Testosterone & Fertility - SOLUTIONS

So since apparently whites, despite the fact of being the 'most advanced race in the world', can't breed, are getting outbred by shitskins and are destroying their masculinity because of unhealthy lifestyle that they imposed to themselves AND just hit a low in terms of sperm count in history recently...

Sup Forums, what are your solutions to raise the sperm count and raise the testosterone levels?

Other urls found in this thread:


exercise, high carb diet, porn, more exercise

nice gyno

you mean "less porn"?
Does weight loss helps fertility & testosterone?

That's pretty hot desu

wow i love muslims noww

do pic related

and this


problem solved


>high carb
Am I missing something here?

>Remove feminism

That's the only way; exercise, diet and a healthy lifestyle don't mind nothing if the counterpart is a waste.

Here in Bongland the charming paki scum provide us with 33% of all birth defects. In terms of mongs made through indbreeding truly the short arsed bent spined little cunts are ahead of the game.


studies say (google them) that high carbs are much better for T than the shitty meme "low carbs and high protein"

>avoid GMO

what? You mean the jew studies from places like (((nutritionfacts.com))) or the many studies from other nations that are DIFFERENT RACES?


Read this pastebin and my above posts. Like I said before, problem is solved, stop arguing, bump the thread if you care about the actual solutions.

... media has been pushing low carb pretty hard. mayhaps there is a reason



ur trash

fat is better than carbs. porn and masturbation should be avoided at all costs

I've lost the /fit/ knowledge repository that quoted the study but I'm sure it can be found on pubmed

That's because Islam demands inbred people.

>hurf a durf muh organic

Fuck off with your leftist shit

Wrong, pakis have this inbred culture while for example indonesians don't, idk why pakis love their cousins like that

enjoy your atrazine and glyphosate induced sex change.

The claims about shrinking fertility in the west came out of izrale
Repetition of the claim seeks to establish it as fact
I for one dispute it

>what is the bacteria being killed that is also important for us thanks to non organic foods


Next. Also /thread. The consensus on this topic has been breached a while ago more or less. I am sorry you guys are just catching up.

You are lucky I even post in these threads for you newfags.

I just got a blood test and was told my T was very low. I exercise five days per week but there might be too much emphasis on cardio. I do push ups, pull ups, and squats after the run. I guess I need to stop being DYEL and pick up a dumbbell?

This means war.

Those studies are bullshit.
First, you have to be sure all the subjects haven't ejaculated for x days before the collection to get relevant results. As for penis size surveys, subjects tend to lie on that matter.
Secondly, technology is more precise nowadays than it was previously. Previous sperm cells numeration were not accurate.
Finally, sperm cells numeration is not the most important data. The quality of sperm cells comes first when you deal about fertility.

Anyway... To improve your testo levels, the most important is to avoid heat and alcoholic beverages. Follow a decent diet, practice some sports (testicles friendly ones) for optimum results.

>I just got a blood test and was told my T was very low
>I exercise five days per week
Then how come your T is very low? Do you have a lot of facial hair or just hairs in general? Do you smoke or drink a lot of alcohol?

GMO's on their own are not too bad, the problem lies in the increase of pesticides/herbicides. GMO plants can survive a fuck ton of these chemicals, so farmers us a fuck ton and everyone is happy.
But these chemicals fuck up the water, and remain in the plants you eat. youtube.com/watch?v=lgKZ-DnnKlQ

When you say "testicle-friendly", you mean like sports that aren't harmful to testicles like bicyclette?

>I'm too lazy to even post the links and give a synopsis

Yawn, typical low-t commie.

no more than 150 minutes per week you should do cardio, or else you get a cortisol response, a stress hormone that lowers T

are you a bot? All the links are in that pastebin, they are in all the pastebin, literally all of the evidence that I give out is linked and freely available. Yea I am pretty sure this is a shill, bot thread.

I do not smoke or drink alcohol at all. I'm 23. I can grow a normal beard and grow hair all around my chest with a trail leading all the way down to the nether region. Despite working out consistently I still have mild tit fat.

I see. Thank you.

Really, but loosing weight raises T, and cardio is the best for loosing weight & releases an anti stress hormone (serotonine I think) while cortisol is basically stress.
If you don't stress and do a lot of cardio, isn't it ok?

stop watching anime and tv problem and do something else or browsing this board and problem solved

Cardio is fucking worthless. Just do weight lifting.

"Cardio is soooo good for your heart, despite the fact that running more than 4 km a day, per week, is associated with irreversible heart muscle damage."

And if you're weight-lifting, control >>>>>> numerical weight. You'll see all this schmucks going through their reps super fast like they're fucking superman. The problem is that they coast on gravity and momentum. Weight being carried by gravity and momentum is weight that your muscles aren't having control and form over.

Control all of your lifts. Lift to failure. Slow down when coming back to starting. Control your lifts. And don't skip legs.

