Knowledge Bomb. [SHILL OPERATION EXPOSED](Pedo,ISIS,Bilderberg,CNN,Sup Forums, Leftypol,Trump)

In [Pic Related] is the Shill Operation being done against the KB Threads/Comments.

It was started on 6/2 & then on 6/3 the London Bridge Attack happened. The Shills had foreknowledge about the Terror Attack due to them being part of the same ISIS Network (That also did the Manchester & Westminster Attacks), which is why they did/started the Shill Operation a day before in hopes of discrediting the KB Threads ahead of time.

Bilderberg (which was going on during that Timeframe), IC “fingerprints” & those in CNN familiar with Doxing were also involved. CNN eventually made a deal with ISIS to hire that ISIS Filmmaker if they Doxed that Trump GIF Sharer for them. The exact same tactic of “doxing a random person (who then deletes accounts after seeing/finding out about the dox) in hopes to use that person’s information to attack someone/something else” was done in both cases. (The Shills really went “all in” after a Red Herring, showing desperation & paranoia)

The Shills put “Deep Drive” CP into the “Frank Memes/Images/Pics” they tend to post. It’s called “Deep Drive” CP because it’s still in the computer(s) even if the images are deleted & special/advanced tech/hardware/security systems are required to spot/detect it. (This type of CP is predominately used for Blackmail & Compromising. CP Distributors have access to it)

“Deep Drive” CP is how they are going to bring down Sup Forums (Hiro & Moderators take note) by “Poisoning the Well” with images/memes that have it. Pedophile Operatives inside Governments/Agencies/Military’s will use it to Compromise everyone (“Good Guys” & “Bad Guys”, Pedo’s are Evil that will spare no one) unless they are stopped beforehand.

They will also try to start War(while also killing Trump’s admin as “revenge” for taking down the Pedo Networks) by say “Russia” put the CP on/in the computers. Pedo’s will use the confusion to hide, escape and/or claim “innocence”.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

[ARCHIVE OF PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

[Future topics I plan on covering]:

1) They Live

2) WW3 Scenario's

3) The 2 forms of Globalism

4) Sandy Hook

5) Europe's Powder Keg


Watch the Shills arrive

SAGE & fuck off Frank

just because we know you're a schizo off your meds with incoherent ramblings doesn't mean we're shills


They're already arriving.

Will dump the screenshots I got of that lefty shill who was shitting himself about Hillary last night.

Your biggest threat is yourself.

Are you aware of the phenomenon of targeted individuals? Because you are acting like one.

Shills commonly also use memeflags and claim people are jews

Bump and thank you for your help in the /HTG/ threads A5. You're doing us a great favor with your info.

Was kind of hoping it'd be new info on the shills but whatever (also potentially)
So questions since last KB:

H.R. Giger may have known about the group of 10 Serpent Women in the Ark: much of his art depicts females as Satanic, and often there is a snake included. Top pic especially related.
You said in /x/ that the Feminism Virus started in Whites (originally and this time); were the 10 Serpent Women all white?
Have you seen PontyPool? The Femin Virus sounds similar- it must be comprehended to be infectious (partially why Blacks don’t get it as fast, they don’t usually philosophize about gender equality).
However, for the DNA component, White Females would of course have the necessary receptors to be susceptible, and Racemixing puts the receptors into the children if the Woman is white. All the Social Engineering towards Egalitarianism is also helping to create the right “environmental conditions” and spread the virus into cultures that would not have been previously susceptible.


>I'll dump the screenshots of the posts I made

cool story bro

Pic related is some faggot who was posting on /x/ and revealed that leftypol is involved with the shill operation.

Here is one of them bragging about all the e celeb and larp threads they have been pushing here on Sup Forums. Remember all the WH user/more recent FBI user posts (where he claims to be "back"). All faggots from leftypol.

Note the British vernacular this user had in this LARP post


>Frank can't tell me apart from anons
Database unconfirmed
>Frank keeps a mentally ill man up for two days straight talking about semi trucks and cargo fleets
Is Frank a foamer? Only time will tell.
>Top ten anime betrayals
See pic
>My shitposts are subliminal messages
Is my Sup Forums addiction a sign of childhood abuse? Will punching a mirror make everything clear?
>I'm Frank

Seriously this guy was actually brain damaged. I've never seen someone this stupid.

Thread where he was posting:

Its all gonna end in tears for so many.....Ever heard of Eschatology?

