So how are you preparing for the EMP strike?

Plans? Preparations? Thoughts?

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>nuclear blast wave = electromagnet pulse
well you heard it here first, Sup Forums!

I live in a 4K person town with a small hydro dam.

It wasn't actually heard here first, people have been saying this for a while, if you detonate a nuke in space, it can cause an EMP.


Hope said dam an grid are EMP-hardened.

It's a recognized theoretical phenomenon of a nuclear bomb detonating in the atmosphere.

I live free of the bonds of man..I don't use electricity and everything that goes with it including the internet..

store guns and food

Also a 99% white town with a token black family.

My house has an inbuilt faraday cage.

Moved out of the city and into a small village. Learned gardening and made friends with locals. Learning welding now.

Something seems off

+water filter
+shortwave radio in a faraday cage (maybe CBs, FRS, too)
+batteries also in the faraday cage

If you're baller:
+solar battery recharger
+all-mechanical diesel battle wagon

It's the trashy whites you gotta look out for.

I have a place I can bunker down with the family for about 6 weeks. Then forage and kill.

it's quite mechanical. But I'm no expert..

Starfish Prime was a hoax as is emp.

What size weapon? Also, read "One Second After"

Seriously? Have you ever tested that? Is your house wrapped in chicken wire? Not gonna lie, I'm jelly.

Are they gonna EMP us while we're getting attack by Muslims during the Eclipse?

The grid is decidedly not hardened.

Problem is that 99% of the 300 million americans have no ability to live off the land. Even if they did, automation is needed to produce all of the food and antibiotics. Suggest reading '1 Second After' - it's a fucking scary situation. THe premise is that the country will go rabid with starvation in the cities, and resort to pets after local wildlife is gone in the rural areas.

Do you guys still have conelrad radio? Might need to fire it up again to support nuclear hysteria even more.

- crossfit and weights 5 days a week
- recurve and compound archery 3 times a week for food
- 3000 bullets for niggers and city liberals.
- 40 acres with woods for traps and snares.

Oh no, it's the magical EMP weapon that does more damage the further away it is! How will we ever replace our fuses?

An EMP attack on Missouri by Serco is scheduled for Saturday, September 23.

It's the large transformers needing to be replaced that would cause the major blackout. Could last months. Not good.

Anyone else read this?
It was a bit horrifying to read, a true "worst case scenario" type of situation. It depicts how crippled the US would become, a world where people resort to cannibalism and eating their pets.

Think of the economic boom!

Every home will need new computers phones, televisions and electrical components for their cars and appliances.

We're going to be rich!

it's fun to fantasize about. I'm pretty good.. couple hundred pounds of rice thousands of seeds.. same with ammo. I'm located in the city but I would have the situational awareness to get my family to our location quickly.

we Die Hard 4 now

That's the glass breaking fallacy

We literally run our country on that fallacy.

Probably just shoot myself after praying to God to forgive me to be honest. That or take a bible and preach to people on the streets until one of them shoots me.

it would still shut off in the event of a power failure to protect the damn... than interestingly enough it actually needs power to be started up again...
so you're fucked lol.

At this point I think we deserve a global reset

Yeah, I played COD:MW2 too.

If you have the awareness to act as soon as it happens you have a chance. You'll need a firearm and ammo though. Basically as soon as you notice that it's more than the grid ( phones and cars stop working) that's your window of time to quickly cash out or loot the grocery before the mass looting begins the next day, once everyone else figures it out . You also need a secure location out of the city. It could be a cave; a family members home.. whatever . You must get there with everything in the first 24 hours

The grid would go down. Many transformers that support it are made only in China and take months or longer to get in normal times. Cities do not have food reserves or gas reserves or anything to speak of. The EMP commission estimated we wouldn't recover for four to ten years and 90% of Americans would die. Not sure about your faggot island, probably not even worth EMPing

Good book, and the other two were just as good. Also read cyberstorm, similar premise but less emp centered

Make sure to keep lots of salt of you don't have it already and if it's not naturally available near you, especially if you live in a hot climate. That salt will be worth more than gold in the summer when people need to preserve meat so it won't rot in three days.

a bolt in the night that shall not kill

It was a good novel and the sequels were good too.

The problem with a global reset at this stage is that the governments of the world have their inner shit hardened, whereas the plebs have nothing. Do you think that knowing what they know now, the powers that be would willing allow the creation of an internet again? Say fucking goodbye to almost all accountability when there's no independent party to investigate or even report without getting Rich'd, and even more luck investigating the affirms ruined Richening.

It would be suicide. All of our silos are hardened against EMPs

No internet in new apartment yet, mobile posting

Same here. I've never used the net or electricity.

you are going to let traps loose on your property?

i like your style.

All you need is a galvanized steel trash can, a layer of cardboard between the can and your stuff inside, and then wrap the shit inside in at least five layers of aluminum foil.
Test effectiveness by turning a radio to AM, put it inside, wrap it up and shut the lid.
If you can still get the AM signal you dun goofed.
Costs like $35 for the trash can and $5 for the foil

Hope everyone in the cities die.

I ditched the digital gun safe for a traditional dial gun safe.