Why you are proud of being white? White men are losers, cuckolds, mediocre...

Why you are proud of being white? White men are losers, cuckolds, mediocre, in youtube have thousands of videos against white men, of niggers making street view videos asking for white women if they prefer white or nigger and praising the nigger.

The porn industry of white males are pathetic, americans sell the propaganda of white men as lesser men, losers, cuckold race, non-dominant males

In the news, media, and propaganda in USA everything is owned by democrats party and they cherrypick non-stop racial anti-white male videos, keep race baiting while cover up niggers, cover up men of other race

White men are non-dominant betas losers living to keep racial white women image while white women in american media, movies, comics, porn industry and everything produced in USA in industries owned by democrats party for years worked to make white men the most humiliated loser on internet or any forum with white women being the only race who produced these things to promote white men as bad sex, losers, small dicks, cuckold race, losers for niggers while the white males produce nothing

White males aren't muscled, don't produce racial cuckold or cheating picture, videos, nothing to spam and demoralize against men of other race, have a feminized anti-white male femdom cuckold loser culture

White women with niggers, men of other race, is celebrated and promtoed in TMZ, Buzzfeed, huffpost, funny is huffpost in a picture of 100% of white women, so huffpost is a whtie women anti-white male website, cnn,

New York Times shilling against white men and asian women with preference for white men to please asianmasculinity, TMZ shaming black women with preference for white men to please niggers, american industries owned by democrats party always was focused to keep the white male as alone scapegoating, target, trashed, lowered and then produce these neutral shit with white women when every day, week, movie, porn, media, youtube, comics, movie white women produce with other race

Look at google results now and search for "white guys" "white men" or anything related to white, you will see in first news of websites owned by democrats party saying how white men are repulsive, trying to make partisan propaganda against trump, tying to explore race baiting, lol.

White men are the most pathetic loser race of men in internet

The word white men is related to shit in google results, porn sites, media, propagadna, now try to search for white women to see positive results, try to search for black men to see results to please their fetishes, fantasies, positive for them, now try to search for asian men to see results against white men and asian women and positive results for them, now try to search for asian women and see results against white men and even democrats party owned websites for this

All American culture is pathetic, white men are beta males in media, movies, porn, are neutral losers with whtie women, white men don't even have porn brands exclusive for white emn in the same way niggers have for themselves, white men is not racially promoted positive, is a neutral beta loser with white women after years of white women making racial anti-white male videos, media, movies, porn, propaganda, everything made with whtie woemn to relate white men with sexual trash, cuckolds for niggers and men of other race, losers, thousands of american high production pictures, porn, media, videos with best white owmen producing best fetish for niggers and men of other race

While white males are shit, need to wait years to have any porn, media, with asian, black or any non-white women, the white male is not praised, positive, the women of other race is not against men of own race for white men, white men aren't dominant men, don't produce cuckold and cheating racial commercials, media, porn, movies

White men looks inferior and less value than white women in DNC propaganda

Being white = LOSER = Humiliation born white for man and dream born white for woman

Confidence with culture of cuckolds, porn industry of losers, femdom loser beta race of men trashed in every industry in USA owned by democrats party, their websites, media, movies, lobby, porn industry and everything

Who the white male with non-white women is some sexless drama bullshit, the white male is ugly or shit, the women of other race is not attractive, is the opposite of everything produced every day with white women in USA for fetishes of niggers and men of other race, in google results if you search for white men you always will end in some race baiting democrats party and shit website like theguardian, cnn, huffpost, bbc, salon, buzzfeed, washington post who will will have a picture of old white man called white guy with some anti-white male narrative with partisan race baitign manipulation

And then search for white women, try to search for white men in google images and search for white women in google images to see the difference, or search pretending to be asian man, black men, non-white men in google results,

Everything related to the word "white men" "white guy" is negative, loser, cuckold, shit trash in google results, porn sites, porn industry, propaganda

White men with white women, lol, the white male being cynical pretending to be men, and pathetic in the side of white women after years of racial proapganda trying to show white owmen as the queen and in racial pedestal and white men like something inferior and shit in the bottom

