Socialism doesnt wo-

>socialism doesnt wo-...

just wow

>Doesn't understand currency devaluation

you're kidding right?

Yeah venezuela is doing great guys

Someone give us the US dollars conversion for a laugh


Venezuela is what socialism looks like

And yet toilet paper cost like $500

just look at those zimbabwean trillionares
you might just be onto something here lad

I just can't into inflation?

lel, compare red and the one sky rocketing

That's called massive inflation. The bullets arrive shortly after that.

Someone post the pic about how many eggs you can buy with the US & Venezuelan min wages. Kek, I'd love to have electricity for like 2 days a week aye.

Not what I expected.

It does.

>muh free market paradise
minimum montly wage 15k

>muh socialist distopia
minimum monthly wage >100k

Keep staying poor ameritards

>go to Zimbabwe
>earn $3 trillion per day

get fucked poorfag whiteys


Look at it go! They will be driving Ferraris all in no time!

that's the joke, genius.


That's probably the "official" exchange rate. Good luck getting that on the blue market.

Letting niggers run the country won't wo-...

And to think that the Venezuelan president was asking Trump for help.

Do they even have words for numbers this large?


>minimum wage
>implying employment
>implying purchasing power

Newfag, pls

I worked in a house once and the people had money from the places they would visit. The Zimbabwe bill they had, the zeros went half way across the bill. The exchange rate was something like 15ยข us.

Great bait, user.

>what is inflation

>.what is bait

What a retard

just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
eat your granny
just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it
murder neighbours
just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it
It will become true
just believe it
>just believe it
just believe it
>just believe it