All homosexuals

All homosexuals
All transexuals
All niggers
All muslims
All sluts
All sexual degenerates
Movie industry
Music industry
Book industry
Every industry
All pagans
All liberals
All redditards
All pagan larpers
Porn industry
All slavs
All communists
All heretics
All heathens
All chinks
All jews
All Rothchilds
All Rockfellers
All Soroses
All Clintons
All Bushes
All weak people
All wicked people
And finally...

All Serbs

Fair enough

>All niggers
>All Serbs

Serbs are special white niggers.

RIP 98% of the world population, including all of Sup Forums.

Including the OP

Just say all of humanity or yourself.
Problem solved

Sup Forums-tier thread. fuck off.

>Kills entire earth

If there is even a single person past puberty who never had a wet dream or masturbation fantasy I would be legitimately surprised

It's human nature to want to procreate without the intense urge humans would have died out thousands of years ago

It's relative, were all heathens in someone's eyes

>Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Don't live with hate, it pushes you away from godliness and the love of Christ

None of those would work. In order for the Death Note to be effective you need to write the name and picture the person's face. You would need to go after specific people. But even assuming that isn't the case, your list seems awfully ambiguous. And what the fuck is wrong with the book industry? Are you against reading or something?

There are ways around this though. For example, if you wrote "Shaquisha" then pictured a chimpanzee in your mind you could likely kill of 10% of the black female population.

>breaking news OP is a cum guzzling scum sucking faggot that should kill himself

>shlomo shekelstein chokes on his favorite shekel
>think of your happy merchant folder

Why complicate? Just write:
All Christians
Every degeneracy and stealing has roots in Judean-Christian origin.

so basically everyone exccept you

enjoy lmao

>No spics

I'm good.

All serbs

Why doesn't god just flood the earth again?

RiP philosophy, enlightenment period, scientific/industrial revolution, morality, beautiful architecture, ect

because your mom is clogging up the pipeline in heaven lmao

if you remove

nigger, muslims and jews almost all problems would be solved

Maybe you should go back to school if you think Greece was Christian BC.

Is this a joke? Christians promote free everything, which implies no punishment. Christians have a big mouth, that's all they have.

Top tier of Sup Forums is WASP. The rest is niggers, heathens, and mongoloids.

and the top tier of Sup Forums is like 2 people total

>Ten commandments

Never mentioned Greece

Guess we didn't need it

The world would be plunged into darkness/shit if you eradicated Christianity from the timeline

This is literally a fact

you forgot the furries...



I always new I was near the top. Thanks for this.

Srpski idiot da glumim kao da on nije sranje. Ja sam ponosan srpske kanadske i nije sranje kao i ti

But he's all of that anyway

Your foreskin stinks

>Christians are just pagans with a different coat of paint
so you want everyone to die?