How to defend against a pit bull? Armed and not armed...

How to defend against a pit bull? Armed and not armed. Assume you are being attaked or your child is being or about to be attacked.

inb4, let the dog mount you.

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Gouge the eyes?

I have no idea.

Kill all the niggers

If it is wearing a collar, slide your hand under it up to the middle of your forearm, then twist the collar 180 degrees. Wait one minute. The dog will be dead.

Make them illegal.

Don't fight it.
Accept your death.

didn't one guy shove his entire arm down the pit bull's throat and pull out all of its organs?

inb4 spiked collar
Seriously though, how do you defend yourself against the niggers of dogs without a gun?

I've stopped dog attacks this way, obviously I don't kill them, but I rehab aggressive dogs as a hobby

>he doesnt carry a box of dog biscuits as a decoy for this exact reason

Head stomp, they have weak skulls. I'd grab my crotch to protect my balls. Little fucker would be dead in one or two stomps.

Take the front two legs and grab them on the inside, push them outwards, they have little strength in that direction. This will cause the ribcage to crack and the dog to die.


hammer to head, screwdriver or knife to rib cage, most important is a strong stick to pry the animals jaws off you once it bites you, if you don't have a stick to pry the jaws open it will never let go of you until you are dead

but hammering it in the head multiple times or if the dog is collared strangle it with it's own collar, like the previous poster said but you want to twist the collar 180 degrees then get it onto your foot so you can stand on it while you smash the animal in the head with something while you stand over it, those things are fucking dangerous man, if there is any way to avoid it entirely do that

The reason people use assault dogs in war is because there is no defense against them.

Assault dogs are pure muscle, their jaws are meant to clamp shut with the force of a crocodile. You'll need a crowbar to pry the dogs jaws off of you even after its dead.

Strangling it won't do anything.

Stabbing it won't do anything.

mount the dog

>or your child is being or about to be attacked
Survival of the fittest. The weak have no place in the future

Shove your hand down its throat and make a fist.

>t. guy who survived a mauling by doing the above.

Stabbing it and crushing its skull will kill any animal.
No be daft.
If it bleeds it dies.

Magdump it obviously. It's not even human.

REEEEEEEEEEEEE at it and cover my fist in a shirt or some shit and just start whacking away
Meanwhile in Bosnia

Pick up its back legs. Cant do shit. Easy.

Armed: Knife in its kidneys or ribs....also its asshole if facing away from u.......if biting you then knife / ice pick / screwdriverkidneys or ribs....all its armor is in its head neck & chest.....because thats where the other pit bulls bite each other.....

Best to just shoot them multiple times in the top/back area....

Sticks just piss them off
Unarmed? You going to have a hard time.....mainly because once you get bit, you get really freaked out....panic is hard to avoid....I would say eyes and wind pipe...maybe its genitals....

Beat it to death or cut open its cock and belly.
Or shoot it in its face if you live in america.
Dumb mother fuckers.

Run straight at him and kick him as hard as i can.
Stomp him until he's dead.

I live in a nice area but have been accosted by pit bulls 3 times over the last 2 years or so. Not attacked, simply barked or snared at for just minding my own biz, walking on the sidewalk.

Honestly, thinking back it usually happens after a work out or something so there might be some scent involved.
Full disclaimer: I'm Hispanic, LE, and I carry, but when I work out, I don't carry. I don't usually bring in activity for unleashed dogs, but I might start, especially for PB and the like.

>finger butthole or poke its eyes out

I've seen a grown man get treated like a bitch by a fairly small pit. Most people wouldn't do shit, but get in the fetal position, and but their arms over their heads. And I'd love to see someone try to pull a gun or a knife while they are being attacked.

You're supposed to shove your arm down it's throat.

As it runs at you probably go in as hard as you can with your fist, either hit it or get your arm inside his throat and start ripping that shit, but kiss goodbye to your arm for the next year.

If it's 2 or more, gg if you're unarmed. Wolves are apex predators for a reason.

you push up under the jaw before the throat activates the gag reflex

If you're strong, pull off a fucking King Kong jaw break. If not, get fucked up I guess. Go for the eyes like a woman.

That was me, I did that

Most "grown men" dont kill stuff to eat.
Id treat a pit like the chink chong I am.
Dog is food you no pay you no eat.
>i abused and killed so many fucking dogs.

Kick the living shit out of its ribs

Saying inb4 let the dog mount you is culturally excluding Canada I will not have this bigotry on my oriental wood carving forum

>live in Florida
>always be within 10ft of gator machete
>be within 15ft of gator rifle

Once oxygen is cut off because of deaths muscles and heart stops working.
All you need to do its stab it with a big bowie knife or shoot it with a glock.

just jump. It's a stupid quadruped, it probably can't even get its jaws more than three feet off the ground.

rover just got btfo by superior biped tactics

I use to live in a poor neighborhood in Salt Lake City and had to do this to a dog.
Idk what breed, but it wasn't a pit bull. It bit the back of my leg and my forearm and I shoved my entire arm
down its throat. I didn't hold it down so eventually it gagged and wiggled its way off my arm.

p intense

Takes a cucked beta mouth breathing pussy to not be able to deal with a dog attack.

