Marshal Pétain. Hero or traitor?

What do you think about this historical figure?
Was he a despicable traitor or a hero that loved his country so much that this love led him astray?

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he was certaimly a much better ruler than anyone after him.

but France was already down the Sewer since 1789.

a Based Snail-Eater, but a Snail-Eater nonetheless.

atleast he knew Alsace-Lorraine is German clay.

and France was still Ethnically French when hecwas in charge, but that changed with that Sinister (((De Gaulle))), who gave up all Frances Colonies and let France get Colonized by niggers and sandniggers, result in Paris becoming todays Afro Arab shithole.

He definitely wasn't a traitor, he was a scapegoat at best and he didn't had much choice, France wasn't ready psychologically or demographically to do 14-18 all over again.
Also I won't spit on a man that fought so bravely and with so much care for his men in the trenches of Verdun.

The traitors are the british and french politicians who did nothing in 1936 and let the war happen in the first place.



pardon my Swiss French.

I think he did what he had to in order to save France from ruin at the hands of Germany. If he didn't collaborate then France would probably have been treated like Poland. Also, the fact that he voluntarily crossed into France after the war in order to stand trial speaks volumes about how he was only looking out for the interests of France

Petain was a great man, not exactly full Nazi but he was a pretty staunch conservative reactionary. His National Revolution policies along with the many Fascists in France at the time would have led to a great France.

As far as him being a traitor goes, did the French government before the war represent the cultural/spiritual/national interests of France? Not really. A real traitor follows those in his nation to decay

de gaulle gave up the colonies precisely so we don't get invaded. the invasion only began in the 70s with familial reunification

Tbh I would've preferred it if France became a nationalistic country which would've purged Freemasons and socialists from the government and protected the traditions of the France.

Pretty much this. The revolution started the downfall of France. He did the best thing.

My personal opinion is that he was a trully good man that wanted all the best for his country and its people. He didn't want more of youg French people die just like during battle of Verdun and whole WWI.
I personally think about him as a hero that took all burden on his shoulders so the France could prevail and the then rebuild in future.

still a pretty Shitty idea tho. give up 1/3 of Africa, so later Africa could be in Paris? you are such cucks. no wonder you got most niggers in Europe, (((Kalergi))) would be proud at how you follow his Plan.

if only Poland had a man like Petain, you and Germany woukd have Allied together against (((USSR))), and Barbarossa would have begun on 1/1/39, and with Polish troops, (((Communism))) would have been gone forever.

what could have been...


but were there not niggers already in france before the first world war ? I mean the Rhineland bastards and all

yes apparently, Snail Eaters were nigger loving Cucks even before (((Kalergi)))


i mean 9/1/39

sorry i type too fast.

Always thought about such possibility.
Pragmatism above pride.

There was no way to keep the colonies with russians and americans pushing decolonization and a drastically weakened country, ask the bongs,.
Also he was pretty fucking redpilled about africans and muslims, he decided to pull out of Algeria because he understood that it was either doing that or giving them french citizenship (which was and still is an insanity).

Also De Gaulle did a lot for France, he left NATO, he developped nukes, he restructured our political system which was a mess (the 5th republic is the only functiunnal one in history) and he managed to give back a little bit of pride and optimism to the french after an horrible century.
The fact he is so hated by burgers and rosbeefs speaks volume overall, only a traitourous french leader could be liked by them.

The only thing he did wrong is not shootings on the bolshevik jews that launched May 68.

yes, pragmatism has to be sometimes.

A Great Man.
Never was somebody hated as much for doing the right thing. (Hitler does not count).

you will never understand how much (((De Gaulle))) fucked up your country beyond any salvation, like how his buddy (((Churchill))) fucked over Britain.

for France its WAY TOO LATE. you already have too many Moors, i give you one Generation (least likely) left before Saleel al Sawarim (ISIS Anthem) becomes the French National Anthem.

> did not fight against the French Algeria to accept an Algerian France, I do not touch the culture, the identity and the customs of the others

>you will never understand how much (((De Gaulle))) fucked up your country beyond any salvation
You must back up your statements. How did he fucked up?

Can't blame him, France having colonial possessions couldn't afford to just run away or stay passive during the occupation, it has to keep a government in charge of some metropolitan territory and of the colonial territories otherwise everything would have been lost no matter what the outcome of the war would be. Can't deny he loved fascism and sent some non french jews to camps. the real traitors were the politicians and some commie resistants who sabotaged military factories when germany invaded because they were buddies with stalin.

he fucked up France because he was a Criminal jew Puppet, like all other (((Allied))) leaders like (((Roosevelt))) or (((Churchill))), and also (((Stalin))).

(((Allies))) were controlled by jews in WW2, but also WW1. (called (((Entente))) then)

both World Wars were started by jews so they could destroy Germany, as Germany was the only Country to have the balls to Oppose them. (there were Based guys like Petain in France, and Mosley in Britain, who knew that jews are behind this) France, Britain, Russia, and America are and were controlled by jews.

(((De Gaulle))) was a piece of shit, he dug Frances grave, and so many French Cucks idolize him for that. Petain was the real French good guy in WW2, and the Vichy Regime was the TRUE French resistance.

t. Hitler

WW1 hero but he was politically naive and a traitor to the french during WW2. De Gaulle is the model of French patriotism.


Kek, you EUCucks are the worst. EU would have never existed if Hitler won, and also there would be no Rapefugee invasion either, as EU (((Elite))) also endorses it. EU was created to subjugate Europe for the (((NWO))). REAL Europe DIED in 1945.

Real europe died in 1914.

t. real 54% White country