The white loser after years of white women producing every kind of anti-white male cuckold commercial, anti-white male trashing, movies, anti-white male porn industry, media, demoralization, demonizatioon, race baiting, cuckoold, shit, everything made with white women to lower value of white men, relate white men with shit, try to remove their sexual market, everything made in USA to remove their confidence, self-esteem, try to boycott their relationship, relate them with shit, and then you are forcee to see white women only and white losers promoting white women after years of white women being the only repulsive disgusting race of women in media, movies, porn, everything made in USA to lower white men, promote white men as shit, bad sex, losers, cuckold race, small dick, demoralized, thousands of pictures, videos, porn, media, everything produced within of USA in industries owned by democrats party

Search for white men and any women in youtube, they will change the search engine for non-white men and white women, if you search for white men and asian women you will see videos made to boycott this to please asian men or opposite world, in porn industry, media, everything white men are cringe losers

You try to be cynical pretending that are good, but you are losers, you are the most sadest loser cuckold demoralized trashed race of men since USA have the power of globalist propaganda, and all these kind of videos, media, porn, proapganda, everything was produced and pushed for years in USA by the same democrats party who have lobby over your media, websites, porn, news, propaganda, who used your race for years to produce race baiting for power, who manipulate the chosen news, the hiden, the cover up everything to fit the democrats party manipulation hate proapganda

And then you pretend that some white trash of hollywood who will sell his shithole for his Democrats party, you will pretend that white cuckold of hollywood is a hero? LOSERS

The white male is pathetic, if you search on google results have only anti-white male shilling with democrats party websites in the top as always in the google search engine and somoene from google was in wikileaks trying to manipulate or support or shill for Hillary Clinton

Is pathetic the american loser contrast between racial worshiping, positive proapganda, pedestal of white women and racial trashing of white men

Why you white losers need to wait years to have any movie, porn, media of white men with asian women, and usually is shit, the white men is trash in the movie, media or porn, the asian women is ugly, and is very rare, same for women of any other race, while whtie women are every week produciong racial anti-white male cuckold porn, media, movies, fetishes for men of other race, niggers, narrative of white women and nigger against evil white men, white women and men of other race against white men

While the white male garbage is neutral, sexless, white owmen have explicit sexual scenes and praising the men of other race, wnhile the white male don't have sexual scene,s when have need to looks like a lesbian sexual scenes since hide everyting unlike white women for niggers, don't have white men and asian women against white women, don't have white men and black women against white owmen, don't have white men and asian women against asian men, don't have white men and black women against white men, but have this for men of other race with white women against men of own race

Years of USA trying to make the white cynical losers pretend that are men, have their castrated garabge, shit porn industry, shit media, shit movies, the white loser as beta provider and salve demoralized, lowered by white women

White owmen is not racially lowered, trashed for women of other race in american racial proapganda, USA for years created the biased anti-white male social engineering

This garbage of white men with white women after years of white women anti-white male shit

If you're trying to bait, don't write a wall of text.

lol fag qq cuz ur not white

>White men are losers

get off the internet and go back to speaking in clicks then

why do you type like a robot.

thou doth protest to much. Sage


White men own, invented or developed practically everything.
You're god damn right I'm proud to be a white man, cuck boii

Just saw this on Sup Forums and had to put it right here!

tldr lol

The white male with non-white women need to be some castrated non-treteaning, non-domionant, non-masculine, non-sexual, drama bullshit who USA make only one random exception to pretend that is in the same standard of high racial productions made with white owmen every day, week, in porn, media, comics, movies, propaganda, commercial and everything with niggers, for years trying to portray the nigger as the real male, good sex, big dick, dominant man, and the white male as the cuckold, beta, loser, non-dominant, unwanted, shit and slave owned and demoralized by white women in American democrats party owned industries, porn, media, movies, comics and propaganda for years of american anti-white male femdom, cuckold, beta, feminized, loser, non-dominant, trashed, demonized, lowered and everything produced in USA for years

