SA civil war : you in or not ?

If a civil war erupts in South Africa because the government seizes White people's properties on the ground that they are White, as is likely to happen in the close future, and then Whites refuse to give it up, what do ?

Would you join your White brothers and prevent them from being alienated ? To be clear, a civil war in SA means a LOT of chimps chimping out, raping, pillaging, murders, horrendous scenes like you can't imagine, etc. I've been to the Zululand and Jo-burg, and shit is FUCKED beyond imagination, and there wasn't even a war - just concentrated cultural enrichment. But the White militias down there have guns and are more organized. The question is : who would the army side with, and this isn't clear atm at least to my understanding.

Pic sorta kinda related, the type of violent behavior you can expect from a civil chimp out. It's brutal, BUT you get to shoot nogs.

I for one would definitely support them, contribute to their cause if I can, but as far as joining - in all honesty I don't know that I'm ready to go through the hell of war just to be crucified and ostracized as a fascist when I come back home, if indeed I do. On the other hand, SA militias are among the toughest guys on the planet, there's a lot to learn from them and their cause is just.

Thoughts, Sup Forums ?

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SA is insignificant
KSA civil war when?

>KSA civil war when?
I don't see that happening at all. The Sauds are not destabilized atm.

As a representative of the United Nations, I'd like to offer our assistance. The problem of racial tensions in South Africa can only be solved with a decade-long in-depth inquiry involving millions of dollars. Also, we'd like you to take in some of your fellow Africans Thank you.

Any infos/clips about said militias (besides the one with the plane and the sudden shooting while the camera team is present)?

Fuck that shit! If a civil war against whites broke out in SA, then every white person there would be dead within the month!

I can see it now, the UN will say the whites are trying to genocide the entire black population, then the UN will help the blacks wipe out the remaining whites in SA in the name of diversity.

>RIP conservation
>RIP game reserves

dey gun b kangs

I'll help run an underground rail road out of SA but I aint fighting niggers in africa where white people dont belong.

If you're white in South Africa you should just fucking leave. just pack up and go. Go to Montana on a tourist visa and be done with it. Let the negros starve.

>Defend whites in South Africa
Why would you be on the side of the invaders?

> "millions of dollars"
> millions
This is the point where I figured out you were trolling.

The UN will be killed then.

South Afrixa has 4.5 million whites tgats 2.25 million white males, the US military and Chinese military is 2 million personnel.

I will gladly die for my people, I was born to do so.

Whites that could leave ZA already have. The ones that couldn't stayed.

>there were no nigs in south africa
> it was colonized and built by whites
>they have infiltrated government with zionist help

Isn't that precisely the reason why we should mobilize ? Kick the fucking (((UN))) in the balls and show worldwide solidarity for our very own people ?

I don't agree that all Whites will be dead within a month if there's a chimpout. As I said, the country is full of super tough organized militias ready to defend what's theirs. The question is : will you fight alongside them or not. I would assume it depends who the SA army sides with, and that's far from clear atm.

SA is demographic disaster, you can't make whites majority there without genocide, you can't turn niggers nice by any means, you can only get out of that shithole.

I don't think that's correct. I have seen nothing about a white exode from SA.

>Inb4 MSM won't speak about it.

I know, but still there should be some reports of it on alt sites, including this one.

This. I'd join them if the war starts 3+ years from now, by then I'll be halfway through med school and will have served the army here, so I'll have military training and some medical knowledge that I hope would prove valuable.

I think US and Chinese military personnel are little better supplied and at better age/health than SA male population.

>whites would get massac-

If a civil war erupts there, the outcome will be a return to the apartheid - which should have never ended. UN won't do shit about it, and if whites have nothing to lose in terms of trade and boycott, they will do it.


> 4 injured
fucking kek

>blacks would geno-

That Id though

South african military is tiny and irrelevant white militias would be a more formidable army than an African nations army.

South Africa is nowhere close to a civil war.


