Yfw you remember Trump won

>yfw you remember Trump won

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i honestly do not see any difference between trump an hillary
trump is like hillary(male) with less corruption

because they both suckle on that sweet jew urethra (especially with kikeshner on trump's side)


Why hasn't he put his name on the White House? It can't be illegal or bad. He is living there.

He lost the popular vote.

pretty insightful observations, seems i have to retract my support for trump now.

thanks for opening my eyes.

it is clear he's a kike puppet the moment he bombed the syrian airfield

Yeah Hillary would have done all the same things like kicking trannies out of our military, putting a prominent conservative on the supreme court, pushing the Awan/DWS investigation. putting 1.6 billion down payment for a wall between us and Mexico, setting illegal deportations at an all time high, and pulling out of the Paris Accord.

If we could primary McCain and McConnell we could actually get the Senate vote to push a pro-American conservative agenda even harder, just as Hillary would have done.



When is Hillary going to jail?

lol you nigger that wasn't even about Syria, Syria is a minor issue. The (empty) airfield bombing was about China.

Trump was meeting with Chinese President Xi Ping on the HOUR of the bombing, for a lunch together, watching it live, to show that Trump will actually get involved in shit. That very same day Xi Ping canceled his record-breaking coal orders from North Korea and bought even more from the U.S. instead.

Art of the Deal. You're leagues behind the actual strategy.

I'm not american therefore i don't give a rat's ass about his internet actions, i only compare them from an external point of view i.e what they've done to other countries

>muh 69695465468946354165464561684D backgammon

>internet actions
what the fuck?
meant internal actions

>I only care about the opposite of a President's major issues.
Americans are for America first, the rest of you can die.


drumpf is about to get impeached for treason, its over snowflake drumfkins.

yfw in latest *Rasmussen* poll Trump's disapproval is 59% ?


Not with that attitude.

a president's major issues involve other countries, would he leave NATO? would he nuke russia? would he make peace with china? would he invade syria?

all these issues are much bigger than kicking some trannies off the military

If he won, why is he still campaigning?



Going by the presidential election totals, that sounds about right. Too bad the popular vote doesn't matter, and that at least 96% percent of his base would vote for him again.

>The cool stuff he's done doesn't matter because of these things I made up!
>Sure, he didn't do them, but imagine if he did
come on m8 step up

For his 2020 campaign. He filled the out paperwork to run again within 24 hours of winning.

You didn't have an argument in the first place

all this dried out "he's doing a plan nobody knows of just trust his retarded actions" and "he'll figure it out" shit is getting pretty tiring

You're not wrong but who the fuck are you

feel sso fucking good you have nooooooooo idea

he didnt though. you are citing false statistics.

over 5 million illegal votes were cast, almost all for hillary. they dont count. trump won by 3 million in the popular vote



the election was much closer

if you look at historical polling data (which is the relevant comparison here) trump went from 59% in january to 59% disapprove now and I think you also realize that this shitshow with reince and scaramucci will not help trump

>Its all just a coincidence, lets just ignore that