Right of Return: New world whites back to Europe!

Hey Eurofags,

What do you think of this proposition?

You see whats happening in South Africa, it might happen eventually in the new world colonies.

So would you rather have huwhite, christians in your societies, or the Islamic and Africans?

This doesn't apply to AUS OR NZ

They don't want us, and why should we surrender our territory anyway?



Are you sure they don't want us? We have already lost the USA. We will be minorities in 15 years.

We haven't even put up a fight. Think if we did. I think an ethnostate on the continent is possible in the long-term, although it won't be the size of America

There will be no fight man. The slow death will come for the white man on this land.

There are plenty of places that still have virtually no nonwhites though. We could set up there.

Its still not our ancestral land. This is the key point. We have no connection to this land, save by conquest.

You already lost, whiteys will be kicked out by the growing black, Hispanic and Muslim populations since everyone hates whites

europeans hate americans more than anyone else in the world. especially white americans.

No one does. Jesus most of uk is saxon now where it was celt for thousands of years

400 years mate
It's more than no connection
If you're descended from someone who came over on the mayflower, north america has been your land since before the english civil war.

that's right. and niggers aren't american. nor are spics.

Ultimately all territory is conquest. Europeans and Native Americans didn't sprout out of the soil there. Native Americans are Asians and white people come from proto-Indo-Europeansand neanderthals. You're becoming very suspect with this kind of language.

I hope you realise Europe isn't a homogeneous country One Nation, One Culture-style. Boers are a special case since they are technically dutch
but what about a half-french, austrian and swedish American? you have a huge difference between the three nations, where does that guy belong to?

Your right on the suspect. I went to school in Berkeley (picked up their language) and received the "muh white oppressor shit" which pushed me into the altright.

He belongs exactly in the United States

You are welcome as long as you leave behind your crazy things like libertarianism and don't go around 24/7 yelling "shall not be infringed".

>Being Californian
I'm so sorry. I'm not trying to thought police you or call you a shill, although I thought you might have been one for a minute, because I've had these thoughts before. At least in the north, white people are perfectly adapted for the climate of the US, and too much of the blood, sweat and tears of our fathers was spent securing this home for us to just give it up. Furthermore, imagine the glee of our enemies if we were to follow through on what you're saying. You do have options on the west coast. Look into the pacific northwest separatist(ish) ideologies and Cascadia. The latter did an interview with red ice you can find on youtube.


Nah. We could pick any country and overwhelm it if even half of US whites moved there.

You will hear nothing but shall not be infringed and fun shots at all the newly built ranges.