This thread is dedicated to the discussion and eventual creation of a Fascist Utopia.

We must create solid philosophical foundations here so that they can one day form the backbone of a just, robust, and steadfast legislative body.

Today's subject:

Who will be allowed in?

Other urls found in this thread:


Everyone except you.

I would argue that it need not necessarily be white. There could be different areas for different races so as to avoid disharmony and cultural malaise. However I don't even think that is necessary. I believe races could live in harmony when presented with appropriate motivation and government. Why do so many of you feel that racial homogeneity is necessary?

If you don't want to create a better world then why are you even here?

only if it somehow evolves into a communist society which the enslaved proletarians will fight for

Good point, this board is full of malicious bastards

i do want a better world kinsman. But it aint gonna be on earth.

> Who will be allowed in?
I'll leave and give my spot to a random shitskin.
All socialism leads to communism.

I would also argue that certain facets of bodily adornment/appearance immediately disqualify people.

>facial piercings
>face /throat tattoos
>colored hair
> whorish makeup

facism would be the exact opposite of a utopia

people who want it not only have extreme masochistic desire to be controlled by a small group of people, but they think everyone else should have that authoritarian bullshit inflicted on them

anyone with common sense would know it's both stupid and dangerous to allow such a state to exist

I'm not at all averse to a communistic economic model, brother. That will be discussed in due course, first let's decide who would be allowed to join us.

"Utopia" doesn't exist. Matter of fact, it was reading the original book what inspired Karl Marx to devise his ideologically-sustained society, grounded exclusively on lies and pipe dreams of rewiring human behavior.

Fascism doesn't need concepts such as "utopia" because we accept humans as they are, flawed and born in filth, however we also accept that it is our duty to sculpt out of their marble an approximation to our Gods, bringing us ever close to reaching humanity's true potential and destiny. We don't need to craft any sort of clever ideology that relies entirely on brainwashing a generation on concepts that require complete alienation from one's history and nation, we thrive on those concepts because that's exactly what the natural order of things require.

The only thing we need to worry about is removing the neo-marxist lies that corrupt and poison our society, and the individuals perpetuating these lies, but condemning our people to nihilism and degeneracy.

Why not, brother? There are swathes of uninhabited land. It would not be impossible to start a Utopia in our lifetimes.

If you want to remain in the myre then by all means go ahead and do that.

You're right

I'd rather live in a society where I only have the illusion of freedom and everything is geared towards hedonistic consumerism that stems from greed and insecurity

We don't need a society that stands up and accepts the world for what it is and pushes passed their insecurities and finds balance within their own lives and their own society and nation. It is just way so much easier to grow fat and lazy in front of a television than actually contributing to the world and leaving a lasting legacy

Still better than becoming a slave in my own country.

I don't think you understand Fascism, brother. Fascim simply entails strength through unity. It does not necessitate heavy handed authoritarian policing or punishment. Fascism, to me, simply means that certain moral truths must be respected. If theyre not (within the context of a fascist utopia) then your privileges will be stripped/you will be forced to leave.

true freedom is only an illusion and a propaganda slogan sure, but there are freer states than that

whether or not someone is hedonistic doesn't go hand in hand with consumerism (and i agree there's a lot wrong with the level of consumerism in society, but facism doesn't solve that), and shouldn't be dictated by the government

you're assuming because i don't wish for the government to have so much power and to dictate so much of people's lives that it goes hand in hand with getting fat and lazy in front of a television

i rarely watch tv, i'm not fat, i rarely buy anything

however i don't think that's any of the government's business and there are other ways to give people incentives

power is always abused at some point, and when your starting point is a huge imbalance of power between the government and the people it rules over it's a recipe for an even quicker disaster

you're assuming the only way to have people work together or achieve anything is through wielding power over them, and that's just not in line with reality

part of the problem with people being lazy and fat is directly due to business practices rather than inherent human nature

people are far removed from environment they can thrive in because of where society focuses, but facism is unnecessary to create those conditions

instead it restricts freedom more than anyone should be ok with, and anyone with any common sense would rebel against a system like that as hard as they possibly could

