Hey pol see this?

this is the future. So stop jerking off, stop fetishising sex dolls and go forth and procreate. Be a man.
Be proud.
Be the father of a nation.

Other urls found in this thread:


I seem to be having some trouble being myself hard enough.


Good advice, but first I would have to leave my house.

I'm ordering a couple sandwich bag babbies when they hit amazon.

There is a world outside user., just waiting for you to grab it by the pussy. Don't be a wimp.

>bringing a child into this country

I'm not a sociopath, give me Australian residence and I'll do it

>just get a job bro
>just shake his hand son

Is your name Ahmed?

why did i think that belly was a butt?

>call no man your father
>woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns
>the future is not eggs and wombs made for and only by male parts

Fags are not invited. You defile your seed, and in so doing mock God. Your day of judgement looms Sodomite.

What the heck are you trying to say?

can't right now, OP; I've a sudden urge to go beat it to some preggo porn...

>defiled seed
Serpent seed was a heterosexual act between two orders of species. A fallen angel. A woman. And your sloppy seconds
God doesn't do any of this. Christ never came in this manner and never participated in benisbagoo. It is the original sin. The 144,000 bars vagina fuckers from entry. Only female organised isis fertility cult kikes tell you what to do with your dick

What is you are a robot?

well i'm glad we finally reached someone in authority.


Nah i'm good brah.

Heretics will burn.

god has abandoned us.
there is no bright future.
only saddness and robowaifus

I am having an all white baby

>grab em
>hi fags take my daughters youre a sodomite while i grab my daughter's ass and hang around with pisstapes epstein and pedo putin
>bls ignore sept 23 while i meme and do fuck all


The sooner the human race die out the better

Surrogacies are better

Be the change you want to see bong.

Working on it, first kid was born 4 months ago, wife wants the next within a year, both want at least 3-4 kids. 100% white

Be the 6000 year old fuck ups i tell you to be. Hurr. Ribbit!

Just off yourself pussy

No marriages in heaven. No male nor female in Christ. One man you want to die as your woman makes mouths to feed during possible end times. Youre wise bro


your a faggot tho


if you are over 23 and you don't have a child and a job you are a cuck

Watch how she does exercises to make the baby kick.

Children consume a shitton of resources and contribute to climate change, if anything we need a huge population reduction

I will after all the fornicators are burning in Hell, sinner.

Economic hope = sexual hope
Fix the economy and this problem will fix itself
Don't fix the economy and enjoy your squalling niggerbabies as they claw us all back into feral poverty.

Nope. We are the wise ones. Time will tell if you or I am right in our vision. You are a cuck follower of some e celeb or dead german leader. We head the gospel and discern the law and prophets. See when (((the day))) comes it will be better to not have a kid who has 0% chance of survival. Instead we wont have those eternal bonds of guilt hanging over us. As blameless virgin we have no ex lovers to weep over and no real baggage to drag us into a hellish world. We will simply fall with the rest of humanity but spring up brush the dust off and then in a few years when things settle find a barren woman who lacks the devastating emotional toll of losing or worse eating their child to survive. Lev 26:29. Ezekiel 5:10.

Jeremiah 5:26 literally speaks to babylonian rap niggers ruling the youth culture of today.

Will do.
Just send one of those babymakers my way.

once artificial wombs are in place (~20 years from now), I won't need women to transplant my seed. Women will be obsolete.