/happening predictions/

yo whoever is in control of the happening, can you make it happen within 3 days?

bet a buddy that the spy would drop soon

general /happening predictions/ thread

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War probably. We're gonna get drafted just like our Grandfathers in Vietnam.

betting on NK?

WH user said arrests/indictments will be done by wednesday.
This was before the 27th.

how significant of arrests though
like market affecting arrests?

Korea is the lynchpin. This'll be like Vietnam until Russia gets involved.

12 October. two banks will die
23 October. Europe burns

didn't say.
i assume it may have to do with sessions' leak investigation.

Everything's so boring. I thought ww3 would start by now.

David will ascend into heaven

*David Icke

>can you make it happen within 3 days?

Sorry, no.

>WWIII void swiss neutrality
>whole population is raped and mutilated for allowing shalom/salam sandniggers a safe haven to operate out of

>WWIII void swiss neutrality

It will, but only because of all the gold being held.


I can't predict within three days, but still should happen this year (september):

North Korea (small scale) nuclear false-flag attack in US cities and USA will get legitimation to wipe out North Korea with nuclear weapons.

its been happening, the media is just doing a black out



Hillary will be in jail soon.

I thought deutschebanke was supposed to go down in august, did it get pushed?

Pedogate will be busted wide open soon after the Awan Brothers Scandal. Check em


>(((owners))) of some bank sell some office buildings
>a few days after the sale, isis attacks those buildings

'europe burns'
>probably some forest fire somewhere because degenerates threw a cig on some leaves or some shit

Death to the witch!

I can confirm a violent Happening before the summer moon above.

Within 3 days the fuse will be lit, but we III will take a bit to get rolling.
Watch the news the day after tomorrow.

A Bog will pass unnaturally and the surviving Bog will avenge his fallen brother with great devastation to the global cabal

We MIGHT be fucked.

3 days? The weather is cooling, but the big happening is set for September. After the normies drop their guard because the eclipse was a nothing burger.

yellowstone will erupt before the end of the year

The eclipse will look pretty though.

This thread is now a September 23 and eclipse thread.

The word of Satan shall return as cookie monster.

I predict some happening in St.louis during eclipse, September 23rd economic and or NK happening

Predict or guess?

I have seen the future, Trump will save us all.
>pic related

what you see are actually two planets colliding. A wave of one trillion atom bombs will be seen soon in august from earth.

Are we fucked or will we still be comfy?

comfy and fucked

Just because miracles happen all the time doesn't void their significance.

Right now you're breathing in more than vigintillions of atoms. Pretty big stuff.

Yeah, but some miracles are comfier than others.

> grandfather
> vietman
damn, how young are you?

well actually, if you ask me like this, yes, it is indeed a comfy happening. It is not like as if it happens in seconds. It will take time. First it will be seen, than slowly an EMP like wave will hit earth on a daily base. More and more region will hit by the EMP. Than it will get hotter over the month and the night sky start to get a different color. Until the day will turn into that color too. More and more earthquakes and finally a heavy radiation cloude will take over the earth. You might be saver underground for a few years.

Indian and Chinese border conflict. It'll be dubbed the "Shitskin, Piss skin conflict of 2017"

after the solar eclipse the jew will erupt Yellowstone and using the eclipse as an excuse only people that work for the government will survive. why explode the Yellowstone? so they can rebuild the world as they seem. At September 27 normal people will survive they will do the ritual and invoke satan.enjoy your last 2 month.Screencaps this

I was in Vietnam you young little faggot.

Dangit, guess I have to make a hole house. Is it as easy as Minecraft?

We'll need at least 6 airbenders to fix this shit.

Nom nom nom

the reason the yellowestone got active again and had his over 1000 earthquakes since this year is because of the influence of these two colliding planets. On top of this, yellowe stone is not the only vulcano who just got active, something that is blacked out on all sides is the fact that with the yellowestone almost all the other volcanos started again. They will get their high when the earthquakes get stronger after the EMP rain.

make as long as you can your jokes but the day will come.

>make as long as you can your jokes but the day will come.
Fine, but how do we survive?

try to get as deep as you can. Also, this is not the first time humanity went underground.

>not the first time humanity went underground.
pls splain

accept your fate, we will die

wtf is this guy even talking about?

We can stay comfy during supernovas. How will some planets millions of light years away do anything?

What's supposed to make this any different from the Shrekchan false flag Illuminati 2012 Olympics nuclear attack/ayyylmfao invasion happening?

>How will some planets millions of light years away do anything?
Supposedly our sun's sister star is coming closer.

This is not how it works. Even 8pol figured that out with their Kek thing.

hint: You don't get what you want, only what you deserve

it is a slow process. It is not happening as you see in your action movies. It will take time for you people. But you will slowly start to see it soon.

>Getting worked up over something that will probably take millions of years

wtf man.

Rod and ring will strike

>probably take millions of years
already behind that. Yes, these are actually the end times.

Kek will manifest 88 days from now

Well, I wouldn't be surprised either way.

I just thought you people had some more juicy stuff.

everything fine on our side. This zoo need a clean up anyway.

We won't know until September, when Kek returns from his vacation. See you lads then.

Except that any cleanup from now on will have to one of those 'final' cleanups.

>make as long as you can your jokes but the day will come.

And I'll still be making jokes.

colliding planets is nothing special, it actually happens very often.

War with NK, numbers confirm

If it was before the 27th, then he was referring to the 26th. Seeing as nothing happened, we can pretty much confirm that WH user was a LARP.
