One more hour and we find out if the fat fuck dies. Place your bets!

One more hour and we find out if the fat fuck dies. Place your bets!

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OP dies

if i get repeating digit boogie2988 lives a prosperous life with a loyal wife and has 5 children...NOT!!!!!

he got out of surgery fine guys, no need to worry, your money was well spent american taxpayers ;)

I'm sure he'll be fine

He will live unfortunately, and continue his cuckery and appeasement videos.

jesus christ his knuckles look like they're ready to explode

What is the surgery for?

Is Boogie a kike? Serious question here.

>What is the surgery for?

His penis got sucked into his body and they need to get it out since he pees all over himself and its really unhealthy for the skin

Gastric bypass. They're going to put a clamp on his stomach to make it smaller, so he will be less hungry.

no he's BEADY

I want to kill him with my own hands so badly.

singles and boogie dies in one week

>he will be less hungry.
people think he eats because he is hungry

sadly he will make it because US doctors are not Indian poo-tier

He's gonna die

We can all hope for the best.

Is this for real or a joke lmfao who care it hilarious

Further proof of the benefits of single payer

It's been

RIP in Pieces boogie
however big they may be

Look at r/boogie if you feel like killing yourselfs m8s

Maybe next time, faggos.

Can' tell if before or after surgery

Who cares? Fuck off with your e-"""""celebs"""""

What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*


*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

*Gets 10000 likes*

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!


You guys realise he will get redpilled once he loses weight right? He'll become the ALPHA Chad we need him to be. He will lead the Aryan union with his 4million subscribers and bring about a new age of Western dominance.

He's going to be:

No digits, so now they will. Good work.

one week since you looked at me

I'm not sure if I'm okay with Boogie changing his sex.

inb4 boogie somehow manages to get fatter after the surgery


He should have done a show or vlog of him fasting 5-6 days a week for a year under doctor supervision. Fasting is much more effective and healthy than calorie deficient diets via lap band surgery (not to mention surgery is the fatass's easy way out, and can lead back to where they started in a few years) He would profit as well from all the views he'd get.

Well, his stomach will literally be smaller, so if he eats the same amount he'll puke it up.

>pilled once he loses weight right? He'll become the ALPHA Chad we need him to be. He will lead the Aryan union with his 4million subscribers and bring about a new age of Western dominance.

but user, that is hard and requires discipline.

Jokes aside, I've fasted for 5 days once and it's not fun at all. People say you hate a plateau where discomfort goes away but I never saw that. My mind was so foggy I couldn't even talk to people.

food is good

Hopefully his stomach explodes in a after a few days, killing him in an agonizing 15 minutes

Ah so now he'll only be able to eat one cup of mayo instead of two.
And only two dorito/mtn dew smoothies instead of three.
Boy he's going to drop pounds like a nigger drops a TV when he hears the cops.

Yeah, and like anything else, you can re-stretch the stomach by slowly forcing in a bit more food over time and become the same fat fuck all over again.

If you don't learn to like eating REAL food and can't control your fat fucking body, then you'll ALWAYS be fat, even with this surgery.

My bet is, 3-4 years max and he's over 500 again. It'll be just like Carnie Wilson's story.

Hopefully he reveals the location of the Cosmic Key before they put him under


that would legitimately kill him

>Jokes aside, I've fasted for 5 days once and it's not fun at all. People say you hate a plateau where discomfort goes away but I never saw that. My mind was so foggy I couldn't even talk to people

2 teaspoons of Himalayan Rock Salt and 1.5 teaspoons of Natural Calm Unflavored Magnesium Powder spread out during each day of an extended fast like that, and you'll feel fine; have a lot of energy.

He'll also NEVER be able to eat anything acidic-like, so no soda

He's already dead inside.


boogie literally got KEKED, fugg

He won't make it.


>I-I swear he's her gay friend!

haha fucking fat FUCK

>that tripcode
>those digits

pls do the right thing and die

His body will still be royally fucked. His back and his legs wont let him do anything. He'll still be a disabled fuck.

Fasting more than 2 days is retarded. Or you can just eat Low Calories food that fills you out. The result is the same. You can't lose more than 5kg in 2 weeks so fasting for 5 straight days wont give you any results you will just feel more sleepy and dizzy. It all comes to how you are managing your food.

I can't even look at his gross smug face. THIS, ft his is the pincle of society, people unable to control themselves, and then instead of taking responsibilitie for it, use OTHER PEOPLES MONEY to pay for their lazy life style. The thing won't work. Since he has not changed his life style, because he refuses to eat like a normal human being, within a few years (or sooner), he will be a fat fuck again. Liberalism is a disease, one that only the lowest form of life want because they know deep down that they are the problem and simply don't want to admit it.

