd Reich and counter-culture brainlets justify it. Why can't we pursue a common good in the utopian system of national socialism?

>also here's an interesting image

Other urls found in this thread:


>All races and creeds
Except jews
But even then he wasn't nearly as bad as modern depictions

So you like modern germany?

>Gommunism Light
>No master race yet we still are gona genocide all the slavs for "Reasons"

Change your flag back leaf.

Nice image. You are mostly right, except for the utopia part. utopia is not natural of the human being, Hitler never promised a utopia, only communists do that. If a system tries to do too much it fails inevitably because of the geometrically proportional complexity of itself.

No, because they have utterly submitted to modern liberalism and self-loathing
The attempted conquest of Russia was not very different than what the other European countries were doing to the rest if the world

I'm using utopia to make a point but I agree that utopian societies are impossible because of human nature

>that pic
the Americans fought for the Jews after they fought the Spaniards, because the explosion of the maritime vessel Maine was an inside job

>No, because they have utterly submitted to modern liberalism and self-loathing

We can agree on this.

But you said that being racist is bad. So you are ok with all the non white ethnicities in germany right?

I'm a national socialist so not an masse, no.
I want people to live in their native homeland and work to make it better, but if they genuinely do not like their nations I'm fine with people immigrating as long as they actually help the countries they immigrate to.

Fascism is a joke and anyone that legitimately thinks it is a good ideology is a political joke.

Hard right conservatism is what you want

>National socialism was never about a master race or supremacy
>Hitler did so, but he still had respect for all races and creeds
This is what happens when reddit crossposters come here and have zero capability to critically examine claims

Sorry everyone who responds, I have to leave

Yeah, that worked so well before. What you want is anarcho-fascism, where you use the state to ensure a monoculture, and let the market roam freely, allow free speech and allow the population to be armed. Also, education might be under government control, but that's debatable.

>anarcho-fascism, where you use the state to ensure a monoculture, and let the market roam freely, allow free speech

>"God save the queen"
"Can I save my son's life please"
Parliament-"no you are not allowed to leave our perfect social medical system for a better one"

>"haha glad I don't live in a totalitarian regime"

I have zero idea what you are talking about

>spaniah colonial militia
Guess the Spanish aren't white after all.

By monoculture I mean of course monoracial.

So what you want is anti-immigration conservativism?
There is no need to call everything fascism to appease some underage larpers.

Well, no. I want jews and non-whites out. There's nothing conservative about that. Free movement between white countries is not only fine, but encouraged. Unless of course the entire white world adopts this system. Then immigration is 0.

What a stupid fucking post full of bullshit

...Are you trying to make Hitler politically correct?

I can't even....

Last week a brit's newborn with a rare nervous system defect was not allowed to come to the US to pursue more advanced treatment by the British government
To be fair it was really expensive and only had a 10% chance of success but the fact that he wasn't allowed to even make the choice says alot about how the UK views it's countryman compared to immigrants

>He does not know about mittleafrika and the plans of Hitler to have german colonies around the globe
The father of Göring worked in the african german colonies of the second reich

also you sound like a commie, please KYS. Hitler knew that people like the africans are not even humans, little more than animals, for what reason he would have left a prosperous continent full of resources to the niggers?

Do it. Excommunicate him, leaf.

How much of a contrarian pussy do you have to be to support National-Socialism while condemning racism?
Is this master-bait or is OP just a fag?

>Hitler had respect for all ... creeds
Marxism is a creed. Liberalism is a creed. Multiculturalism is a creed.
Hitler sure respected those.

And somehow 'non-racist National-Socialism' is no longer the dumbest concept on this page.
Christ user, I can't quite believe you did that.

Diverse societies are inherently less trusting, less community-spirited and less successful.
Quit attacking your volk

You misspelled "Hello, I'm a commie and I'm super excited to take a helicopter tour of Utopia!"


There's actually a book on it. I didn't pull it out of my ass.

>Diverse societies are inherently less trusting, less community-spirited and less successful
Kekekek. This why America rules the world for over a century now?

america is ruled by a homogeneous nation, Israel

Always wondered where these soldier pictures come from.

Because 95% of this board has turned into children and underachieving retards who don't understand the world and are sheep joining this bullshit reactionary populist "alt-right" crap.

These untermensch adherents of this train of thought have achieved absolutely nothing of value, have no discernible skills or merit as human beings, and therefore put pride in their race above all other things. They're literally the other side of the SJW coin. heir whiteness is the one thing that can never be taken away from them, yet also is the one thing that took no effort whatsoever to possess, thus giving them a completely undeserved sense of superiority over ethnic minority individuals, many of whom have accomplished far more than they ever will.

Despite having zero power or influence over real life politics, these sub-Nazi deadbeats have a significant online presence ready to thumb down YouTube videos on important topics such as female Ghostbusters and Mexican Spider-Man. They're a parasite everywhere from Sup Forums to Reddit to Twitter, where they can be found spewing ad hominem spergfests and protesting against multiculturalism while masturbating to Japanese anime waifus in their avatars.


>Why can't we pursue a common good in the utopian system of national socialism?

If utopia is a goal to be achieved then returns browse because the solution to 1984 is 1933.

Moreover, your question makes no sense, you talk about doing good with national socialism, whereas common beneficence is the central point of the ideology, I do not need to justify the cause to justify the acts, nor to wear a uniform to show it, I know the cause is right.

>National socialism was never about a master race or supremacy, it was about rallying a race around a mentality of progression and capability. Germans were a defeated people after ww1 and needed to be rallied, Hitler did so, but he still had respect for all races and creeds.

That's what fascism was, but Hitler hijacked the movement and turned it to 'our race is more superior than yours, so we deserve your land and resources'.
There's a thin line between patriotism and nationalism, just as there's a thin line between communism and socialism.

>linguine education
Eat shit, it's three short paragraphs. Look at the picture for the quick rundown if you're seriously that fucking lazy.

pretty much this. I've met so many of these people in real life, they are absolute fuckwads when you get them off the internet (not that they're much better there).

They see Trump as some sort of God, but Trump is temprary, regardless of if he's removed or not. Their is no Trump 2.0 waiting in the wings. Kid Rock? Don't make me laugh. Once Trump is out, there brief time in the spotlight will be over and the adults can get back to running the show.

These people rail against things they don't understand. Vague concepts like "duh jews", globalism, liberalism, etc.

It's all about giving the middle finger to as many people in power and those who actually know what they're talking about as possible and framing this juvenile punk mentality as subversive and cutting-edge when in reality it's anything but.
