Does anyone here on Sup Forums actually trust the kikerowave for anything they eat?

Does anyone here on Sup Forums actually trust the kikerowave for anything they eat?

I've always been skeptical about how it could affect my health and it seems like most people I encounter are brainwashed enough to expose what they eat on a regular basis to radiation. Thoughts?

I've heard that if you put your head in it you become a liberal.

Except maybe popcorn cuz thats pretty child and having a popcorn machine seems unrealistic to me

Chill* fuckkkkk

Oh no, electromagnetic radiation excites water molecules in the food causing heating.

This must be da j00s somehow

How much of it leak out?

Just microwaved water for tea
Buttblasted bongs need not apply

Why are you using a nuflag?

High school level physics could answer this for you. Short answer is no, its not harmful unless it is damaged. It is the shit most people eat from a microwave I'd be worried about.

Because I am a pirate

Fucking brainlets, when will they learn?

Fucking this

Apparently staring into it while its running or even standing in front of it exposes you to radiation

Explain this shit

If you can't figure out how to use a microwave just call your mom.

It's non-ionizing radiation. It will only burn you. Not give you cancer


If you're going to spout bullshit, perhaps you could cite your bullshit source beforehand?

Oh my.
Is everything a jewish conspiracy? The fucking kikrowave.
Grow up man

Found the kike, way too easy

Get the fuck out of this discussion please

The irony

It also seems like most people I encounter are brainwashed enough to expose what they eat on a regular basis to fire and heat.

When do you ever see fire and heat in nature? It's unnatural and damages the chemical structure of the food!

Wear a tinfoil hat when you cook your microwave popcorn, OP. That always helps me.

Yeah I used to stick my face on the door to watch my food rotate and cook.
And now I'm special.
Thanks kikowaves.

A lot less than your phone emits.

Irradiated food seems more suspicious to me than a microwave oven. The bad thing about microwave ovens is that it makes it too easy to heat up unhealthy prepacked garbage food and end up overeating.
Don't buy shit tier food and you won't really have that problem though.

Microwaves suck dick. Use a toaster oven. Less nutrients thrown away.


>Is everything a jewish conspiracy?

No but most things are so it's good to question

saw an experiment where they microwaved water and gave it to a plant and it died, since then i try to heat food with a toaster oven or just eat it cold. I do still microwave burritos though, they're just better that way, they dry out in the oven.

the only people scared of irradiated food are the ignorant and naive who don't understand how radiation even works

christ do you throw out food that's been 'touched' by sunlight too?

Wrap them in foil tightly and that wont happen.

Plants don't like boiling water.

Microwaved scrambled eggs has probably saved me one year of extra lifetime.

Microwaves are RF.

Gamma waves, x rays, UV, alpha and beta particles cause DNA damaging radiation. Not RF.

If you believe RF is so harmful, you should not be anywhere in this universe as it is everywhere.

Get a ham radio study guide and get your license.