If the jews are so smart, how come they aren't pioneering our latest technology and inventions...

if the jews are so smart, how come they aren't pioneering our latest technology and inventions? give me names of israel/jewish startups companies that changed the landscape of technology and computers.
where are all those 120 IQ jews where you need them?

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We don't need to invent, let the goyim do the hard work and then reap the rewards





Waste Mgmt

most modern inventions are not made by a single person but rather a company or a research institute hence there are no single jewish person who invents shit today. even though a simple look in google can show you that there a lot of israel and jewish inventions disproportional to the population itself. as a mathmatician I can say that there tones of israeli discoveries in math. the ZF set theory is the basis to almost set theory.and set theory itself is called the math of math.and ZF set set theory is an Israeli invention and that is just one example. also the map used in this picture is factually wrong

Fuck off, wifi was invented by Aussies who wanted to shitpost on the go.

They invented usury . They don t need more than that .

google facebook waze atomic bombs general relativity

slide thread - saged


as it was intended

and now we're spending billions on nbn rather than a nationwide wireless network

You're kidding right? The whole point of being a "Jew" is rigging the world so that you control all of the resources and all the sheeple remain poor. Why do you think socialism has been pushed so hard by them.

They don't want technological advancements.

They want us to stay in middle ages hierarchy, but with the illusion of technological advancements.

regardless of your propaganda picture israel still needs to get nuked

Jewish high IQ emphasizes verbal intelligence, not visual-spacial intelligence. This is what makes jews great lawyers, politicians (lol), businessmen, comedians, and teachers. One exception to this rule you might notice is film directors, but there's much more to directing than cinematography.

European IQ is much stronger in terms of non-verbal reasoning, which is why they make good engineers of all sorts, doctors, realist artists, mathematicians, and hard scientists.

But why are there so many jewish Nobel prize holders? Many of these disciplines are non-visual.
It's half nepotism and half because a jew is 10 times more likely to be above IQ 160, so because they make up 2% of the population, you'd expect ~17% of the the awards to go to jews.

There are plenty of Israeli tech companies, but they tend to focus on developing new tech for government/industry, so no reason for people like us to hear about them.

>atomic bombs
Try doing that without using gentile tax money and see how far you get.

>Many of these disciplines are non-visual.
>Many of these disciplines are non-verbal.
i'm just a goy who can't words

Jews frontrun and middleman. They aren't innvators. They need goyim to attach themselves to.

That's why it will be interesting to see how they do among the Chinese. They'll either stagnate or eat each other, because there won't be any Whites to frontrun or steal from.

Smart people don't automatically invent shit. They aren't wizards like dumb people think. Instead training, deep thought, and work in ones field is required. As a result of this the culture of a society will affect invention by affecting where potential geniuses will shift their interest. Case and point during WWII the Japanese officers were superior to the American ones and likewise in the American Civil War, the Southern generals were superior. Also in both those cases these societies emphasized the military and so the best and brightest went to military academies. For example Tojo studied abroad at Harvard I believe.

To return to your point our current society emphasizes printing paper so much potential genius goes into printing more of this green paper, change its value, or make imaginary green paper. There is less emphasis on science and tech than there was in the 1900s when you find many brilliant ashkenazi like Einstein and Haber inventing.

tl;dr they are wasting their mental abilities in the financial sector along with many potential innovators from many subpopulations due to economic degeneracy