What's the deal with these guys?

What's the deal with these guys?

This is what Scientologists believe!

The ultimate red pill.
Its just the acknowledgment that psychology is a lie.
((They)) hate it because it is a threat to the liberal world view

Scientology is incredibly litigious though. Almost to kike levels of litigiousness.

Basically a pyramid scheme. You have to pay to advance levels in the organization. The cost goes up the higher you get, celebrity scientologists have paid a fortune to advance to the higher levels.


Its about asserting yourself, how do you think Tom Cruise became one of the most successful people in Hollywood and became 007?
Its just how the world is, you need to be confident enough in yourself to stand up for yourself, only then can you rise above.
Trump knows this, I bet he is at least somewhat familiar with the religion

Imagine if you took those scams like Avon or Amway or Mary Kay and turned it into a religion. That's basically Scientology. You buy overpriced books to take overpriced courses so you can then pay to go the ranks then repeat the cycle.

Secret club for the wealthy with blackmail/collateral obtained through Auditing/other means so one can't just leave said club.

Scientology got Tom Cruise.

Poor Tom Cruise.

*cue sad music*

To be quite fair for it's time, Dianetics was pretty groundbreaking shit. You gotta remember that psychology and psychiatry were pretty new sciences at the time. The idea of using a polygraph machine in order to help administer therapy is honestly quite an interesting concept. It's a shame that they use auditing in order to sell you sci-fi books for 20k.

It's a cover for a gay club/pedo ring among Hollywood elites.


Good riddance to bad rubbish. The remainders are pathetic.

most Scientologists are struggling actors and middle class suckers, only a handful are very wealthy, foh conspiritard

>jewish controlled media slanders scientology constantly
im starting to wonder if theres actually considerable positives behind scientology that kikes dont want us to learn about
although maybe the kikes just dont want us spending our money there when we could be spending it on equally useless consumer goods

You wanna know how spies are created? Look at how the members of the Sea Org are treated and utilized. They're like a Gestapo.

Studying cults is a great red pill

It's secular humanism wearing a cross. Slightly diluted modernist shit.

bootleg Illuminati

They have literal dungeons for people who speak against them.

They're one of the most obvious money obsessed no moral cults out there.

but is that true or is that what the jews want us to think?
kinda like how we get told that north korea has death camps and yet theres no evidence, and north korea is one of the very few remaining countries without a rothschild-owned bank

>implying Scientology is anti-Jewish and vice versa