Again you are confusing Utopia and dystopia. There will be no forced ideals or coercive propoganda. We will appreciate that all individuals are free and different and that sometimes the spirit is stronger than all else and those who do not wish to adhere will be free to leave at any time. We will be nothing more than a willing collective who aspire to the same heights of morality fortitude and objective excellence.

facism does use heavy handed authoritaian policing to achieve that unity and strength

that's part of how facist governments work

there's also no such thing as a moral truth, they're all subjective so there's a complete failure of logic there if you see any objectivity there

How are you made a slave? You're free to leave at any time. Moreover we haven't even clarified to rules, so why would you assume that the regime would be suffocating?

Everyone has to be the same culture religion and race.

So it depends where the Utopia is located.

Can someone give me the original image? Which statue is this? Just curious.

>no such thing as a moral truth

Kike identified.

Britain used to be fascistic but also hugely liberal and held a comparatively relaxed view of policing its citizens. Its strength came from a superficial respect for monarchical authority and a deeper respect for God and one's fellow man. That is all that a fascist system needs to thrive.

>there is no such thing as objective moral truth

Grow up.

Ironically all you anti social spergs would be the first to get sent to camps. Hitler sent people away for being anti-social and in today's society /pol autists are social parias.

Fascism would outlaw shitposting and racism ironically. Check your delusion retards this is fucking reality we're talking about.

>No such thing as an objective moral truth
If I beat the living crap out of you, cut your balls off and your fingers and throw you off the 4th floor and let you live? will you finally tell the truth, you retard?

Why? Different races and creeds and religions can all get on as long as there is a framework of cooperation and civility which is respected voluntarily. If one Arab can't live with his jew neighbour then a court will decide who is the aggressor and whoever he may be will be forced to leave.

>in today's society /pol autists are social parias

Do you legitimately think that today's societal standards are the same ones held within a Fascistic society?

you think we do this ironically

I think it's an imagined drawing of the Colossus at Rhodes which no longer exists

>and racism
No. A small place like China Town would be kept for preserving genes, but otherwise all you shitskins would die and be pushed into a religion where you're not afraid of death and embrace eugenics.

>Fascism would outlaw shitposting and racism ironically. Check your delusion retards this is fucking reality we're talking about
Irl shitposting was literally the language of the Reich and all supporters of National Socialism aftewards






You neo-Sup Forums reddit-ing fucking scum. You don't even bother using capitals and punctuation. Do you have no common sense for your speech?

>"I'm not like that so your entire premise must be false"
>literally all anecdote
Please go back to gayddit

> so why would you assume that the regime would be suffocating?
They always become suffocating, no matter who's in charge. There is no analytical solution to this, the only difference is the rate of change in annoyance level. I'll submit that socialists have a very high rate of incresing the annoyance they cause stemming from their nos and interventionist nature. That utopia will last for a year tops,, after that it's venezuela all over again.

Kept telling yourself that guys. The best you can do is get alex jones to sell trailer trash a casino owner. Sjw-fascism is the only kind of fascism youre likely to see in your lifetime.

Kek. I agree with your sentiment but not the antisemitism. It was, once, a certain type of Jewish intellectual who pushed this view but it is now no longer confined to Jews nor disproportionately espoused amongst their academics. The majority of people spewing crap like this are just college students and middle classe.

Also there are many Jews who agree with fascist ideals and objective morality.

>The Utpoia will only last a year tops
>Nazi Germany lasted 12 years and only failed because the entire world was against them

>Marxism is Fascism
The democrats are the real racists

Shitskin detected

I don't understand whatever it is that you think you achieve with this sort of rhetoric.


Do you believe you have a 1m penis too?

>not because a psychopathic retard..
You see the thing about reality is that even if you want something else to be true that doesnt work. Imagine if Hitler didnt open up two fronts? Maybe the pendulum wouldnt have swung so far to merkels side. Maybe he would have waited till he had a nuke wonder weapon. The guy was history's greatest mouthbreathing meth addicted sperg.