Shit happens around me, dog is fucking dead by any means necessary.

I wish! I don't think anybody should have an animal that can kill a grown man with ease. It's weird we allow pitbulls - we don't let people have bears

grab it by the jaws and rip its head in half

So I know your supreme court ruling said Canadians can't penetrate dogs, but are dogs legally allowed to penetrate Canadians?

On topic: go for its eyes, use your thumb and pressure. If it doesn't run the fuck away after they've exploded like grapes well then you've got neat little flesh hole (Canada is legally bound to use this flesh hole).

Will gouging its eyes out be useful? Or is it too hard to do when it is attacking you? Genuinely curious

I did too. You just gotta stand tall and scream at them. They will usually run off. The people who get attacked get obviously scared or they run.

Who else lives in an are with nothing but fucking loose dogs? I'm so fucking sick of it. No on even dares to go for walks because everyone in the neighborhood decided to get a fucking dog and have it run loose. Shame too considering it's such a nice neighborhood.

That won't do shit. Pits can lock their jaw, they aren't gonna give a fuck about you pushing up - and you're putting your arm within reach of it's mouth. Worst fucking advice ever. That shit also doesn't work on German Shepherds - we tried it on our shepherds, to give them meds, and they'd just look at us funny. That's on a calm dog - you NEVER put your fucking hand or arm near an angry dog, period, you dumbass.

The best way to fight off a pit, is outrun it, shoot it, mace or pepper spray it, rip it's eyeball out, break it's leg(s), or hit it in the head with something hard. Some people say choke them, but that puts it's mouth near your face or your legs - the parts a pit is gonna target. Pit love going for the face, that's how they fight other dogs - that or the throat. You need to hurt it so bad it breaks off the attack and flees. If you're worried about the police (like a pussy) - any dog attacking you that bad that you need to do any of that, the police are gonna shoot, or order destroyed anyway.

I had a neighbor whose pit attacked my dog and bit me once and then bit me again on a separate occasion.

The first time I was able to get it off by sticking my hand as far down it’s throat as I could.

I got fucked up, but the thing stopped immediately

Pocket knife to the throat
If no knife, key punch to eyes/head

It will bite your fucking face or hand off while you're trying this. You must not have ever dealt with a fully grown pit, and how powerful they are. Bad fucking advice. Grab the collar - your arm is now target #1 - and it's going to bite it, and not let go until it rips off, or it's dead.

shove arm into mouth hard (if he is already biting) to keep him from clpsing jaw

go for eyes or nose

call animal control to get them

hit the wrists, a dogs weak point and it fractures easy. If they already clamped down and If you have access to water pour it on their ears, thats where they breathe when they lock jaws. Another one is to hit them on the left side but it can be tricky, it would be your right side if the dog is facing you, you can kill a dog this way, since their heart is very close to the left

What about suck it's dick?
>be me
>be attacked by a pitbull
>it bites my leg
>reach down and stroke its cock
>pitbull suddenly speaks in a booming black voice "ayo hol up lil nigga miss me wit dat gay shit"
>pitbull senpai desuuuu please accept this token of my appreciation.
>"oh shit human dats dat shit I DO like"
>jerk him to completion
>receive Medal of Honor from Justin Trudeau
>tfw I live in Canada

Good advice for getting bit. A dog, any dog, can out- maneuver you and out-run you. That's why the police have K9 units. Run straight at an angry pit? You're fucked.

But you keep larping, that will come in handy if you ever get attacked. Hope you have good health insurance.

How do humans fight?
Look for a stick or rocks. If there's none, just start punching and kicking the shit out of it. Little devil can only disable 1 of your 4 extremities.

>outrun a dog
Look at this idiot. No, pushing your arm into the back of the mouth works. I'm a dog handler and that's one of the best ways to keep it from hurting you badly short of collar grabs

Hold your forearm out in front yourself, let the dog bite it, lift up, now begin kicking the dog in its soft underbelly and ribs. No muscle and an incredibly vulnerable area.

OK, a mental perspective holds as a posibility. I can get with this; pack leader, and dominion over the land and sea. Couple that with,
The hind legs might be a method, then spin it around, and toss it into traffic.

These have all worked for some people:

1. slit its throat with a knife, both sides under the jaw
2. strangle it, staying behind it and keeping your head and face behind it
3. flip on its back, pull its forelegs apart like snapping a wish-bone.
4. grab it by the legs and throw it hard into something hard
5. kick it in the side as hard as you can

Dogs lose a lot of their power when flipped on their backs.
If you are strangling it, stay behind it - you will have to strangle it for 1-2 minutes with your forearms and very tightly. It is more resilient than a human.

I'm cracking up.

wtf is a gator machete?

I've read that if you can (big if though) grab the back legs and hold them up. I guess swing around too to keep the dog from being able to bite but then how long can you do that.