That id post more truths

>what do ?
Nothing, the remnants of whitey gets finally genocided and the rest of the world just don't give a fuck. That's what you get for trying to live in a nigger-land without exterminating the natives first

ID: /kkk/q/9

holy shit lol

I hope you have a nigger hate folder

>Nyathi blew a whistle, which was the emergency signal for the guerrillas to muster on the parade ground;[4] the vehicles were swarmed by thousands of guerrillas before the Rhodesians opened fire at point-blank range. Carnage ensued, with hundreds being shot, or drowning in the nearby river in their attempt to escape.
>ZANLA documents captured after the raid indicated that 1028 of their number had been killed, a figure considerably higher than the 300 initially claimed by the Rhodesians.
>The bridge over the Pungwe River was a key strategic point that the assault team had to fight their way through on their return journey to Rhodesia. The bridge was successfully assaulted, and then charges laid under enemy fire to destroy it, and thereby to cover the escape.

Wew lad. It's like a Hollywood action movie but real.

>gibs property
Yeah, that worked out well for Zimbabwe. Good luck with that.

Scenario A: Government slowly changes the law limiting property and self-defense rights, picking the resisting one by one, until the remaining give up and flee the country.

Scenario B: Changes are slower and demographics finish the job (with 7% going down to 0.5% or so). At this point scenario A is played out.

Scenario C: See Volhynia 1943, for reference - government officially denounces, while silently backing hordes who murder people in isolated locations. It may be a prelude to scenario A and already happens anyway.

Scenario D: Miracle happens and they unite, receive backing from a state entity, then start organized, violent resistance to secede part of the territory for themselves. Don't know what are geographic realities in SA, but in plains this is very hard to pull off without heavy logistic support and a modern army involved in the field. Can't think of any state which would currently support this kind of project.

Short story - at this point and in current political climate Africa looks lost to European civilization, which is bad for Africans and Europeans.

>the rest of the world just don't give a fuck
You mean (((the rest of the world))), not white people and/or common sensed folks in general and that's the catch.

How many whites would fight for their people instead of murdering them?

just got a college offer that sets me up better than the military job im also waiting for. i just hope i dont miss any wars because im in college. i can always go back into the military after college i guess. i'm not afraid of any amount of niggers, or of dying. but sitting in a classroom while SA is under siege is unbearable to me

>white people
define WHITE
have their own problem or cucked by EU
they are already pretty niggered, greeks can't even take back Cyprus
>scandinavians, germans, french, anglos
too busy sucking Tyrone's dick
really nigga? Think that Juan will save South Africa?
your only hope are hordes of muslim arabs form north africa, that's about it

how many of them are fighting age though?

still, one white man is worth a hundred nogs on the battlefield, have you seen how they fight?

Civil war? Whites are outnumbered over 10 to 1.

>define WHITE
Those people you'd be in deep trouble if they weren't here anymore.

>your only hope are hordes of muslim arabs form north africa, that's about it
Sounds too defeatist to me. Sure everyone has their problems, but it's about time we begin to think in team because THAT is actually our only chance of survival.


Rhodesians represented the very finest of white people and we killed them.

I would be so down

No they probably wouldnt wanna draw attention to the fact that whites where being slaughtered en masse and look the other way knowing that blacks would eventually win just by overwhelming the whites with superior numbers

I genuine feel sorry for any whites living in that shithole, they are on their own. They are all welcome in the UK so far as I'm concerned. That goes for ny whites suffering in Rhodesia also. Way more deserving than the greedy niggers flooding Europe and getting a free rind right now.

It's a shame that country's downfall doesen't have any good documents. I know their entire existance was filled with putting down rebels, in the late years western white countries started sanctioning them and communists supported their enemies.

But what really brought them down? Was their voting system that favored rich people of any color changed into universal voting and that was the end of them and blacks took over?

If those whites are stupid enough to stay there for this long they don't deserve my support or assistance. I feel the same way about niggers everywhere.

Why should they leave the area their ancestors settled in prior to the arrival of any black civilisation?

