I'm writing what I hope to be a 600+page sprawling sci-fi epic, and I want it to be the most politically incorrect...

I'm writing what I hope to be a 600+page sprawling sci-fi epic, and I want it to be the most politically incorrect, offensive, triggering book possible

It's about the captain of earth's largest most powerful war ship, "The Distant" Raoul Denton's job is to go from planet to planet checking in on everyone and making sure that peace in the human controlled galaxy is still stable.

After earth took over the galaxy after repelling an invasion and salvaging their technology to take to the stars and dominate the galaxy, they found a bunch of livable uninhabited planets, and all the cultures of earth all went to their own planets, without resources or land to fight over, everyone gets along. And the rest of the galaxy benefits from human rule, we force the other races to give rights to their citizens and instill galaxy wide peace through the barrel of a gun

It starts with him visiting human controlled planets making sure they are all doing good but over the course of the story Raoul encounters an alien force that wants to overthrow Humanity's rule over the galaxy, sever races, all banded together, called "The Many"

The secret theme of the book is about multiculturalism being a scourge that wants to destroy humanity and Raoul is a Human Supremacist, (read: White supremacist) and would do anything to protect humanity from other races. The arc of the story is Raoul uniting all of humanity in one giant battle against the scourge of every other race trying to over throw them.

theres a muslim planet, a nazi planet, an all female planet, raoul goes around and fucks women everywhere like Kirk does, I'm here looking for ideas for planets he can visit

give me your most offensive ideas

>600 page

0/10. Please try harder.


How original
Also this

Planet faggot. He goes to planet faggot and turns it into a giant night club, he then renames the planet to 'pulse' and then thr captain gets drunk and crashes his giant biggest galaxy spaceship into a rock but everybody survives and then donald trump reveals his nipples and the captain buttons up trumps suit and says "whoopsie, your nippleys are outsie" and then a giant pigeon bigger than the captains space ship squaks louder than anything in the universe and that makes the captain go deff and then the captain shrinks the pigeon by 00.01% and he thinks thats good but its not a major difference nobody really sees but, captain is a mad man and he gets old and retires from old age then the peace is restored finally when the captain realises that controlling wpace is to big a job for one captain so h3 clon3s his biggest giantess sgip in the galaxy infinite times and now the universe has no room cause too many ships

>I'm here looking for ideas for planets he can visit
mafia planet, american indian planet, cowboy planet, ancient rome planet

Nonono start with something liberal-ish with strong female role models, brave trans, heroic saintly blacks etc. Then once it's a success make the follow up red pilled as fuck and kill of all the tumblr favourites.

I want to read your progress on this, where is your website?

Talk about planets that failed like the degenerate ones

Planets with different governing systems you can critique/laud
>theocratic of different stripes
>pure democracy
>fascist etc
Then breakdown by morals and mix match with government to create friction and conflict. You can have for example Neo Christian theocrats struggling against a marxist regime and the captain has to decide to take sides/fuck off while weighing the necessity of having the planet back the human efforts against the aliens. You could create interesting tension if you can create situations in which the captain must choose between pragmatism and his own desires for idealistic outcomes. There's plenty of grist for the mill really.

>The secret theme of the book is about multiculturalism being a scourge that wants to destroy humanity and Raoul is a Human Supremacist, (read: White supremacist) and would do anything to protect humanity from other races

You are retarded, I'm literally speechless in front of your severe mental retardation. You've chosen a bad genre if you wanted to go politically incorrect.

If you want to write a 600 page sprawling sci fi epic, then you need some time travel where someone goes back to help Hitler.


Then you can show how good life was in the High Castle scenario.

Failing that just have a race of aliens with enormous noses who always whine and bitch about how oppressed they are.

>600 pages


Just use as many penis-in-vagina metaphors as you can. Feminists will bitch non-stop but won't be able to stop reading.