That's weird, even with some fat your T shouldn't be low. Is your skin really clear? Because the whitest males tend to have less testosterone on average. Or do you fap a lot? Bc that's a factor of low T

Get your fingers on the printscreen bois:

>Lose body fat / exercise
>Eat 2 eggs everyday
>Eat foods high in antioxidants
>Do intermittent fasting (this one is huge)
>Avoid soy, stir sauces and other sugar filled crap
>Supplement with omega 3, zinc, vitamin d3 in liquid form, calcium and maybe some others.
>Have healthy sleep hygiene, aim for 8 hours of quality sleep.
>Have more sex and quit watching porn. Quitting porn automatically gets you laid more over time, I promise.
>Take on responsibility and take risks in life. Especially if you're a beta follower in nature.
>Use high power body language. Google some images.
>Eat a general healthy balanced diet with a lot of greens. No refined sugar and drink only water.
>Take cold showers for an immediate boost.

It might take up to 6 or 12 months to notice changes, so don't get demotivated. Also don't be scared to become a different person, because you will.

That's what your computer is filled with faggot?

I went to university in Amerika and someone came in as a new student after winter break and proceeded to get 9-10 (that I knew of) women including a few non-students in the school's administration building pregnant and was given the boot for it. He was white. He slept on any hardwood floor or outside on the ground and used his arm as a pillow. He also choked out the previously number two Amerikan secondary school wrestler right in front of me in 5-6 seconds even after being blindside attacked. There were all these rumours about him being a psychic or some type of Kundalini sex guru flying around. Probably why the women actively surrendered to him.

>cardio is the best for loosing weight

Diet >>> exercise in weight loss. High fat and high protein >>> high carb.

Your goal is to let Leptin actually have a chance to do its magic. If you see a fat person, you see someone with elevated levels of Leptin. The problem is that our carby diets cuck Leptin from attaching to the right places. So instead of eating until the "you're full" signal of Leptin, they eat 'till they feel physical fullness.

You'll have a far easier time losing weight on bacon and eggs than on cereal and bread.

Men fap BECAUSE testosterone is high enough to provoke that level of sexual desire.

well I did keto AND cardio AND also a caloric defecit to get to a normal BMI and it worked, but its not a long term strategy for optimal test. Once you get to a good weight and have lost enough fat, do something less radical, like Intermittent fasting.

I sorta of think that population decline is a natural result of living in an advanced society since this does not only happen to white countries but places like Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea to.

People with an IQ below 80 in a high IQ society are unemployable, they cannot even stack shelves effectively and soon people with an IQ below 100 will become unemployable because of advances of technology.

There is no problem with population decline as the populace will eventually flat line and maintain itself.

It is a problem when you are bringing low IQ useless filth into your country which have five babies a piece.

This is all engineered.

>Men fap BECAUSE testosterone is high enough to provoke that level of sexual desire.
Ok so basically if you're horny all the time it's a sign of high T?

Sufficient enough T to be horny all the time like most men.

Not necessarily a sign of high T. Not necessarily a sign that you've avoided lower than average T levels. I don't know where the "tipping" point where you're so low in T that even the urge to masturbate is muted.

>Eat clean
>Train hard
>Good Sleep

I also take a quality multi-vitamin, and use nicotine as a supplement for it's cognitive benefits as well as it's aromatase inhibiting properties

>High Protein and fat
Eat a lot of meat, whole chickens are great and easy to cook.

They are cheap, delicious and will push that fat and meat impactions out.

Do cardio twice a day. Lift heavy things a few times a week. Cycling is great because it works your large leg muscles and releases T.

>Don't masturbate so much.

few times a week is fine.

>Don't smoke weed
You fucking hippy faget, it lowers T.

Lowest IQ = compliant but potentially physically dangerous.
Highest IQ = complacent but potentially intellectually dangerous.

Also if you are worried about your sperm count and spend allot of time on your PC buy one of these standing desk.

Nicotine is good for you.

>meme desk

My boss got one that raises and lowers. He used it for standing about 2 hours a day for maybe two weeks.

I've been taking Phenibut (2G/Day) lately and it's great. My energy, confidence, memory recall and libido have been off the charts.

Why are you taking a multi? Does it list iron? If it lists iron, it's worse than nothing.

Whey, Creatine, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Reserveratol, Vitamin C (not around workouts though. Wait a few hours.), N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

Get those as individual supplements.

Hi Sup Forums. I lurk here mostly but I thought I'd chime in.
According to my family doctor, I have record worthy testosterone and high virility
> I'm white
>I don't exercise but I keep busy
>I smoke and eat whatever I want
> Drink tons of coffee
> I'm not fat or bald or ugly or stupid
Doctors verdict for my freakish levels of swimmers? Genetics!
(Both parents are from Italy)
Genetics, my friends.... Not conspiracy

They are very good.
That study which Germany carried out that cost 400 million Euros lists sitting as a major factor with fertility problems.

>Wake up
>Drive to work "sitting down"
>At work "Sit at desk"
>Drive home "sitting down"
>Watch TV "sitting down
>Go to sleep

Rinse and repeat

It's nothing to do with sperm and testosterone.
Women are working more.

Be sure to cycle on and off of Phenibut, withdrawal is dangerous. Do not take it every day.

Be careful if you happen to lose your supply or suddenly discontinue. Withdrawals are hell.