Dieting is a fad.

Lifestyle changes are what need to happen, and people like Boogers are fucking incapable, as evidenced by pussying out and getting surgery. What a weak faggot.

>those numerals
Bogpill is real


Some people are so nasty and unhappy inside, and treat the people around them so badly, and wrestle with substance abuse and addiction and emotional issues their whole lives, and you've got to think, maybe they'd really just be better off dead instead of chasing after miracle cures like stapling their stomach. What does this fat idiot have to live for?

The fucking Bogpill takes its toll.

gave me a chuckle

I really hope Sargon makes it through this surgery.

Now comes the fun part, where we see if he ends up compulsively eating until his stomach ruptures, killing him slowly and painfully.

Or he just stretches what he has until he reverts to fat fuckdom. It'll be grand.

his heart will give out


We all know he's going to just drink 8 pints of melted ice cream every day and be just as fat as ever.

>You can't lose more than 5kg in 2 weeks

Bull fucking shit, I've been sick for 2 weeks eating jack shit and I lost ~25 lbs. Even after gaining "water weight" back I'm still around 20 lbs lost.

I only weighed 145ish to begin.

honestly even if he loses weight, he's not going to enjoy life anymore considering how much "enjoyment" of horrendous food would have been required to get to the point he's currently at

i love boogie hes soothing to listen to on twitch at night time

i dont get all the hate

why should i hate someone for being fat what are you 5 years old?


>rumours styx crossdresses
>styx and Storm never seen at the same time


>joe rogan follows boogie
boogie on jre to redpill about weight loss surgery

I heard Boogie shit himself at a con then ran away, only to come back later on a mobility scooter
Is that true?

he's probably paying yours poorfag.

they're called rascals

>You can't lose more than 5kg in 2 weeks
what is dee en pee

He will beg for death by the time it's over.

Why doesn't he just eat less? I'm trying to lose weight right now and I'm eating like 1/3 what I normally would and I feel like puking all day from hunger but no pain no gain right? After a week of this I can't even eat half of what I normally would in one sitting before I get full.

Doesn't your stomach shrink on its own?

this. the idea of a gastric bypass is that the stomach is now smaller so he'll get full faster and therefore eat less. but he and other planets like him do not eat for the purpose of feeling full. at this point his brain is legit addicted to sugar and he eats just to eat. feeling full did not stop him from guzzling mayonnaise from the jar with a soup ladle before, why would it now?

He DID get cuck'd by fucking Anita s*rkeesian tho.

i hope this fat waste of tax payer dollars dies. god speed..

A Bypass isn't a clamp, it's an anastamosis between the proximal stomach to the jejunum. A "clamp" sounds more like a gastric sleeve, but modern gastric sleeve procedures usually just resect 60-70% of the stomach. He can't eat as much because his stomach is quite literally smaller which helps reduce weight. The problem is certain foods like ice cream and high calorie liquids will shit on this system and cause weight gain, as well as eating food and drinking water to help it clear through the stomach faster.

nobody who respects themselves would allow their body to become that way.

pol reveres strength and power. boogie shows weakness at every turn.

I can't wait for the next episode of my 600lb youtube channel.

>pays more tax dollars than you ever will

boogie is one of the nicest guys ive ever seen

>boogie is one of the nicest guys ive ever seen

I'd rather be healthy than nice.

Calories in calories out. If you went full starvation mode for a week assuming a ~2500 diet (for a man) A starvation diet would be expected to drop 5 lbs a week, by itself. Certainly metabolism would kick in a bit, but beyond extraordinary cases people give metabolism too much credit.

Eating better would be an easier and healthier way to do it, but at the end of the day calories in calories out works. It's just that a low calorie high-protein and fiber diet is much more sustainable and much healthier for an almost-as-aggressive weight loss program.

That would be a difficult task. There is so much fucking fat to get through.

I saw this exact comment in a fit thread with different asian grill pics

Lmao is this his hamplanet gf?

>Why doesn't he just eat less?

He's rebound four times.

I dislike this fat slob but this tweet is fake, check it out yourselves.

That's how I feel, but I won't begrudge a living being's desire to live. As long as one lives, even an abject moron, there is always a chance they do something fantastic.

Still, the way his off kilter eyes bulge at the camera as he literally hams it up is really revolting.

Meh. I guess if he wants to live longer with his shame, that's up to him.

Could you bench a Boogie? No? Well then he's stronger than you cos he lifts that weight every day for hours.

I'd take the time.

fucking underrated what the fuck is this

Sup Forums BTFO

Made me giggle


first, sitting does not require strength.

secondly, I was obviously talking about emotional and mental strength. please return to middle school english class.