>a Muslim Planet
>an all female planet
>Muh feminism
>Muh men are all ahnimals

KYS, also, your story sounds like derivative shit

And don't forget to make it rapey.

If you are serious and and I hope you are, where can we get updates on your project? Do you have a blog? A website?


Don't like it.

Make it so the book starts off liberal and pollitically correct and then progress it outlining all the flaws with progressive democratic societies. Eventually have the characters rediscover the beauty and nature of natures true facism.

Ultra capitalist world where the many act like puppeteers, metaphor for jews

add some slut shaming and anti alien mixing. Raoul should shave heads of women sucking the aliens horse cocks

captain planet

Sounds fucking terrible.

The whole reason why Jews were able to brainwash millions was because they were SUBTLE, you dumb shit.

>Let's have a planet of Nazis XD

If you want people to swallow the propaganda you're pushing, it needs to be subconscious and subliminal.

>the most politically incorrect, offensive, triggering book possible
That's cute. I like you. I may even keep you, later...

The muslim planet has to get destroyed at some point.

Multiculturalism is inevitable. Humanity will be unified at some point in the future and it will be by an an alpha Conqueror who will proclaim all humans to be equal, except for him at the top. The human dominion will be composed of all humans in the galaxy and thus there can't be any discrimination based on race.

Thus the Human Galactic Empire will be born and instead of whitey vs nigger, it will be human vs alien. Funny how the conservative human supremacist of the future is an extremist version of liberals today with all the globalist/multiculturalism shit.

So have you read Starship Troopers or no? Basically the same thing. I'd read that and watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Then you can have fun writing the first ten pages and subsequently giving up.

>Raoul Denton's job is to go from planet to planet checking in on everyone

So no pretence whatsoever. No disease outbreak, no natural disaster, no treaty to negotiate, no nearby phenomena to study.

>hi I am Raoul
>"what brings you here captain?"
>just checkin' in

Great novel, put me down for preorder.

>I'm here looking for ideas for planets he can visit

Hollowed out asteroid planet.

Planet Hollywood. A bunch of hypocritical self-serving assholes who's every word is a complete distortion of the truth. They are greedy and rude, and have a galaxy-wide pedophile ring that recruits from all the other planets. Everyone knows they're assholes but they have they have mind-control technology that works by making cocks and vaginas tingle.

Needs a Ted Turner world.

Oh you have to have a pedo planet and a trans planet

Dude, best of luck with that I'm doing something similar with fantasy.

Have a Stronk Womyn heroine who is sassy and kick-ass and makin' her mark in a man's world.

Then the hero kidnaps her and rapes the crap out of her for 200 pages thereby turning her into a docile submissive tradwife.

Planet Michael Moore. A man so fat that he's his own planet floating in space. He communicates by blowing shit out if his own ass. He owns have the land in the nearest star system but is always going on about how the peasants need to revolt. He hopes they do so he can defeat them and eat the prisoners and brainwash the children.

first day pre order.

that was done already by Stanisław Lem. It's called Solaris.

The fleet decides to invade a world which seems like a threat to humanity due to its strategic position and relative intelligence of the natives.
They draft men into the infantry to make sure every last alien on the planet is genocided properly.
However they cannot fathom the way of thinking of the alien since it's too different from them. They are unpredictable and fight to the last breath.
Earth loses.
The end

Nice viral, I'll buy your book (in spirit)

>Humans side with the communist planet
>Communist planet turns out to be kikes

Pro tip: Read and understand Gulliver's travels first before you adapt it to space. Also read the Odyssey but make sure you have a good translation.

have a black woman character be the cause of a huge engine malfunction and a bunch of people die

Have Earth be a black planet where the niggers destroyed all the technology after everyone else left in fear.

And she's only on board because of an affirmative action program

You're all being very mean to OP, at least he has a hobby besides wanking and torturing animals.

