Why was he hired ?

Now that he is fired, I suppose it is a moot question, but when I was reading up on the mooch, I saw he had previously badmouthed trump and was a supporter on the Clinton. Why would he have even been hired to begin with?

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Because Trump is a dumbass who will hire people if they suck up enough.

Shariablue thread.
Sage and move along.

>badmouthed Trump
He was working for another politician at the time. If he's fired, it's because Trump can't trust him and he was far too profane to be a Comms Guy (JUST LOL Rinsed Penis, Bannon sucks his own dick etc.)

The guy is a piece of work, clearly has issues outside of his post. IF he is rehired then it's all just another media overreaction.

Oh my god the paranoia on here. I am just curious because I found it to be a confusing hire. I'm not attacking trump, whom I support

He was hired as a kamikaze to help identify leak sources.

Mission accomplished.

>he was working for another politician at the time
Which leads me to the question why hire him? I wouldn't think Clinton would have hired anyone who worked for opposition. Why would he even be considered? I just don't understand the selection process. Why do you think he was even considered in the first place. But yes I agree he wasn't a good fit for comm.

Do you think Reince was the leaker? Why would they need him to get him? Couldn't someone else have done it?

Yes, I think he was the leaker (without any doubt).

There are others involved. I believe Reince would give information to confidants in his inner circle.

Those confidants are those "people familiar with events". The anonymous sources.

Because Trump is an idiot.

The Mooch mooched up to Trump and Trump believed it.


>muh trump cult
>h-he can do no wrong, he's a genius, just look at all the great people he keeps hiring...
>n-nevermind those nonstop leaks
>nevermind that the person whose job it was to find the leaks found out he was fired from a leak

The white house needs a clown to entertain the masses so the forever rich folks can carve more amongst themselves and polshits can spit on themselves while winning arguments

I think he got fired for the cock sucking comment, plain and simple.

I know but the question is why was he even considered for the position ?

maybe there's more to it. say he was hired solely to oust Reince Priebus and that's it. the mooch does his job while leaving a convenient "excuse" to get fired. thereby inoculating Trump from too much blowback from firing the GOPs pet rat.

pretty sure reddit did something similar, got a new CEO just to shutdown some white nat subreddit and /fatpeoplehate and then she rode off into the sunset and business as usual for her replacement.

but why would he sell his company, ruin his marriage, and miss the birth of his son if he was just a sacrificial lamb? There is no way mooch saw this coming, but if you're arguing that it was Donald's plan, it makes no sense either because Donald could have just fired Preibus himself after the healthcare failure.

This was an act done by Kelly that Trump probably didn't want. The question then becomes, is Kelly, an Obama-era appointee, /ourguy/? or is Trump about to become more in line with the establishment? What happens when Kelly kicks Bannon to the curb?


this will explain many things

the real point is, he was implicated in this whole awan/ pakistan / dnc thing. and effectively booted. we've seen a string of these firings and it's all connected.

He was the hitman. The American patriot. The man with nothing to lose. He's a Wall Street investor and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he doesn't need that position. He's already at the top kicking it with Bilderbergers. He's the shadow government plant to get this administrations leaky hull plugged.

He came in, ripped the shitty leakers and diseased limbs of the administration apart, and left. He did what America needed to be done and get Reince Priebus out.

10 days was all he needed.

Operation: Fuck Priebus, Fuck leakers.

>but why would he sell his company, ruin his marriage, and miss the birth of his son if he was just a sacrificial lamb?

he's retiring very rich, agrees to a comparatively VERY low paying job for 10 days while getting divorced as to legally and servery limit any alimony payments, cost wise.

the birth of a son to a woman he's already divorcing? i'd skip that too. bear in mind the Mooch and also Trump got very very rich with far less complex maneuvers. hell, this is Disney level plot filler by their standards.

You want to know the truth?
Trump hired him because he liked his style and knew he was loyal enough to smoke out the rats
He hired Kelly and gave him full power and Kelly said you aren't going to kill rats by separating them so he got rid of the dividers and is forcing a one chain command
Both ideas were good but Kelly had more power
This is the answer
Trump didn't do bad he gave the reigns to someone else and they decided they wanted to run it different then trump and trump respects kellys job experience enough to give him the benefit of the doubt

so basically you're stupid. thanks for clearing that up.

But why would scaramucci be best suited to oust the rats? What did he do in his career to show he would have been ideal for that? If anything he showed he was a mercenary by working for the clintons. It all just seems to bizarre to me why he was the man for the job

Bottom line about Trump. I believe 75-80% of all politicians are bought and paid for. The small percentage that isn't, is local, small community reps who haven't moved up, yet. The only way for a president to ever not be corrupted, is to go from never being in politics to president. That's the only way, and that's what Trump did. Red or blue they are both corrupt as fuck. Give Trump a chance

But to me when you do see someone like scaramucci or Betsy devos getting positions, it makes me think it was bought and paid for. If you look at scaramucci's past, he worked for clintons and badmouthed trump. Why would they even consider hiring him? It's bizarre.

In the end I am giving trump a chance because if Bannon and miller and nationist people he has with him, but shit like scaramucci is just bizarre

there are three groups in the administration
>establishment/military (Priebus, Spicer, McMaster)
>nationalists (Bannon, Gorka)
>NY wall street/finance people (Cohn, Kushner, Ivanka)
he falls in the last group

Because trump knows that if you look left. He can swing at you from the right.

Scare tactics and bluffing
To show it didn't matter how special you were to trump
If you didn't treat mooch like a god then you were out
The entire trump administration needs to know their job means absolutely nothing
The slightest rumor would get them fired by the mooch
He was sent in to run by fear
Trump isn't scared to fold all his cards and get a new set
They're all the swamp to him
This tactic won't work as well as Kelly though they need to be ran by someone they have to respect not fear
This is why Kelly is there now
If you're bad to military its bipartisan
You'll be kicked with nowhere to go

Look at Conway, she was a CNN correspondent and badmouthing Trump way more than Scara was. Yet plebbit and /ptg/ love her because she hasn't been fired yet. You just know that they'll make 4d chess theories and talk about how they never really trusted her.

My mom thinks Conway is the leaker