"America is Black and White. America has and will always be a bi-racial country."

>"America is Black and White. America has and will always be a bi-racial country."

Is she right Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes she only says that because she's a coalburner. She really hates Hispanics

well some had to pick cotton

Kinda, but only because we brought them here.


She is correct. We brought them here

Anyone have that picture of that white Christian girl who sucked some niggers dick and ended up on Facebook?

That's probably Ann. You can see the nigger semen in her eyes.

Not that I'm expert in burgers history but wasn't the immigration act of 1965 a big component in screwing up with U.S., mostly europeans, demographics?


Blacks have been in America since way before a lot of the european immigrants came along. So yes she is right.

Why does she still dress like a slut when she's like 60 years old?

so were dinosaurs, so what's your point?

that was the final nail in the coffin yes. several more destructive acts followed throughout the 70s and 80s. the real mistake was taking in the Jews in the early 1900s through the fallout of WW2.

That is correct

We need to get rid of them. She doesn't speak for me.

So that means they are Americans and belong in America. If you didn't want them you shouldn't have imported them, retard.

You will have to learn to live with the 38m+ black Americans living in your country one way or another. Or you know you could just start the race war already so your shitty destructive and degenerate empire can collapse for good.

She is friends with (((Ben Shapiro))) who supports the end of whites in America.

"And by the way, I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America." Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."


civic nationalism and liberals need a good hang from the day of the rope

>(((Ben Shapiro))) who supports the end of whites in America.

i bet he would worry about the browning of his neighborhood or of his grandchildren

your obsession with his being a jew is as ridiculous as his obsession with being a Jewish Victim imo

He probably wouldn't, he'd move to Israel. He'd care that his in-group would be overrun in his country though, that's for sure.

She accepts the burden of the negro since whites brought them here. She's against trying to help the world's POC though

how do you plan on hanging 90+% of your fellow countrymen ?

how do you ever think you will get a government anywhere with a hang everyone platform you fuck.

>will always be
Not necessarily.

>i bet he would worry about the browning of his neighborhood or of his grandchildren
How about the "browning of Israel"?

>your obsession with his being a jew is as ridiculous as his obsession with being a Jewish Victim imo
He is Jewish and he talks about being Jewish all the time. He talks about Judaism in politics and it is the bases of his politics.

The problem with cucks like you is that if I was calling him out for being a Muslim or a faggot pushing their agenda you likely wouldn't say shit but when it is a Jew you get BTFO.

Jews are not above criticism or reticule and especially when they are as politically active as Ben. If you or anyone else does not like the Jew being called out for their political involvement I suggest you take your ass back to 'reddit' were they ban free speech and criticism of their masters.

I mean, technically she's not wrong.

Crosses over milfy white tits is my fetish and I'm not even a christian hhhhnnnnggg

calling out jews = saying they support the end of whites in america ? find me a quote or get a grip

your identity politics make you sound retarded

>find me a quote
The twink kike said it himself on twitter.

"And by the way, I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America." Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."


You will NEVER hear that kike say "I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of Israel."" but he has no problem with America being flooded by niggers and spics.

Seriously, that oven dodging kike spends his time in a debate defending (((big banks))) rather than ripping that fat fuck Chunk a new asshole. You cucks are backing the wrong Jew with (((Ben Shapiro))).




There's technically and substantive, she's right on both counts.

>Only blacks deserve any consideration of "reparations" due to slavery (paid for long ago with affirmative action, white guilt etc. 200 years time to move on

>Illegals and immigrants that just showed up aren't owed anything on such levels. The end.

Where is she wrong if not technically and not substantively? Oh I know DAS RAYCISS I guess.

(((We))) brought them here?

>so close
Don't forget the rice plantations. Malaria + the humidity of the coastal wetlands was a killer for white people. West African slaves already knew how to farm rice and so they were bought for their knowledge and experience


had to look that up, lol'd

Wouldnt be surprised if Ben went for presidency some time in the future.

>Is she right Sup Forums?
That's racist to Latino and Asian Americans.

Was an auto-correct.

>Wouldnt be surprised if Ben went for presidency some time in the future.
Trump is already a big enough kike already.

>Knew something

that may be true. but america will fall sooner because of it

>Was an auto-correct.
oh yeah, just had to look it up, made it funny..

>Notable members
Since inception, 17 U.S. Presidents, 38 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and 136 Nobel Laureates have been inducted members.

Ben is one of them, he needs to be stopped honestly, with his super zionism...

Yes. But we did have non Europeans besides blacks before that.
Like the Chinese we imported to build the railroads. We also had enough japs to warrant camps during WWII.

Enjoy sucking kike cock faggot.

White Nationalism is Post-American

Yeah she's probably right. She doesn't say if it's a good thing or not though

Yes she's right. Spics are why whites will be a minority

>Muh Civic Nationalism