White women is not a trophy or gift for men of own race, it's pathetic try to sell white women as something like this for men of own race, white men, since looks that white men is so loser, so pathetic cuckold race of men that is the only loser race of men who the women of own race need to be showed as trophy, gift or accomplishment who is pathetic, since the men of other race had years of anti-white male cuckold porn, media, movies, fetish, white owmen was used in all industries owned by democrats party in USA to try to remove sexual market of white men, relate white men with bad sex, cuckolds, make them the most humiliated loser race of men in forums, websites, all internet, have thousands of pics, porn, movies and everyhting to be used with white women for fetish and fantasies with niggers, while anything with white men you need to cherrypick hard


White male don't have asian models, non-white, even giant market for white men being men instead of being beta cuckold non-dominant loser

>I black gibs me dat or u waycis
Alrighty then. Have fun being a second-class citizen your entire life.

hopefully she will get AIDS or get's violently killed by a nigger

Forgoing the fact that this is a prime slide thread, please tell me what a black individual has to be proud of, speaking of the total accomplishments of his forefathers? 4,000 years of pointless squalor and brainlessness?

Nigger, there would be no racial divide if your black asses would admit that your childish give-me-everything attitude, ludicrously high crime statistics, and overall lack of any appreciation for long-term goals was an innate and totally irresistible instinct. You fuckers have *zero* on the white man. We brought you here, we freed you, we gave you the *opportunity* to better yourselves and stand equal to us as men, but what have you done? Thrown it in our fucking face. Every. Fucking. Chance you get.

Each and every black man is a disappointment to me -- a pitiable waste of potential and life. I'm beyond even hating you at this point. I'm sickened by you.

I aint proud of shit
fuck off

OK! Enjoy yourself and your eventual single-parenting!

No one is proud of being white we just prefer being around whites
Sage in all fields

I can cherrypick a picture of some user and his sexual fetishes, and pretend it means something, but unlike you I would be joking.

Any black guy always will have a much more confident life in the most important thing for the life of a man, who whites always will have this frustrated loser lowered race of men cuckold humiliation impregnated by default in their race since they born for the rest of their life with countless USA anti-white male social engineeirng, videos, porn, media, movies, everything to make you whites the most non-sexually apealing, beta, loser, inferior, cuckold, unwanted, non-dominant loser race of men who pretend that something pathetic with white women means anything, look at the difference of countries, media, movies of men of other race, how USA take care of not make against men ofother race everything who was made against white, look at how they take care to make white men and asian women, non-white women the exception, the random, shit quality, occasional, boycotted, while try to make white women with men of other race, niggers, the norm, the promoted, the fetish, the celebrated, the pushed, look at everything made in USA for years

be happy than a white loser who need to pretend to be good, while every men know that men need to have sex, every day when you go to porn sites, media, search on google, you will remember that you are a race of losers, cuckolds, you will see videos, movies, porn, and everything with whtie women only while white men is divided with men of other races, you will see how white men is something of less value than white owmen in American media, porn, movies since everything is made of 100% of white women only while white men are beta cuckolds living for white women propaganda, pedestal, affirmation, promotion

Everything related to white men is negative, cringe, loser, cuckold, pathetic,

At least everything related to white women is victim, opressed, good, queen, pedestal, positive

Look at black men and black women, everything of negative is made agaisnt black women in american propagadna

Look at asian men and asian women, everytihng of negative is made against asian women in american proapgadna.

Look at white men and whiten women, white men are losers, cuckolds, infeiror beta pathetic cringe loser race of men by default related to this, non-dominant, white men was humiliated, lowered, trashed for years of racial proapgadna using white owmen against white men in comics, media, movies, porn, videos, americans pushed this racial social engineering, while the white loser produce another beta movies, beta pornography, beta videos around praise the white women, white men with white women is by default nothing, you are related with losers with white owmen, and democrats party also don't want white men with non-white women, they want you only racially trashed, and being a alone target


White men with white women is the same thing than nothing, in the same way would be men of other race with women of own race, with the difference that white men was the only beta loser cuckold race of men who was promoted like shit in videos, news, media, movies, porn and every kind of american racial proapganda, and white men then produce videos, movies, porn or anythign with white women who make them looks like beta owned unwanted femdom losers who were racially trashed by white women but seems that don't have choice and are forced to be with white women like unwanted losers even after years of white women racial proapganda against white men in USA propaganda

shut the fuck up.