OP, don't be subtle. Self publish an e-book and you can write what you want.

eg: Hitler is resurrected by the dying white race in 8814AD, and leads a campaign of extermination against a degenerate empire of faggotry, personally kills hundreds of space muslims and virus bombs the planet of the Jews. Have a sub plot involving a beta uprising on Beta Uprizz'ingh.

it might work if it was done by someone with talent

Hey OP, have you been to reddit.com/r/hfy ?
HFY> Humanity fuck yeah, a sub spinoff from i think it's vidya threads or whatever. will serve as good inspiration for you.

>white supremacist


>600 page

Nigger that better be per chapter

How high are you to think that's the same as Solaris?

theres a new pc vidya game coming out Battlestar Galactic check it out lads

The book is about the planet being a sentient being. I don't know what your shitty movie is about.

>Not naming his ship ss.niggerkiller.

>Not naming the captain adolf "kikeslayer" garrison

>Not having him fight for the white ethnoplanet on behalf of president moon man.

its like youre not even trying. subtley is for faggots.

That would be an asteroid, not a planet

Foundation also has a senient planet in it. Ever hear of Foundation?

Liberals don't read.

Conservative science fiction is too small of a niche for a publisher to care.

You are wasting your time. But if you want it to be triggering, have a very punishing law forbidding companies from making grandiose claims on man-rated rockets. Call it Musk's Law and exposit that it resulted from SpaceX killing every crew it ever tried to send to space until they were shut down and musk was killed by a mob. FTL is not and cannot be invented, etc etc.




moon must be controlled by moon man who acts as the main characters boss

Sure you're not thinking of Nemesis? Or are you talking about the weird gaia planet the second foundation had?

Exactly, faggot.

An American mulatto planet.

The most triggering one would be a country with a advanced white civilization who has a non interventionist policy for space africa and the africans are still in mud huts and serve as reality tv entertainment.

The polack seems to think that any use of the concept of a sentient planet is a violation of Polish literary trademarks or something. I'm trying to educate him that you can actually use similar concepts in different ways. It's a tough slog as he seems a bit dense.

>multiculturalism is bad
>in the end all cultures unite to fight the bad guy anyway

I said that I heard about it, not that I acknowledge that you're right. Also how come you make so many grammar mistakes, yet you have murrican flag? "senient"? "ever hear"? Come on, are you actually retarded?

Don't waste your time and creative energy on a screed.

>Raoul Denton
Spics in space wew lawd

Not at all. I just said that your concept isn't original in a playful way, that you took way too seriously. Also Solaris is a great book. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

No concept is original.

The closest the polish got to an original idea was putting screen doors on their submarines.

>alien force that wants to overthrow Humanity's rule over the galaxy, sever races, all banded together, called "The Many"

Gurren Lagann pulled that off way better than what you are getting at.

Gurren Lagann is meant to keep japanese children from killing themselves.

Nothing more.

Triggering? All you have to do is post about the facts that the unacknowledged special access programs have.
Sci-fi is shit.


thanks leaf for not hiding your flag, so i can call you a fucking leaf

Gas the xenos, space war now!

change his name goddamn trying to pronounce raoul in my head makes my aids tingle.

make a heterosexual, white male only planet. women exist only for slavery and while "vintage sex" still exists in the form of violent rape, the norm is for men to be happily married to their AI robowives

There should be a planet like Kamino that is entirely populated with homosexuals. With no females to produce offspring, they have independently developed advanced cloning technology to create new generations of fags. They have a massive clone army full of asexuals (They were once fags, but were castrated so they wouldn't have gay orgies on the battlefield). The fags have strict laws on gay sex and other faggotry so that the planet doesn't fall to complete degeneracy, which makes the entire civilian population incredibly sexually frustrated. There is no law against dildos, but good, cheap dildos are near- impossible to make as most of the silicates on the planet are trapped under the deep ocean.

