This is Trump's worst week yet

Spicer and Priebus resigning.
Scaramucci mouthing off to reporters about Bannon and Priebus and being vulgar.
Military advisors getting Trump to ban trannies and take the heat for it.
The military then undermines Trump by saying they won't do shit about it.
Trump saying people have been suffering under Obamacare for 17 years.
Trump showing his ignorance by saying Lebanon is fighting Hezbollah when they are their partners.
North Korea launching another missile test that shows massive improvements.

When does the winning start?
Ever since the inauguration, every week is worst than the last. Trump's only been in half a year and there's already enough controversies for 3 terms.

Fuck off Hillary, you lost.

>takes out the trash

Worst week ever

Stop being a mindless supporter.

you mean best week?

Priebus didn't resign, he was fired.

Even if Priebus was leaking, it's not like he is the only one. Not to mention the CIA and FBI.

It was pointless

Jesus she's fucking ugly.


yep. Its the usual thread based on "alternative facts".

He technically resigned so its factual you twat.
Either way the optics are not good. Trump personally hired him so firing him just shows that Trump was stupid to hire him in the first place

Is he the first president to hire and fire someone?

extending an olive branch so party members will work with him is not a mistake. Now that we know that they're not willing to play ball fuck'em. This argument is pointless. the only actual fact is he's no longer Chief of staff.

No. When other Presidents do it. It's still bad optics. It's not a victory.

>House/senate vote overwhelmingly for Russia sanctions
>If Trump vetoes, they override the veto and do sanctions, letting down Putin
>If Trump does nothing, he lets down Putin
>If Trump lets down Putin, we get another Trump Jr. style document dump of shady Trump shit just magically showing up at hostile press doorstep
The future is looking as grim as the past.

So what? Trump is just gonna do executive orders while Republicans can't even get any legislation passed. Its essentially a shitshow

The Don jr leak most likely came from the Intelligence Community. They already knew about it and was investigating it.

>caring about team shakeups
>failing to realize Trump shaking up his staff during primaries was one of his most effective strategies

Shills. Shills never change.

Well the strategy whatever it is hasn't worked for the past 6 months

Well I’ve told these fucks that if they don’t at least give me private viewings of what I have told them to put all over the internet and to get me some money that amounts to something that they would experience bad things well these fucks have not been paying attention there are things happening that they are not putting in the news here and abroad take them one by one and they don’t amount to much however if you were to put them all together they paint a very bleak picture indeed. The longer you wait to capitulate the worse it is going to get for the rich the aliens have assured me that you will give me what I have asked for the longer you wait the more people are going to have to be included Trump the Rothschild’s Bannon or someone had better do something good for me or you people are really going to start getting fucked can you comprehend that I know that your analyzers are more than competent to tell you that I am telling you the truth
Well here is the big picture the macro if you will I personally don’t care if you grant my or the aliens request or not ever you people can go ahead and do whatever you want just don’t say that I did not try to help. Let’s see what happens

>Trump saying people have been suffering under Obamacare for 17 years.
Did this retard really said that with son many habbenings this got slided

Yes he did during one of his recent speeches.

And lebanon hezbollah thing was wjahat is aleppo tier srly wtf

some body help this girl. she blended her makeup terribly.

This is a shill thread


You forgot the skinny obongocare replacement failed thanks to the war veteran he insulted and thus not possible to be replaced or repealed until the next fiscal year- or maybe never

>being retarded enough to believe media memes

>The queen killing the US-president just to spoil UKIPs efforts in making UK more independent.

Yes it's been his worst week since 2015, and till continue to be his worst week until January 2025!