Defend this, Amerisharts

Defend this, Amerisharts

>in Germany we show our patriotism by filling the streets with foreigners that hate our society and tell our people they need to mix with them or they are racist all while teaching our children they need to hate our country because of some guy 75 years ago
wow really makes me think.

>why don't germans commit crime

Did you know its illegal to be patriotic to past regimes?


Well depending on the government to rape you in taxes, and spend it helping people, isn't really helping people yourselves.
It's more like passing the buck because you're too fucking lazy to be bothered you government dependent shits.
You're so dependent they do your philanthropy for you. I mean if you kept that money you could give it to who you WANTED how you wanted but oh no.
The government is gonna do it for ya.
What a bunch of fucking morons.

In the US, prosperity and cleanliness is directly proportional to how white an area is. It is whites who build and maintain everything. Spics stagnate and niggers destroy. Why do they deserve public healthcare spending? Why do they deserve to even be in this country? Violent animals, without empathy or reason, they are the lowest in standing because they the lowest in mind and spirit. The patriotic thing would be to drive them out.

Yeah man, they're so patriotic that they feel embarassed to have their flags on their cars to cheer for their soccer team!

Holy fuck Germany just got BTFO by your strawman

he says when he has the flag of the international community in a thread about patriotism

Why the fuck do you care? Just shut up and take you Migrants of Peace and let us worry about our own shit.

Sorry sweetie but I've evolved beyond the brainlet-dominated ideology of nationalism, you might too someday

He's right you know.

Patriotism is stupid and shouldn't exist in today's world. It is only a tool to pit workers against each other.

you've evolved into the brainlet society of gloablism

I want to pay more than 60% tax mr noseberg please take it all.

>Germany shows patriotism by taxing themselves into poverty to pay for heart transplants for morbidly Obese lesbians

Soon you will feel the boot, traitor!

>It is only a tool to pit workers against each other.
Jesus Christ, you sound like a high school moron.


A step to the right direction.

Taxes are high enough for 3 healthcares, problem is the money is lost somewhere in Merkel's vagina. Less than 5% of money goes where it should.


Reminder that the Allies imposed collective guilt on the German populace after WWII for the Nazis and general German "crimes" going back decades. They literally would force civilians who had nothing to do with anything out to dig mass graves for Holocaust victims and plaster up posters saying things like "These outrages! Your fault!" and other such things.

They were likely behind the promotion of sonderweg, a Germab historical school of thought that posits the World Wars and Holocaust happened because Germans are essentially monsters who love authoritarianism and have been working to destabilize Europe and exterminate the Jews going back to Martin Luther. In a way I feel bad for modern Germans because they're the product of decades of social engineering meant to destroy positive feelings towards their country and culture. You take 70 years of being told you're evil and everything is your fault and arresting people for expressing opinions to the contrary and this is what you get.

Patriotism exists because we're all still running on the same basic operating system we evolved over millions of years. We're intensely tribal. The truth is, you actually have only about 15 to 20 people you can really feel close to and about 150 you can consider part of your "tribe." Incidentally the number is smaller for less intelligent primates. Modern communications fuck with this, because you can come to see a celebrity WHO WILL NEVER KNOW YOU EXIST as part of your in group. As we got smarter and more organized, leaders learned to work around this by inventing the 'Super tribe.' The Super Tribe uses a simple color scheme and symbol (the yellow hammer and sickle on a red background, for example), a basic slogan that sums up what the groups stands for (Workers of the world unite!) and preferably a mascot or leader to rally behind (I know, we'll embalm Lenin and stick him in a tomb on display!) Every group does this. Sports teas, nations, religions. The fact that your posting with the Communist Meme flag, or that I'm posting with the confederate meme flag, shows that "Patriotism,' that is, loyalty to the Super tribe, is aliva and well. You're just being patriotic to something other than your own nation. Your being patriotic to an Ideal that you want to see implemented.

If Patriotism shown by paying higher taxes why is paying taxes still mandatory in Germany?

>America has the best survival rates for cancer
>produced over half of the world's new medicines in the last 10 years
>12/20 of the best medical device manufacturers are in the US
>we spend more per person on our healthcare system than any other country
>49% of our country is insured by their place of work
>if you're below the median income of your state you automatically qualify for bankruptcy and can eject all debt
>United States has 17/20 of the top universities in the world
>Americans take pride in self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, unlike Germans

>still falling for the nationalist jew

>I guess it gets lost in translations.
Guess so. We thought you were saying "fuck me in the ass ahmed"

>voting for higher taxes
Only leftists parasites do that, and they aren't german by any stretch.

Didn't expect to read this in such a shit place. You convinced me to stop shilling for a day or two while I think this through.

Patriotism means paying taxes goy
you are a patriot aren't you?

don't listen to anything this stupid retard says. he doesn't know a goddamn thing about the world he lives in.

>jew pretending to be German

lies op you dont pick up trash otherwise you wouldnt have any jews or muslims in your country