>Muh dick
Are you a nigger?

No dickhead I'm white (Irish)

Sorry I didnt mean to ruin your guy's game of dungeons and dragons.

I will pick only the most morally benevolent and responsible, but only the ones driven by their subconscious who don't have to force themselves to be good.
I will create a large group of professionals and intellectuals who will live with families to judge them and weed out who's worthy of a meritotracy and who's worthy of being thrown out of the country. In worse cases kiilled or incapacitated for their crimes.

I will provide eugenics not based on appearances, but on their personality and intelligence.
Silencing babies, toddler and even full grown men will be practiced.
Everything will be judged based on common sense by intelligent people. Only evil masterminds will be capable of dodging the judgement, and sadly jews are not smart enough for that. Gipsyes/turks/arabs/jews lie to idiots and weak and pray on our ignorance and annoy the hell out of us.

If you want unity you should understand the value of ethnic homogeneity. Secondly depending on what kind of society you would like to build Europeans are currently still pretty good stock.

No. Allthough reading your stupid shit must have knocked off the majority of my IQ points, so I might as well be now. The fact is that the Germans started WW2 by declaring war on Poland under false pretenses despite the British and French guarantees and warnings, believing they will end the war by chrismas just like the last time. I also encourage you to read

all utopia is leftist and all of it is tyranny

>Different races and creeds and religions can all get on as long as there is a framework of cooperation and civility which is respected voluntarily.
>framework which has never existed in the history of man.

Oh I guess you meant a fantasy utopia.

Go back to leftypol and stop fucking coming here

Where will the utopia be located? My ideal location is Europe, where we would establish a fascist confederation of semi-autonomous states (to ensure a preservation of national traditions and culture), similar to what Hitler intended.

The confederation would be populated solely by people of European-descent. There's no point of obsessing over some sort of cut-off point for white/non-white genetics. If somebody looks white, it's safe to consider any non-white genes they may have irrelevant.

The importance of ethnic homogeneity is overstated. I hold no qualms against a man with dark skin. Culture is the only factor that will define men in our Utopia and that will always play second fiddle to moral strength.

>framework which has never existed in the history of man
Oh, you know, except for laws, and order, and justice, and shit

I disagree. For fascism to succeed, a unified populace is required. This is best achieved via ethnic (or racial) uniformity.

You and I are like minded, brother.

I can see what your point is but it is borderlining on civic nationalism; it's a more Mussolinic approach, but as stated; culture is best defined by racial and ethnic homogeny.

I'd be hard pressed to imagine a multicultural fascist society; Plato himself stated that an ethnically mixed democracy would crumble (and look what happened to Rome)

I would argue that a shared sense of pride and individual moral compatibility are far more conducive to trust and respect than race or ethnicity. I care much more for a sub saharan African man who goes out and hunts for his family, loves his wife and children, and cares for his community, than a fat loudmouth Anglo on benefits.

Well If you are Irish that would make sense. Ireland enjoys a low proportion of foreigners and therefore there is no perceived threat to the local populace. As these diasporas grow so will the resentment. If you truly believe that homogeneity is overstated look to countries that are further down a road to a multiracial society instead of one nice Nigerian you met in Dublin.

Most of Europe's nations were Fascist going into the early 1930s; almost all of the Axis nations were Fascist. It would be safe to assume that Europe would be the ground for rekindling of those roots: I myself am European and I will never consider myself American and despite living in America, I feel more connection and kinship to my homeland and the people of Europe. I have met many European "Americans" that feel the same exact way

I also know many of them who have abandoned America all together and have moved back. I don't think America could sustain fascism without a major overhaul of the Constitution or a redraft all together

shared sense of pride and individual moral compatibility are far more conducive to trust and respect than race or ethnicity
What's established is there needs to be some sort of common bond to unite people under fascism. Now what would be a better bond? Something natural, unchangeable and outwardly visible (race)? Or something influenced largely by environment, likely to differ from individual-to-individual and which exists only in the mind ("shared pride", "moral compatibility")?