Well, I was in the military before, it wasn't bad. I would join.

This is what I think, if it was up to me I'd instantly give all white South Africans right to live here given that they learned the language.

But it's not up to me, majority of people in here think Nelson Mandela was a peaceful freedom fighter against racism and not a guy who fought for his own selfish reasons. South African whites can expect about as much help from western countries as Rhodesia could. Best you can do there is leave the country and lose your papers and grind your fingertips so nobody can tell where you're from. Just tell your homeless from some anglo country.

I would do it. Lived in south africa and it would be shame to let the legacy of boers die out.
Also it would prepare me for the upcoming race war in europe.
If I die I would at least martyr for the sake of a future of our children

Actually, the only "good point" if Whites begin to be genuinely persecuted over there is that they will be genuine refugees - and that'll expose some double standards, me thinks, thus shedding light on the current white genocide.

SA was great till the end of the Apartheid though. Thriving and vibrant as can be (or so I was told by a uni professor in Cape Town).

I'd be willing to house some refugees here in sunny Commifornia.

>prior to the arrival of any black civilisation?
Care to explain ? I though the bushiman or whatever their name were there since before humanity.


Heh, me too. But guess (((who))) would call you a racist for not doing the same for mudslims and niggers.

because they're our people you fucking leaf.

Or are you the type of faggot leaf that stands there while his cousin is being robbed, "because he shouldn't have been around bad people in the first place". No you help your own. Right or wrong, you deal with that later, what you don't do is sit there and watch them die because you're an apathetic faggot.Are you a nigger? No? Why are you defending them? I know this may hurt your fuckin' perception of the world here faggot, but this world is tribe vs tribe vs tribe all the way through. Either defend your tribe and come together or don't come a knockin' when you mom and sister is getting fucked in the ass by Abdul and Ahmet.

How do we initiate whitetribe.exe ?

But bantus are the invaders

There were native bushmen, but they hadn't built any major infrastructure since the dawn of time either, and they weren't black, they were of a similar complexion as the Mauris, but not quite the same.

When the actual black North African tribes moved down they were massacring them left, right and centre apparantly.

How awesome would it be if Trump opened up a refugee resettlement program where we evacuated all the Boers from South Africa and moved them into swing states to tip them red?

We honestly should use the kikes' own tactics against them. And imagine the outcry and cognitive dissonance we'd hear about it.

SA isn't even 10% white. All whites can do right now is get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

>living anywhere in Africa
>not expecting to be killed by niggers
slot the floppies

They should come here, if thet speak afrikaans they cab already understand dutch

Bollocks. Zuma is on the way out, and Malema is larping. Nobody wants to move away from a capitalist system with property rights.

Not necessarily. The Rhodesians made up a much smaller fraction of the population, and they were still able to slaughter the niggers over and over again for a very long time. And that was even with worldwide sanctions and tons of insurgents flooding in from the bordering african nations. They were still able to hold on simply because SA was still willing to trade with them and bypass the embargo. It was only when SA finally got kiked and forced to stop supporting them that they finally fell.

The point being that even though the Rhodies eventually lost, they put up a hell of a fight with a very small population against hordes of niggers. I don't personally think the Boers will ever retake their country, but I'm just saying that it's still a possibility. A white man is worth more than a dozen niggers.

Interesting, thanks. I'm in contact with some sjws there who believe (as usual) that it's all muh white man's fault. Good way to counter the narrative.


Timeline is different though. If shit goes down in SA, it might be an archduke Ferdinand moment with a 1488 tone to it.

dat 1500:1 K/D

It will expose nothing.

Nobody is going to care, just like currently nobody cares of what is happening in SA, yet everybody was outraged of apartheid.

See apartheid homicide / deaths per annum and compare to what is happening there now. Nobody gives a fuck because muh dumbocracy won.

These weapons are wasted on such filth.
Yes, I'm saying they're a waste of an AK-47

Don' take my word for God's truth. I am still learning the history of it atm. Read pic related, from a South African in a thread the other day.