Things are moving, it will be a strange trip.....pick yer sides, soon it will be too late....

People will be very interested in seeing them.

Yep, that is a very common tactic.

Figuring out the Infrastructure of those things scares the Pedo's like nothing else.

1) Yes

2) Interesting.

Leftypol has been raiding constantly & they have also targeted me.

Louise Mensch is also involved with them.

More questions:
I’m guessing you can be "immune" or get “better” and back to being logical if you’re not too far gone, but I don’t understand the viral effects fully enough.
Does the Virus cause women to simply consider themselves Equal to or Better than men, and push culture to allow them the same rights?
Or is that just a symptom of the real affect, which would be an aversion to being a mother and having children, if it was made to “Destroy Families and Society.”
It would be nice to know how different brain functions could have an effect on Jealousy (wanting the rights/responsibilities that men have). Knowing what the real symptoms are could help show which parts of the brain are infected, and determine how the virus really acts/infects.
If the Crystals that were necessary for the Space Humanity were destroyed, how can we get back to that point?
Could more be made, or were the originals found or given to us? What other inventions/infrastructure do we need before we get back to that point?

Was the firing of scaramucci a kamikaze attack on the deep state?

Can you dox this faggot yet A5

What is up with you two idiots?

Another where the shill continues to use libshit terms like "nazi" and "alt right"

So does his BioMechanical art (which also features humans meshing with machines) show more of what Space Humanity looked like at that time? Does he depict a Landing vehicle or Ark at all, or anything from those cultures that would be saved and read with New Tech?

samefagging? really? come on buddy

What was all that nonsense about the 28th? Was that about the wasserman scandal? How big of a scandal is it? Any mind blowing news to drop on us? What kind of impact did the history of the human race thread have? I told a few of my open minded friends about it

Talking about "anti-women propaganda" lol

Uh oh what is this

Spilling his tendies because someone wouldn't brainlessly support Hillary. These people are almost more mentally deranged than the shills.

Breaking out the psyops again already?

If I'm ISIS, then why am I covering my whole body in whey (haram) while twiddling my nipples to thoughts of Frank (not pictured)?

Very clever, forcing the shills into an absolute reversism blockade
Heres a shill thread they made the other day attacking you but it got deleted when they lost control of it

Reminder that you should just hide this guy's posts because the pics he posts mess with you on a subconscious level.

Did the nuclear bombs that were dropped on Japan actually exist? Or were they psyops by the Air Force film industry of the 40s-50s

Are they having some of the mods help them out? This was another comment the leftyshit made last night

Hiromoot should be concerned that he will be implicated in a criminal terrorist conspiracy.


A new CoS was the plan.

That interview he gave to that reporter hurt him.

They completely revealed who they are working with.

Trans-Humanism was/is part of both the Old Tech & New Tech.

1) It causes them to view everything around them as "Weak". Women are biologically programmed to make sure that "Weak" genes do not continue on.

2) New Tech will find/create an alternative.

3) All crystals were destroyed/used in the Battles. Humans would need to use the BBP(Black Budget Programs) Tech for Civilization Progress, rather then conflict & the "Globalist Endgame".

The Shills keep going "all in".

Fuck I was thinking the "feminism bio-weapon" was more metaphorical then an actual biological condition(triggered via certain social and societal conditions). How did other races become "immune" to it?

So then the mass migration/rape of Europe is actually a way to destroy Islam in the long run(after it destroys whites and Christianity) along with Asians.

So the best way to combat the feminism is just not treat them as equals?

Something is causing women to view everything around them as "weak", is this the perception damage you where talking about with prescription medications? (also doesn't help with the media/entertainment angles empowering women making them "seem" strong)

Love this thread BTW, shills damned if they do(post), damned if they don't(post)

Paranoia is unamerican
This thread needs more smug americans

1) If that interview Mooch gave hurt him why was the MSM saying Trump liked it? Have they stopped the leaks and are putting out false info to weed out leakers?

2) Why would Trump sign off on sanctions with Russia if it will hurt the US overtime?

3) This is not a good sign, someone is trying to make a bioweapon to target Russians

>crazed reddit shill is forumsliding and trying to distract us from the real threats.
> Sup Forums still falls for it.

It's fucking done. The reddit cancer has become terminal.