I don't think it's bait I think it's argument ad absurdism.

That it is so absurdly anti-white it's almost satire.

It is so pervasive that it must be a conspiracy. But a conspiracy of such magnitude would be inconceivable.

Therefore it must be demon possession. Aka the synagogue of Satan.

Therefore Christianity is true.

As the good book says we are the body and temple of Christ. Of course Satan has his a counterfeit of everything god has. The synagogue of Satan.

It is made so obvious so that we may be left without excuse when the world of delusion is stripped away. We all know it's wickedness we choose to participate in it.

>niggers making street view videos asking for white women if they prefer white or nigger
Tells alot about how insecure they actually are. And here you are making ad hominems too.

Every black kid born much more happier, confident, proud of being man, feeling pride.

While white kids will learn to live frustrated, as losers, learn to lose confidence, see themselves as shit, maybe become gays or have this femdom american white women worshiping anti-white male trashing culture and start see white men as something inferior in contrast to white women racial image propagadna and then become more beta, loser, maybe gay, cuckolds, see white men related to everything of negative, loser and pathetic.

Is a humiliation for any kid born white and man, don't matter how you try to disguise this, you are betas, non-dominant, losers, related to everything of negative in every way, even sexually you are related to everyting of negative, losers, unlike men of other races, who usually the man are proud and odminant, your culture is based in white men being inferior for white women since white women is racially promoted over other races and white men is inferior loser trashed by white women in propaganda, you will see that white women in videos, media, comics, porn, propaganda and everything with non-white men is the norm while white men with non-white women is the exception

Also, the image of white men is represents everything of negative as human and male, white men is related to sexual shit as male, and shit as human, white men is related to beta cuckolds losers demoralized and owned by white women, the american cultura with white males is emasculated, femdom, beta, loser unlike men of any other race, you are the most easist race fo humiliate on internet and we only need to use everything produced by white women for years while you will need to cherrypick hard to find videos, movies, porn, media, comics, propagadna or anything of non-white owmen agianst men of own race and for white men, only white women produced these things.

Dont know if bait but user is seriously triggered by whites. OP shoukd drink bleach

I'm proud of being white because I can help my white woman achieve sexual satisfaction by finding more sexually potent partners for her.

And after years of everything produced with white women to try to remove sexual market of white men and remove your value and relate yourselves with shit, you watch movies or porn with white men praising or promoting the white owmen positive like beta femdom loser cuckold race

White men are the most cringe loser beta cuckold pathetic race of men.

How white losers have motivation to does anything with your american beta cuckold maculinity of losers? Have any pride or anything positive to feel to have motivation to live? You don't have, you are frustrated loser race of men forced to hide on this.

Then you will become fat, depressive, weak, don't make nothing, since you are the race of men with less self-esteem while trying to pretend that you have self-esteem.

You are the most pathetic loser humiliated race of men, you are mediocre, you will watch some white actor in hollywood or media who will praise democrats party, DNC, make propaganda for the candidates of democrats, even Democrats party being responsible for all the videos, media, proapganda, everything made to racially baiting, trashing whtie men, lol.

You will need to have these white cuckolds of hollywood as hero, you have no hero, you are the most frustrated loser race of men, you are frustrated with media, porn, everything, you never will feel pride, never will feel really good, you always will be broken loser men with your broken loser cuckold

White men have a unnatural beta loser culture, men are made to be dominant, proud, not pathetic cuckolds and losers like whites
White men have the most loser, emasculated, unnatural, unhappy, depressive, loser, negative, cuckold culture.

Every kid who born being white and man within of your loser culture, will need to have a fake life, pretend that they have confidence, pretend that they are happy, pretend that everything is good, while don't matter they by default will be forever related to shit by globalist american DNC propaganda influence.

I didn't read all of that but sage.

Keep it up though, the more you abuse whites the harder the whitelash gets.


Off topic but does anyone have the infog of philando being a gang member?

Tycoon Millionaire, they specialize in selling drugs to white kids.

I don't have the pic but I remember.