If you wanted another reason to hate reddit

Here's some bullshit from /r/military, which has decided to shill against the transgender ban.


>Account Suspension based on political affiliation and polite requests for moderators to maintain consistent behavior in default subreddits.

>Here is all content related to this incident. I was not harrassing or threatening. I was merely letting the moderators know that I will be letting others know that this subreddit has decided to take a partisan stance. It is not against reddit's policies. The moderators I had conversations with continued to politely reply. This is wholesomely ridiculous.

>i.imgur.com/QL2ZaRS.png pic related

>I implore the admin staff to carefully review the content that has been posted to /r/military, and to carefully determine whether this incident is indicative of the very claims which provoked it. If there is going to be subversive political content and behavior on this platform, and users will be banned, muted, and suspended for bringing attention to it, I will gladly terminate my account.

>I would also like to note that the personal messages did not occur until after I was banned, where my modmail was not at all offensive. The reason that was given for the ban is not valid, because all personal messages were in response to the ban. The modmail clearly requests that the moderators address an active political campaign taking place by members outside of the community, which implies that my accusations of "banned because my name has MAGA in it" and "overexerting a small amount of power for a political purpose" are true.

>I kindly ask that the admin staff remove this suspension, and I will stand by my word to not return to the politically motivated subreddit /r/military. No threats were made. No harassment took place. And I will note that I have received yet another message from the moderation team, which implies that our conversation was not harassment.

Other urls found in this thread:


>/u/JerziDevil has sent the message
>I respectfully disagree but you are free to think what you want.

>I sincerely believe that a member of the moderation team, perhaps one that I have not had communication with, has decided to overexert their small amount of power afforded to them as a moderator to suppress political opinions they disagree with. This has led to my suspension and is wholesomely offensive and unacceptable.

>I have also reviewed the latest 20 posts which reference "Transgender" in /r/military, and almost all of the accounts posting this content in /r/military actively posts in /r/politics and other far-left leaning subreddits. Upon initial inspection, it does not seem that a majority of those posters have any affiliation with /r/military, although some were. This further highlights that the subreddit is being used to advance a political agenda, rather than stimulate conversation about the military. The ban, and resultant suspension is, upon first glance, a suppression of the moderation team's support for this narrative being advanced on their subreddit, and identification of this suspicion does not violate any of Reddit's policies. I believe I should have the right to share that opinion, and thus my suspension should be reversed so that I may continue expressing my first amendment rights.

>I have messaged the moderator name-referenced herein, please note the following:

>Please note /u/misinformed66 's comment was removed by the moderators for
>Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.









Every subreddit has been bought and paid for CTR type groups. This is how Reddit makes money. Once a subreddit gets popular they sell it off to whichever group pays the most for it and then quietly sweep away the old mods.

Now give me the Cole's Notes version.

Reddit has always had SJW moderators/admins who are pushing an agenda. Reminds me of the mod who would remove any post pointing out the Orlando nightclub shooter was muslim when that story was breaking on /r/news. The truth is dangerous to their ideology.

User calls out mods for letting ctr shill in their subreddit
>mods ban him and shut it down like good goys
user asks mods what happened
>Mods jump around, lie, and have trouble finding a good reason why
user contacts admins, admins don't respond, user decides to begin broadcasting the bullshit
>Mods come into the thread and start spreading more bullshit, flexing their muscle, and threatening to have the mods come swooping in because they're bros
user continues to prove their point, mods are bought and paid for.

threatening to have admins come swooping in, because the /r/military mods are closely associated with the administrators, sorry that was a confusing way for me to write it the first time.

The screenshots and text clearly show morons trying to lie their way out of acting like partisan shills.

Pardon, but I think you've forgotten one thing.

We Sup Forums people tend to forget that Reddit is home to numerous persons of commendable intellect.

They can indeed accomplish things.

We can work together.

I don't understand the hate Reddit gets from Sup Forums

It is indeed distressing seeing how we can work together.

Cool spacing

Sup Forums is not reddit. Keep your drama in your leftist hugbox, fag.

I never understood why 4chin users complain about proper spacing which makes posts easier to read.

It's just an easy way to discredit someone, Sup Forums loves tribal behavior.

Because this spacing is obnoxious and melodramatic. Maybe intended to make the post more visible for "upvotes" or whatever validation that women seek.

hello newfags. There are two things that make up the core of the reddit spacing argument.

1. It easily identified phoneposters when they invaded the board.
2. Reddit users tend to put a space between every sentence to make their posts longer and seem more organized.

If you have proper paragraph structure, no one will call you reddit. It's when you start leaving a space between every single sentence that it becomes clear that you are not from here. "Reddit spacing is a reddit meme" is ironically a counter-meme started by reddit in order to gaslight those from the pre-phoneposting era.

I don't think our explanations are mutually exclusive, while I will assert that I'm a frequent contributor to this board.
>now instead of shitposting, I'd appreciate it if you'd observe my integers.

>current year
>using reddit

Wasn't Reddit posting caused by the need to double space to get a space in Reddit?
I taste a leaf

I can smell your flag from here.
>Still agree

Bump for visability and discussion

> (You)
>hello newfags. There are two things that make up the core of the reddit spacing argument.
>1. It easily identified phoneposters when they invaded the board.
>2. Reddit users tend to put a space between every sentence to make their posts longer and seem more organized.
>If you have proper paragraph structure, no one will call you reddit. It's when you start leaving a space between every single sentence that it becomes clear that you are not from here. "Reddit spacing is a reddit meme" is ironically a counter-meme started by reddit in order to gaslight those from the pre-phoneposting era.

Whatever, m8.

I love me spaces between sentences.

I also enjoy spaces after quotes because, euyck, why should they be touching?

Face it: Us Redditors know better.

only a redditor would know that though. got something you want to tell us pablo?

Sure I will, Mr Shlomo

>spic reading comprehension

Forget this fag shit. Reddit is highly controlled and manicured.

Sup Forums pol is being very successfully flooded by distraction & concern agents. You know the altern8tive venue. Go there for real news and discussion. Better yet, go on social media to spread awareness to normies and show your support for President Trump come hell or high water.

Real happenings include:
-Awan connection to Elsagate sexualization and fetishization of children through YouTube
-New Wikileaks dump deep state hacks for nearly all devices (but still weren't catching bad guys)
-President threatens to put congress on obamacare
-Things coming to a head between Trump and DNC/RINOs/MSM/DS

Things are moving fast on the offense front. Keep pushing. Zero energy wasted on defense.

Looks like Sup Forums just got some new recruits. Don't these authoritarian power-tripping censoring scum realize they are the best recruiters for their opposition? This shit is hilarious!


We need to encourage this, and if possible purity spiral them.

This way, we can guarantee that the white working class in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan will turn against the trannycrats and become solid red states.


>Liberal cucks
Dems must be getting desperate

>Why do they sound like massive faggots?

that faggot only has a measly 5 years on reddit?

Nobody cares enough about a redditfag to read all that shit, especially if it has anything to do with trannies. OP, stop bumping your shitdick thread with useless faggot shit.

reported and saged

hello /u/misinformed66
>This isn't brigading, stop acting like a faggot

Cut your loses and withdraw from reddit.

I shitpost on r/news r/politics and r/worldnews and just start new accounts without even checking because Im always banned