Hi frank

>attacked cnn for no reason
top kek

If there are humans who keep this info private, why do they want to destroy the potential to return to the beautiful set of civilizations we had? Why be the only ones to finally have intergalactic travel when we could have the might of the whole Human Race? It cannot be just greed, because it makes more sense to be in control of a huge expanding Civ than to be a tiny ship of Elites with no power outside your own solar system….

What happened to the Scientist? How many direct women did he infect- just the girl who betrayed him, and thus the children she had? He would need test subjects too… Obviously he was found out if he’s known- was he punished, how long after he started infecting people was the origin found?

Typically when viewing or reading anything a person whose first language is english will look at the top left of the image automatically due to trying to read it.
However, if you train yourself to initially focus on the center of the image when initially viewing it then the subconcious tricks' effects are drastically reduced

>look for the lamp


Dig into my ass about ford warehouses for more

Guess who was probably trying to help out with the dox for CNN?

Also explains why it failed so miserably and backfired.

It all makes sense now. Your the KBitzlaw twitter guy too. You've got 2 many cooks in your kitchen Frank. You gotta fire someone.

Basic gestalt on the spine beetles

What if Ford was behind this all?

>How did other races become "immune" to it? So the best way to combat the feminism is just not treat them as equals?
Probably not allow Weak Men to have power, keeps it at bay. Women can be equal in their rights as humans, but maybe not in their rights to make plans for society. Like they are kept more in their place as mothers and can hold jobs if they are good at it, but much more emphasis is placed on the family.

Seems like it, considering none of the other threads targeting individuals that were up at the time got deleted. Only that one did, rules for radicals fucked the shills up pretty bad.

Dejaste a "hielo" en el suelo, me sentaste en tu regazo y me dijiste que ibas a una guerra. Menos de un año después, regresaste con Theon Greyjoy como tu pupilo. Hubiera deseado que dejaras a ese maldito bastardo a cargo de el rey o Tywin Lannister, tal vez lo mate yo misma uno de estos días.Lord Stark suspiró._¿Te ha hecho algo?_le preguntó con voz dura._Lo de siempre. Cree que se casará conmigo porque Robb lo favorece, y de forma muy errónea cree que le da derecho de planear y describir con lujo de detalles la noche de bodas.Lord Stark frunció el ceño, intentando ocultar su disgusto por el comportamiento de el hijo deBalon Greyjoy._Hablaré con él.Lyanna se volteó a verlo por un segundo, antes de volver su vista hacia el estanque. Algo volvió a jalar de su capa, ella jaló y la

There is no conspiracy, only sexy sexy smug presidents

Hillary haiti?

1) They weren't/aren't immune to it.

2) Yep.

3) Feminists have a Virus.

4) Women get Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder from Birth Control & Prescription Drugs. But certain social conditions activate the Virus. All this combined with Social Engineering is a dangerous combination

5) Exactly.

1) Compartmentalization plays a factor. Not just Elite Greed or Concern with what Humanity might do.

2) He spread it just like any other Bioweapon/Virus.

>2) WW3 Scenario's
this is what i'm most interested in. ww3 is coming, i feel it in my bones

Another factor is that paranoia is a sign of communism and unamerica, you give off a lot of that paranoia

Cnn is so goddamn jealous of Sup Forums and Trump, everyone in hot water right now (media, DWS, Hillary, Obamination) are all furious, and it's hilarious. Fucking evil ass censoring greedy bitches.


>nether regions
>marble bags
>hamster hamburger

we gonna need lots of balls for ww3

PMC/Security Force that works with/for me.

It has many ways of going down. Which is why Bunkers sometimes make great life insurance.

meant for

Can we get rid of these retarded non geographic flags? They're childish and take away from the culture of this place, which was knowing where everyone is from.

Also, meta thread for improving this board starting now.


Fuck the shills

Bunkers will not protect you from the fact you are unamerican by virtue of your paranoia which stems from being a known communist

The ones disadvantaged by their language barrier have the worst poker faces

It is pretty amusing watching them fail so badly.

The only communists are the ones working with you

Fuck off hillary shill. This board belongs to Sup Forums and the_Donald now.

for you

frank why are you bumping your thread on your phone again?

t. kike

What is the best chance we have to meme world war onto some other part of the globe so that we don't get nuked? I don't have friends with bunkers.

t. Beta Male

1. Could some of the subconscious impulses and the cycles inherit in women be bred out? One notable difference between men and women is that there is much more natural selection with men being killed in battle and while doing dangerous work, while studies show that generally most women mated and had offspring. Due to how we naturally protect women as well, there is little natural selection there overall.