Raoul visits this planet in order to join forces with the fags, as their massive clone army would give humanity an edge in the imminent war. However, he is forced to leave the planet after the planet's representatives try to rape him in the ass. He eventually strikes a deal with the fags requesting the full power of their military in exchange for high-quality dildos.

Bio-retributive surgery, but not my idea, Stephen A Donaldson

This sounds like space fantasy and not science fiction.

Robert Bevan already does it better in his fantasy series. For example, one of his title's is "Nagga, Please".

* The Gap series

If you want to be genuinely edgy try portray child pedos in a sympathetic light. Worked with Lolita.

Subtlety? Allegory? Nigger if you want to make an edgy sci fi go all out, I have my own sci fi story I'm working on of intelligent super cyber bears on a distant dying former white colony who clone a white human, the first of his divine race in centuries, who heroes' journeys across the savage shitskin galaxy ethnic cleansing planets with secret resurrected super-weapons until he boss battles the capital of kikedom on planet zion (formerly earth)

> 1 post by this ID


also, read "Ghost" by John Ringo. Imagine if Tom Clancy browsed Sup Forums and was 75% redpilled

I think we should all work on writing right-wing sci fi stories, shitty or not, just to get the ball rolling on fueling the rise of natsocscifi.

You got to have a futurist commie planet where they have everything they need. They reached a point of technology where all their needs could be met by automation. Then they killed off 80% of the population they considered uncivilised. No money is required. Don't have to work but everyone is listless and feels something is missing. The IQ has fallen massively due to breeding and diversity programs concentrating only on external features. Genetically they are now very similar. The only people now having kids are the least capable of making sensible life choices. No point choosing productive partners any more, just choose the best looking one who doesn't care about contraception as he doesn't want anything to do with bringing up a child anyway. The collapse comes due to disease sweeping through the homogeneous population. Then no one is capable of repairing the technology they have after a few generations and they no longer advance. It's a utopia where no one has any idea they are about to die and it's no ones job to stop it. Perfect committee based relinquishment of responsibility on a planetary scale.

I liked his Legend of the Aldenata series—especially the nazi tankers versus aliens entry.

I can't think of anything other than in the future there are no niggers, Jews, or women, so everyone pretty much gets along. Maybe make it about conflict with a space (((trade federation))). Story resolves with them being eliminated systematically.

>Planet Kangz
Retarded black supremacist planet, they take direct credit for every good thing that the humans ever did. Planet wide Detroit/Chicago levels of violence.

>Planet Wypipo
Retarded white supremacist planet, literally non-whites on the entire planet. Was peaceful for a time, until arrogant Aryans decided that brunettes and gingers were inferior. Now brunettes and gingers are basically niggers. The Aryans on this planet also claim direct credit for everything good that the humans ever did. No crime because the Aryans have written the laws so that they are never at fault, brunettes and gingers who break the law are disciplined by their owners

>New Australia
Penal colony on a harsh, barely hospitable planet. The worst of the worst prisoners are left to fend for themselves here. There are no guards, no contact with any other planet, and no chance of escape. Over many generations the inhabitants have degenerated into tribes that do nothing except rape and murder each other. Death cults are prevalent, each with their own bloodletting festivals featuring multitudes of human sacrifices

The planet became deserted after one generation.

*no non-whites on the entire planet.

Hitting the bottle before 6pm. Impressive for a leaf.

Planet MGTOW only sausage and sex bots.


Please tell me they send robot animals to fuck with the mud people.

Planet democrat, a hive planet of robots controlled by the bottled brain of hillary clinton, the premise being that it plays other planets off themselves, launching false flags planting seeds of distrust.

Pizza Planet

It's where an army of John Podesta clones rape little boy anus to the somg crawling in my skin by linkin park in a giant ritual designed to weaponized the boys into secret "refugees" who really rape other boys on other planets with the end goal of galaxy wide child buttrape assimilation

It's like the borg

Normie planet


ID CokeHead

Indeed you are.

that ID lel