>than a fat loudmouth Anglo on benefits.
This is why we need eugenics. There's a limit to how far we can improve a person via ideology alone. Our aim should be to create the strongest, healthiest and most desirable racial stock possible.

i'm not jewish, i was raised catholic and i hate all abrahamic faiths equally

i also recognize the inherent problems in claiming that morality is objective, when it isn't

throughout history societal morals have changed and people who believe in them and accept them wholeheartedly as objective are people who are easily led and incapable of free thought

i'm not a child, recognizing that morality is not an objective thing isn't something that a child is aware of

typically children just accept the morality they're taught as objectively true and critical thinking and experience change that

respecting abrahamic gods and them being a tool for control isn't something positive in my opinion

i also don't agree with using britain as a model for an ideal considering when you look throughout its history there's a lot of things i personally wouldn't agree with

i am telling the truth, morality is subjective

even murder and torture can be justifiable under certain circumstances

obviously i wouldn't allow or want something like that to happen to me, but being real here your example doesn't change much

even if you believe some morals are objective that doesn't mean they all are

i've never been on reddit, and if you care about my typing style over content that's just too fucking bad

i didn't say i was representative of any larger statistic, i was pointing out that you're preaching to someone who does not view the world the way you do and yet isn't consumed by the things you think the government needs to provide structure for

on top of that i pointed out that there are multiple reasons why those issues exist within society, and that the government being facist would be unnecessary to control them

I am half Irish, half Scot. Born and raised in south London. I have sold drugs, fought for money, worked in a bank, behind a bar, on a boat, in a kitchen, and in retail and I have met every sort of person under god's golden sun along the way. I'm friends with nazis, faggots, vegans, gangsters, cripples, and intellectuals, and I can say with total certainty that race is not an effective means of predicting a person's behaviour. There are jew jocks, nerdy black cucks, Russian cock suckers, Japanese meathead thugs, quiet Americans and tee total Irish men. Our genes are not what makes us who we are.

I want to say what you are proposing is borderline Nazism in the sense that there are no "superior" races; it is just that people are better off serving and being served by people of their own kind

I share the same sentiment: I have more respect for a hard-working black man slaving away to feed his family Han I do for a drug dealing, gang-banging nigger; just as I have more respect for a suburban white dad doing his 9-5 grind over a meth-addict reckneck junkie looking for a couple dollars to fuel his next fix

Every race has their bad apples, but you can't fight the statistics that clearly show a disproportionate scaling of bad-to-good apples by certain races

Hitler wanted every race to have their own lands filled with their own people to serve and be served free of (((leeches))) and bottom-feeders; you naturally gravitate to people of your own kind and your own culture: it's biological

Well perhaps race would be the perfect unifier but look at how difficult it is to decide who is even white. Are slavs white? Are Spaniards? Are Italians? Are Americans? Are Iranians? Who gives a shit. It's not important. What is important is that we stamp out degeneracy and aspire to the zenith of accomplishment like colonising the stars and curing cancer etc.

The problem with this system is that it doesn't safeguard enough from subversion. Mentalities, pride, moralities... they are all mental characteristics and can be changed and subverted

What can never be changed is the color of your skin and the blood through your veins. If that is the unifying factor, it would be extremely hard to crumble loyalties through subversive tactics

Utopia? jajajajaja I can teach you kids, if CIA and kissinger didn't jewed my country...
Bullshit, spanish fascism is: natsocs (Serrano Sunyer), fascios (Jose Antonio and Falange), nationalism, revolutionary proletarian traditionalism (Ledesma and the JONS) and catholics (carlism). Ethnic and racial uniformity? Well, we are caucasians, a few arab and jew faces in andalucia... To fascim to succeed, you need a communist enemy: Roth front in Germany, Popular Front in Spain, biennio rosso in Italy, etc...