2. What causes pockets of data on the internet to suddenly vanish into "online black holes"?

3. Do you have any knowledge of what we evolved from if we did not come from apes? What did we look like before we were fully evolved?

4. Who was behind Ghost Net?

5. If you had to point out what you considered to be the least compromised and corrupt government agency (CIA, FBI, DHS, etc;) who would they be?

6. Will China back down with some of their globalist plans that would come into conflict with our interests if we showed them that we would retaliate with proper force?

7. Are you considered to be retired or still working?

>they have a Virus
Could we find said virus if we took some blood from one and examined it?

Can we actually vaccinate against feminism?

I don't think I've ever heard of a virus activate via societal conditions but sounds like a odd bio weapon, could be based off another virus that's also activated via social conditions.


Did you find out about the History stuff because you needed it for your work, or was it given as a gift for your help? Or did you discover it by yourself (by hacking or something)?

meme flags are a weapon of the kike and the Hillary CTR shill

The new Flags were implemented to allow Shills to hide more easily & make Sup Forums appeal to the Reddit users coming in.

This threads OP exposed a massive Plan they have.

They certainly do.

Depends on location & countries involved. Not all Wars need nuke usage.

do any of my frankbros have the screenshots of frank pretending to be an NSA agent saying "we've been tracking this Frank fellow for months and came up with nothing, Anon5 has the best opsec in the world he doesn't leave a trace anywhere"???

The new flags were implemented to send communists like you on the run, you unamerican potato

Through memetic brainwashing of course.
The more time you spend on Sup Forums, the deeper our ISIS brainwashing gets, and before you know it, you're worshipping cartoon girls and shooting your cow-orkers.

It would probably been more present in the brain, I'd guess mRNA transcripts would be there, although it's interesting that we don't have immunity to it yet... Seems that any population that hit a certain Societal Environment would be susceptible.
"Vaccinating" would just make sure that the conditions for it's activation would not occur- ergo, we'd have to teach of the dangers of the history of Feminism and not let Weak Men spread/be in charge of stuff

>10 Serpent Women
where are you getting this info about "10 Serpent Women", sounds like coast to coast AM bull shit

Ask and ISIS delivers, fellow shill

I really hope this isnt true

Where did Jews come from and why are they so different than us? What was all that nonsense about the 28th? Was that about the wasserman scandal? How big of a scandal is it? Any mind blowing news to drop on us? What kind of impact did the history of the human race thread have? I told a few of my open minded friends about it

Jesus it is so easy to bait people into thinking that I'm anonymous5

Why are the mods helping the Shills? Don't they know that aiding terrorism will get them in hot water?

The funny thing was that he actually had been in bed for several hours at that point. So the user obviously knew what he was talking about.

1) Possibly with Selective breeding or DNA/Genetic modifications. But some behaviors are not possible to change.

2) Don't know.

3) We came from other Planets.

4) Don't know.

5) You would have to figure out which groups were involved in each & look on the individual level

6) That would just create a new Cold War & China has numbers that could be turned into a Empire.

7) Working. "Behind the Curtain" is a interesting place.

As I've always said, I'm very good with Power Structures.

1) Possibly.

2) In Theory.

It's True, just look at all the Shills showing up trying to discredit.

bump. thank you for your service

I always tell you but thanks again man!

What is underneath the Giza and pyramids that they want to keep hidden?

1) A settlement that broken off from the ME Colony.

2) DNC related.

3) & 4) Awan Brothers(Pakistan IC) got information in India from the DNC(Who is working with China)

5) Mind blowing news?. Far to much to post in a single thread.

6) Keep track of what is revealed about Humans.

The Mods likely don't know the danger and/or some of them are compromised to some extent. Possibly even blackmailed with that "Deep Drive" CP.

Melanin reserves

on some w0ke shit bruh

Get the word around. Chess-moves can be stopped.

I do what I can.

Possibly some Old Tech.

What is the voynich manuscript and the Antikythera mechanism?

I saved some Frank pics because I save pics from every thread I'm in
>I don't want to get v& a5
Also what do you know about Bob Iger?

Anyone taking this seriously is fucking insane hahaha. Keep the tin foil hats on guys it'll stop the military's brainwaves !!!11!!

>voynich manuscript
Ancient shitposting
Some say that if you decode it, it summons the hale bopp comet and cuts your balls off.