I am genuinely suprised this forum isn't flooded with White South Africans.

>Nobody wants to move away from a capitalist system with property rights. never underestimate niggers.

It doesn't mean that things are bound to stay like this forever. On the contrary, we're going through a major paradigm change with Trump and all.

Check em.
Also check th@ equipment

>What are sights
>What is cover

>tfw the Bush Wars are over

Shit was like The Man Who Would Be King iterated a hundred times throughout an entire continent for 20 years.

>I don't know that I'm ready to go through the hell of war just to be crucified and ostracized as a fascist when I come back home

I'm so ready for this desu. Evil reputation is better than being a fucking nobody. Assuming I even survive the negro hordes

There should be more threads about Rhodesia and SA in general, lots of redpill material. I'm not particularly uneducated, but I didn't know a thing about it except for this Apartheid bs they teach you in school - until just a few short month ago.

Is that how you will also feel about white americans when we become the minority?

>tfw born too late to fight in the bush war
At least I'll get to fight in the eventual american civil race war. Hopefully I won't be too old by the time it happens.

>weren't black,

>Evil reputation is better than being a fucking nobody
True that. In fact, all we have to do to put history on our side is to win, and we can do it as white men. We need to smart about it though.

what did I just say about Zuma? The old man is one foot away from Pollsmoor Prison

> archduke Ferdinand moment

Just don't hold your breath waiting.

Western society have forgotten that you should be compassionate to your own people. In the long term it frequently means the other people have to bend their knees. Sometimes it means choosing between life and death of your own people versus the others. West has forgotten there situations you have to make such choices and is no longer capable of making them.

Western society was learning how to apologize so hard, they've forgotten how to fight and win.

Checked, but there won't be any race war in US. Tensions and decline of Western culture - sure, but not a war. See Brazil for reference.

>West has forgotten there situations you have to make such choices and is no longer capable of making them.
I beg to differ on this one. I think in times of need, there will be a regrouping of some white folks around ethnic lines. We're just not there yet, but patience is key. Perhaps our mission is merely to create the conditions in which this regrouping might be possible, and by this I mean forging a sane ideological background that promotes self respect - without sperging out too much and scare the normies away before the time is ripe.

There will be a race war. Brazil is our future if we don't unfuck ourselves, but that's unlikely. The system cannot sustain itself and it will lead to a collapse and race war.

I've got a spare room in my house.
I'm down to help save a redpilled qt or two.

When have you heard last time Western politician outraged of what is happening to European population in SA?

I'm not even asking about Trump. Just a major Western politician.

This is nothing burger topic for the West. Even if this is (another) canary in a coalmine.

This is not even about ethnic lines. This is about preference of short term comfort over long term ambitious goals if it demands any personal sacrifice.

Western population is not capable of doing this, and for a long time already.

I would love to volunteer and shoot some niggers. When is this expected to happen?

>European population in SA?
They aren't European.
Ever tried to get a saffie capetonian to be at a certain place at a certain time? They will always fail. No European fails so hard at punctuality.

>When have you heard last time Western politician outraged of what is happening to European population in SA?

You're right, but that's because they are scared shitless about being called a racist. It's up to the population of our democracies to let our politicians know that we care about this, and you'll see an awakening. Look at your own country, isn't that the story of a people who's actually redpilling the entire planet ? So yes, there is hope. It's a matter of time before we achieve it : we're not talking about conquering Russia in the winter after all, we're talking about self-respect and basic realism regarding our very conditions of existence.

>Western population is not capable of doing this, and for a long time already.

Again, I beg to differ because even though consumerism has turned us into mindless sheep, there's a lot of redpilling going on out there. Don't you think the change initiated by Trump is significant ? I mean, two years ago practically no mainstream politician would have dared to say "American first", and yet now it's a whole different story.

I'd say give another couple of years. Just enough time to come to shape physically, acquire some combat skills and become more resolute.

>Nordbro Tip: Archive it!
I will save this thread!

Meme this to page one.