Black chick moved next door, sure enough has a pit that gets loose. There is a hole in their fence but she covers it up with a rock. Unreal some of the coonery I have seen.
Hopefully I don't need to use any of this advice for myself or loved ones, or shit even random strangers.

He was probably meaning if it already had your arm, if it doesn't, obviously you want to try to control the mouth.

what part of the name is throwing you off?

if its already grabbed a leg or arm then grab it by the ear with 1 hand hard near the head and twist as hard as you can or alternative put your fingers on the top of its head and push your thumb into its eye

if it has no bit take advantage of its short limbs and kick it in the nose. why snout? its sensitive. from the front gets the best results

however in the moment with fear and adrenaline it may be hard to think straight and most people get fucked up because they just scream. any attack is better than nothing. its just a small animal who bleeds nothing special

>just jump.

that didn't work for that grandmother in UK(?).

The pit jumped up to the neck.

Incorrect. If you get into a fight with a pit bull they can easily take out all your extremities and then fucking kill you

This is mostly due to people reacting in fear. If you actually fight the dog, unless you are tiny or an invalid, you can take a dog. There is a reason why everyone really getting fucked by dogs are children and old people. Grown men can take on mountain lions which a whole hell of a lot scarier than a dog.

i know that is the way to break up dogs fighting you grab their back legs and pull them apart so they cant do shit

You do understand a pit can put over 250 pounds of pressure with it's jaw onto your arm, right? You get you arm anywhere near it's mouth, it's not moving once it clamps down. Only rotties and shepherds can bite harder. Shoving your hand down it's throat is only going to work if your hand is already in it's mouth - you aren't prying it's jaw open. Other breeds, like retrievers, this might work. Might. A pit? Your hand or arm is getting fucked up. It would be better to grab it's lip and try to rip it off, or poke it's eye out, if it has a hold on you. Maybe. If it's a dog trained to fight, it can take a lot of pain before it backs off.

I used to work with dogs and the only way I got pitbulls off other dogs was to grab their back legs an pick them up like a wheelbarrow, then they focus on you but you can sling them around because they have stubby legs

Give him my jacket so it can bite it. Then stab the fucker in the neck.
Shove arm down its throat and choke it to death. Not even kidding.

I domesticate feral cats in a college town where it's almost a fad to just abandon your pets after you're done with college

I salute you my friend

>getting attacked twice by a dog
>not getting it put down or shooting it

no but a guy shoved his entire arm down a bears throat and bit its jugular until the bear passed out and then killed it with a stick.

no its too pissed and will bite you blind

Take its back and then rear naked choke.

Get a bigger dog.

Yes. Rip an eye out. Good advice. It works. Any dog that attacks you, where you need to do this, and isn't a K9 unit, is going to be destroyed anyway.

Move the rock, shoot the dog when it comes through the fence.

Literally lift my leg and mash its head into pudding with one stomp.

Man, my old neighborhood when I was a kid was infested with niggerdogs. Not a lot of crime, but hearing gunshots in the morning was pretty common.

If you run into a pack of ferals unarmed or alone you're pretty fucked though.

Of course they can kill you, but unless he's wearing a bodysuit, you have the chance to kill the dog too. Your bones aren't made of glass.

>Grown men can take on mountain lions
If it gets the drop on you the best you can hope for is making sure it dies with you. One good pounce will fuck anyone.

>shove your arm down its throat

Am I getting memed on? Their teeth are going to be piercing through it.

Dogs don't breath out of their fucking ears, you fucking spastic.

Pits cannot lock their jaw
They're niggers on all fours, not xenomorphs

Shove your hand down it's throat force gag reflex it will either choke or back off. I read about a hunter that did that to a leopard that attacked him during a hunt.

Head lock gauge eyes kick balls then knee ribs. If it has your hand in its mouth shove it as far dow. Its esophagus as you can and choke the bastard out

Someone suggested sticking something in its anus.
For some reason this defeats the fight in the dog.
If you already have control of the backless, stick your fingers in its backside and hold on tight.

Also, a friend of mine who had worked checking gas meters in remote areas, said he carried an umbrella.
If a dog was barking or being aggressive, he'd open the umbrella suddenly.
I don't know if he kept it open or opened and closed it.
I guess he kept it open.

I was attacked by a pit pull 6 years ago. I pulled out my gun and shot it. That took care of that.

Antifreeze is sweet for a reason senpai

if you can run, run.

if it isnt already biting you and you cant run, grab a stick or a rock. if it is biting you, shove your fingers into its eye sockets. theres not much you can do to defend yourself without a weapon.

>can take

I said can, not for sure and mountain lions are fucking scary as shit compared to a dog, which are scavengers and pack hunters vs a fucking land based killing machine that is a feline.

Bullshit. You're not a trainer, and nobody puts their hand willingly into an angry pit's mouth. Even trained professionals. Stop larping, faggot. HURR HURR dose people gonna get bitted - you fucking loathsome toad.

He ripped its tongue out in the leopard story.