Why do people think companies are their friends?

Why do people think companies are their friends?

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Advertisers are really good at macro psychology. Amazon AI probably knows more about you than you do, it your friends

They are your friends, OP. Trust them, they only want to give you happiness :)

do people think that?

Good marketing

there's a reason why companies spend billions on advertising, just think about how difficult it can be to determine the actual quality of a good or service for most people, they're naturally going to gravitate towards established brands in lieu of better information

They provide products that improve the quality of our lives. They supply jobs so we can pay bills. I wouldn't know about treating them like friends, but people should acknowledge the benefit these companies bring to consumers.

This is really the only answer
There's a whole division of labor dedicated to making the brand likable, and that division sometimes takes 90% of revenue.
What more is there to say?

because I won't buy their products if I don't like them

the real question is: why do people think companies want to harm us?


Why do people think state and cops are their friends?

what about it? youtube videos told you it was bad and you believed it?

Also companies don't rob me and put me in jail if I don't want to get robbed. I'm paying companies money and get lots of different goods. I'm paying taxes to government and get pain in the ass.

America n freedums dumb YUROPOOR.

Only a canuck could say that without irony

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>He likes to get raped by government
>He calls someone cuck
This commies novadays

>Right wing
Why do commies call themselves "right wing"?

Because that's explicitly the reason they exist you fucking ancap dweeb

>Government are my friend it's gud when politicans take my money
Maximum commie cuck

>cntrl f
>First thing I see is your post

But well, you're probably underage and obliviously not paying taxes.
Commie, fuck off

Once you get better reading comprehension I will

I love when this nazi commies call themselves right wingers. Good goy.

Part of it may be due to personal investment. They believe they are an important "shareholder". When in reality, they're just another cog in the machine.

They already harm you in various ways:
>money spent on campaigns for "diversity" and "inclusivity" which harms white males
>exploitation of loopholes, often pay little to no taxes
>some receive subsidies
>little to no liabilities if the executives of a corporation massively fuck up
>those executives (often jewish) will pour money into the pockets of politicians
>advertisements everywhere
And you can go on and on.

Some people do their research. Others also aren't whiny little bitches. Alot of times, a person is both.

The more you know.

Because i don't know how to build a fucking cell phone. You're a fucking retard OP.

>I'm retard, therefore I'm poorfag degenerate working on factory, therefore I'm jealous commie cuck who want economical collapse.
Good goy. +15

Where do you buy your vegetables?
>pic totally not related

To continue with your great points of why unrelegulated free markets suck:
>small businesses get crushed
>consumerism--which leads to exorbitant amounts of trash and ugliness (see Walmart)
>globalism which leads to the distruction of cultures
>corporations that grow so big they can manipulate trends and information
>other business entities that would benefit from open borders will push for amnesty legislation. We saw this with that wall commercial in the SuperBowl.

He is traveling by bus, he don't need oil companies

Companies aren't my friend, freedom is my friend.

>Commie cuck is throwing shit like a monkey. Commie cuck is retard therefore he don't understand how market works.
Good goy, +15

You are an idiot, stop resorting to extremes. For a nation to work smoothly laws are passed and regulations are enforced. A corporation being a different type of business entity that separates its owners from management and with the only end of making money can result in psychopathic behavior and has to be regulated more strictly. It's common sense. No one is being a commie here. Even Adam Smith expressed himself against the corporate form

Monsanto is great for everyone, everyone should be grateful for it creating healthier or faster growing or etc food.

Only dumb luddites hate it.


Good goy!

>Why do people think companies are their friends?

propaganda and kike advertisements to fool the average normalfag.

most people with an untrained eye cannot see trough the bullshit and kike lies that these company's put foward.

OP raises and interesting point. Through genius marketing strategy the public has begun to see these companies through a lens of anthropomorphism. speaks the truth. Let's remember that Facebook isn't free. You're giving them something. Facebook is a public corporation whose shares are traded on the Nasdaq at $169.73 as of the closing bell today.

Nothing is free from a gallon of gas to the Grace of God.

Also if you don't want corporations, move to venezuela, nigger.

Because deep in the heart people know that they have no friends, so they try to defend and befriend company

No one on this thread is saying we shouldn't have corporations, nigger. Stop seeing things from a black and white perspective

You misspelled "government".

What I find bizarre is why the anti-capitalist left acts like huge tools for neoliberal corporations


They don't?

Mass hypnosis