Do YOU believe that black lives matter?

And don't try to dodge the question!

Other urls found in this thread:

No. I'm absolutely sick of them and you'll be too, in 30 years.


It depends on what the meaning of the word 'matter' is. If it means have any affect on me whatsoever then that's a completely true statement. Now, if someone asked me 'Do black lives matter?', that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have to say no. And it would be completely true.


BLM seems to believe that they don't, since they are in favour of gangs and nigger culture which are the main cause of death for black people.

Who are these people?


some of them matter but in general no



They both matter equally as far as the law is concerned

Yes. Black Lives Matter in the sense that they are detrimental to the well being of humanity and have been since the beginning of time. Black people should be wiped off of the face of this Earth. It would be a much better place.


Crime, incarceration and education statistics PROVE they don't matter to any healthy society.

rebbit /r/ AskTrumpSupporters


>you know what I'm saying
>ya feel me dogg?
>good sir, are you picking up off the ground what I am placing onto the ground?

Black speak lol

vermin race desu

What s a goddamn nimble navigator

> plebbit faggotry

We have reichsminister et al around these parts

this was the biggest dodge Ive ever seen?

the burden of proof is on the claimant.



> stating the obvious 101

Stop helping them user. Let them murder each other.

Some not all

less than white lives but yeah

Wild monkey lives don't matter to me. Pic related


Yeah... not as much as white lives, but I mean.... maybe as much as a cat's. Not my cat tho.

None of them matter. The ''good'' ones that ''matter'' only serve to make people who are scared of naming the issue feel good about themselves,
and enable blacks like these by giving false hope that all of them can reach their level

no. not ever.

3/5 as much

no until proven yes

not in the slightest

No, I'd nuke them all if I could

no, go die in a dumpster fire

To anyone but their mammies? Doubtful. I certainly don't need them.

Black Lives Matter more than any other life.

Black people are worth 1/3 a white person.

They do the work of the men because negroid men are too lazy lmao

Blacks can't even manage to value their own lives, why should whites?

Wow niggers are actually that stupid and believe that?

no, nothing of value would be lost if sickle cell were more prevalent and virulent, be we love them voting because they are predictable as the four seasons.

Wow that was the biggest dodge I've ever seen?

I think all life matters. I just don't really want them in my country.

And if trees were made of money, tree farmers would have most moneys.

What a retarded, out of touch with reality quote. Hard work, sure, that's what happens when you can't invent technology or new solutions to the same mud-hut problems you've been having for a thousand years.
There's nothing "enterprising" about busting your ass doing work that machines do now for free.

And this quote , is coming from this guy.

Who also claims to pro "indigenous rights".
But of course he's totally indifferent to indigenous Europeans and their right to exist.



a white man said it... must be true!




No, fuck niggers.






My life doesn't really matter either though desu.

But maybe if they decide to stop killing each other in droves, I'll take their movement a little more seriously.











that most certainly was a case of nigging.

Black Lives Matter as much as any other non-white lives to me.



Fukkem all.

wow this place is completely dodging the question.
Not one time has a person said that black lives do matter, you just keep posting pictures of stupid white people.
Stay sleep

No, and neither do their votes

It is rather a shit brown









>black people currently get becas for being black

Nice one


Fellow humans who suffer from a karmic curse brought onto them by their ancestors, and spearheaded as a hammer in Western society now by the same special interest group who brought them over here in the first place.

Live humbly. Live within your means. Accept your short comings in order to be able to surpass them. Karma will pay out the rest in time.


Honestly, I don't live in America, I have no fucking idea what actually happened to spark the BLM movement because the media is completely unreliable these days.

But I'm a cop, and here's what I know from experience:

There was a music festival called Europe Ultra in my city this summer. So what happens is, douchebag tourists get drunk as fuck, they act like maniacs and trash everything in sight, and since Croatia's economy is heavily dependant on tourism any cop that so much as touches one of these assholes is probably gonna get fired and end up with no way to feed his family.

So you have violent drunks attacking police and police basically using their training to somehow subdue them without causing a bruise on a western face.

And I have no doubt it's the same thing with american cops and blacks. American cops are probably scared shitless of ever running into a black criminal because they're smart enough to know what will happen if they have to use force on them. What I think happened was the black guy literally left them no choice and they shot him and the second they did, they said "GODDAMMIT" because they knew Black Lives Matter More Than White Lives and it would be a media circus.

not saying that's what happened, just aying that's what i think


Came here to say this.

Nope, and they don't matter to them. Oh well.

you're right



Pic related is the biggest Dodge I've ever seen.


no but don't feel bad no other human life matters either

it's just basic supply and demand
