Why do gays get married when it is for the purpose of making a man and woman 'one flesh'...

Why do gays get married when it is for the purpose of making a man and woman 'one flesh', to bond as one for the future of their offspring?

It's pointless for Gays to marry.
1. They cannot bear children, at least not naturally.
2. Marriage is first and foremost a security for children and their parents in the family bond.
3. Marriage is traditionally a religious exhibition

>Gay's get married for no reason other than for themselves. The event has no meaning other than extra relationship security.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't get married, it just makes the whole thing a bit pointless.

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Just hypocrites that want "rights" and to piss of others mostly, be able to adopt and rape by then


The tax breaks were a lot better when I was married.

Stop being homophobic

Homophobia is a buzzword, no one fears faggots

You like paying more taxes?

>Gay's get married for no reason other than for themselves. The event has no meaning other than extra relationship security.

That's pretty much what the "meaning" or essence of marriage has crumbled down to today. It's more of a status thing that feeds into people's over materialistic cravings at this point.

God is dead and we killed him.

In the end, the fight is about the definition of marriage.

The traditional, marriage is an union of a man and a woman to create a family. In this definition, gay marriage makes no sense.
The liberal, where marriage is about passionate love and has a function of making your relationship official. In this definition, gay marriage makes sense.

Of course, the traditional definition leads to happier people and a healthier society. But we live in an era where most people believe in the second definition.

B-but gays can be scary too!

There are tax changes that come with marriage, so there is a point in that respect.

>cannot bear children
can adopt

>family bond
can adopt

>traditionally religious
it doesn't need to be

Kind of worrying how that's happened. Marriage is such a beautiful thing under the church, a holy duty by man and woman to God, to celebrate the wonder of love.

Makes me want to be Christian desu

I wish the Church of England and Catholic churches made a bigger point about how serious marriage actually is

>the Church of England
Don't they have married lesbian bishops?

>>cannot bear children
>can adopt
and fuck up that child
nope, they should be denied

>>family bond
>can adopt
fuck "their" child, a vast amount of fags are also pedophiles. Fucked in the head.
So nope

>>traditionally religious
>it doesn't need to be
yes it does

fags should be gassed

Right now the Pope is in the beginning stages of Excommunication for his attempt a further desecrating the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Several Cardinals have called him to account and he refuses to answer them.

In order to be excommunicated as a formal heretic one must, will full knowledge and pertinacity, disobey and contradict the teachings of the Church. So the first step is ascertaining a person's level of understanding concerning the errors they are espousing, for an accidental heretic is only a material heretic and doesn't merit excommunication. The Dubia is a formality needed before proceeding with excommunication.


What a faggot.

>can adopt
No. Leave children out of your perverted family fanasty. They would do better in a house with a man and a women. But ofcourse gays dont care about this. They care more about themselves and what they want. They dont care about the child.

>can adopt

Again tho, you cant actually start a family on your own. You will never be bonded to your offspring by blood. So its not the same as a family bond.

>traditionally religious
>doeant need to be

Again. You have no justification other than you WANT something. Marriage IS religious but you WANT it anyway. You want the rest of the world to view your perversion as something equally respectable to marriage. Its not.

Listen. We're all a little fucked up. Im not saying im better than you. Everyone has their problems. You like to fuck other men in the ass. Thats your problem.

But dont shove that perversion in everyones face, act like its respectable and noble, and then DEMAND that we also veiw your struggle to fuck dudes in the ass as normal. Its not. Keep that shit in your bedroom. You have mental problems.

>people who unironically would rather have children get passed around shitty foster families than being raised in a stable, two-parent household
Call me a faggot all you want amigos, you're wrong and I have many sources to prove it. You being edgy won't stop me from adopting a kid with my husband and raising them to be a better person than you.

meant to reply to obviously


>youre wrong and I have many sources to prove it

And yet you posted none of those sources.

>people who unironically would rather have children get passed around shitty foster families than being raised in a stable, two-parent household

Never once did defend the foster care system in my post. Is foster care perfect? No. Its the best we can do with a shitty situation. But you have to be deluded to believe that gays represent a "stable two parent household". They dont. They never have. This isnt mondern family. This isnt television. You have serious mental problems and youre demanding to try and pass that on to a child. Why do you want children anyway? If what you want is marriage, and in many countries you have that right now, why children next? Why not leave them out of it? Again. Its all so you can fufill your fanasty of being normal. Youre not. This is why people had a problem with gay marriage in the first place. Its because you faggots wont stop there. Next you want adoption and next you demand chruches marry you. You will never stop demanding rights because you will never be happy. You arent happy because you have mental health problems.

But two men can make each other ONE FLESH op !!!

Funny that for 10 years I was a biggot but actually I now realize that gays are okay

No he wasn't...he was raised by his aunt and uncle who eventually burned for it.

They want the tax break, OP.

>implying this is worse than single dad adopting kids or abortion.

You're thinking of Luke.
Anakin's early years were with a single mother.

You can shut up now.

>you have serious mental problems
I don't.

Freaks always want what straight whites have.

Because they're sodomites. The purpose of gays and lesbians is to destroy marriage. Since its a biblical concept. And homosex is unbiblical you dig ?
2+2 =15

Leviticus 20:13King James Version (KJV)

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


>he wants sources
>I post repository of 75 sources
>he stops responding
every time

I'm phone posting and not going through (((sources))) and I'm not that user anyway.

I'll just point out that anyone who believes that two men can raise a stable child has never had kids. Once you have kids with a normal family you realize how totally ludicrous it is to even consider taking the woman out of the picture.

On the flip side, raising a child without a father is equally ludicrous albeit for a different part of child development. Reference the black fatherless population.

Some kids will turn out alright because they will be raised by their friends and neighbors, but these are the exceptions.

Sticking your dick in a man's fecal hole is not something healthy men desire. This is common sense. The gay community is AIDS infested, not to mention other STDs which are a given.

Even if fags were healthy and not disease addled they would be hopelessly lost. They suffer delusional narcissism.

Very sad.

my 75 sources say otherwise

>muh feels, I hate them gays