You're getting lost in the meme

It doesn't matter who is white or not; all that matters is that any person belongs with their own people. Irish with Irish, Russians with Russians, Nigerians with Nigerians

Think about it like the family: if you had a good home, your parents would have always done whatever they could for you, more so than anyone else in the world ever would. Now apply that to a nation: would an Albanian ever work as hard to further the nation of Bulgaria than he would working to further the nation of Albania?

Funny how I never claimed that individuals within a race can't be diverse.

However, blood ties matter and if like you said the goal of fascism is to create unity. To ignore one of the strongest forms of comradery and only focus on exceptions is foolish.

>look at how difficult it is to decide who is even white.
I acknowledged this in If somebody looks white, then it's safe to assume that they *are* white. Social Darwinism is an integral part of fascism and if, like most here do, you believe race to be a genuine concept with biological consequences, you will understand that certain races generally have better qualities than others.

Simple eye test works wonders

>all socialism leads to communism

Except in the USSR, Yugoslavia, China,... Oh wait, basically every socialist country turned capitalist, fascist or got stuck.

No, everyone simply has the same culture and values. Religion, which is idiotic itself, is a private thing. Race is random, you have no impact on it. If you were a nog blessed with a 140 IQ you'd hate all black countries for being shit and would want to move to a place that appreciates you and to which you can contribute.

Voihan nyt vittu, fascism as a term is not interchangeable with any kind of authoritarianism.

Fascism is self destructive.

>Fascim simply entails strength through unity.
And how do you think you'll get this out of people from individualistic societies?

utopia means stagnation, because when you reach it, you need not to go further, also it bears the notion of an easy life, both of which are unacceptable.

fash needs to be D Y N A M I C

das right


make them collectivist

Only Anglos
No Ary*ns allowed

And how do you plan on making them collectivist?
Sounds like that will require a heavy handed, authoritarian government.

You do not even need a heavy handed authoritairan government, you can promote collectivism through national programs and education

Until you get voted out in favor of an individualist party

>wanting to stop polish faggots brutalising ethnic Germans in Danzig despite generous offers
>false pretenses
Hitler never wanted the war, he just loved the german people too much and underestimated churchill's willingness to firebomb europeans

yes, it will. but that does not mean suppressing the individual. the state is responsible for proper education and implementing the fighting spirit and the sense of duty and hard work. is that way over the top? are you one of those who go in a full-out autistic frenzy when they hear "government" or "authoritarianism" because of MUH FREEDOM?

>Except in the USSR, Yugoslavia, China
>not true communism

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

>but that does not mean suppressing the individual.
but thats literally the job of the state
>the state is responsible for proper education and implementing the fighting spirit and the sense of duty and hard work.
No, the state is responsible for national defense, courts/laws, and infrastructure. Its the responsibility of parents to instill a sense of duty and hard work into their children.

Everyone because discrimination is wrong

Who says that will happen?

well it goes without saying that it's responsible infrastructure, laws and defense. but the education contains the ideals (like hard work). as with the individualism, where do you draw the line? what is the first thing you would say "this is too much"?

High schoolers believe in subjective morality.

You'll figure it out when you grow up. I used to be a major nihilism, no objective Truth guy in my early adult life.

Drugs, philosophy, history, and just plain old wisdom brought me to objective Truth. Try reading the Greeks; they'll blow your mind.

The basic cellular unit of the state IS the family.

So niggers with an IQ of 60 should be allowed to govern white people with an iq of 110?

How well is that working out in South Africa?

Many would argue that it's the individual these days.

How would you respond to that?

-Free public schooling
-Free college
-Free healthcare
-The state has free programs which teach and promotes healthy fitness lifestyle and educational programs
-An objective philosophical and spiritual premise backbone, which of course will pertain to the religion.
-The pure blooded are the ruling elites, not capitalists.
-Child marriages legal.
-Arranged marriages to keep the continuity of pure blood within the highest ruling elite caste.
-Sterilization and exterminatio of undesirables.