Which invention is more significant, the wheel or the axle?

Which invention is more significant, the wheel or the axle?

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Why were african negroes never able to invent a wheel?


They would have been invented at the same time


I was thinking about that also... If the wheel didn't exist, would you invent it? Or rather, do you think you are smart enough to invent it (of course, combined with the axle)?

No need. Africa is a lush land. You don't need to invent anything if you live in paradise. Of course, it turned their people into retards.


dey wuz kangz


Axles, I suppose.

Rolling logs were around before conventional wheels, so I suppose that's its closest relative.

sword. a tool without double use. a tool created only to kill people.
what kind tortured soul forged the sword

Round shapes are everywhere. So the axle was the real breakthrough.

I think technically the wheel come first since people first rolled heavy objects on top of cylindrical logs they cut down and would keep moving the back log to the front as they pushed the object forwards, from that I guess people realised that rolling round things are good and someone invented a wheel and a device to attach it to things (the axle)

The wheel. It takes substance first to understand change.

The axle was only thought of because of the wheel.


>wheel's razist

the windscreen wiper (invented by a woman)

wheels need roads to be used on, roads require some form of social organization that could build and maintain them

pull together more than three sub-saharan africans and you have tribal war on your hands

Don't tell this to the snakes

>Who was the first to forge the deadly blade?
>Of rugged steel his savage soul was made.

>Which invention is more significant, the wheel or the axle?

>Which invention is more important, the handle or the cupped bit?

riff raff

Does a rolling log count as a wheel or an axle?

Considering it makes contact with the object it's carrying, would it be the axle?


They didn't need roads so they didn't need wheels.

The handle. It can be attached to stabby bits.

It's both.
If you were to use a platform of logs as most civilizations did before the invention of their respected wheel and axles.
The logs take both the resistance and motion, you still provide the effort.

However most things that required the use of logs were a complete waste of time.

With the exception of moving larger logs. Which was mostly its entire purpose.

I believe the wheel was quite subpar to the invention of cooking for the sake of sanitation.
All things go back to this, the lack of parasites in food allowed us to live longer, stretching our knowledge and creating these other inventions.

Without modern cooking we would not exist.

wheel (gear)

nail (screw)

Why build something that takes effort when instead you could just form a cargo cult and blame whitey instead


Fire, allowed us to protect from predators and podestas

The bitcoin

Uh... tsetse flies

and cook our food, which increased protein and decreased infectious diseases, and comunicate (time spent around the fire), and just overall increased the standart of life

Wrong. People had been making blades to kill animals long before they became exclusive to war.

The wheel. It creates a need for the axel and opens the primitive man's mind up to the new framework of "rolling"

Its like creating a comuputer versus creating a screen to view the info.

Crude blades were used to hunt game and prepare animal hides and meat long before they were used to kill the fellow man.
