Tfw read his writings

>tfw read his writings

good god, how far ahead of his time was this dude?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not very, he published it in '95, people were discussing that stuff in the 60's and 70's.

Jesus 2

And we fucked up again

he knew about the reptilians. i bet they came to his cabin. i doubt he made them pancakes

not at all

Professor K.
>a ProtoNEET
He saw among his peers...a bleak future
>talking to you ,millenials


What disgusting women is that on the right user?

thats Lena Dunham

No one knows. She just showed up one day and people just kept watching her shows and reading her books. Enigmatic.

So... what do you guys think of him being a victim of MKULTRA? I feel like people don't talk about that enough.


Just a reminder that his true Manifesto has never been published. The ones that have have been edited

The last TED talk.

Kaczynski was on point with his manifesto; really bright guy.
Although I believe he has an excellent diagnosis of what's wrong with modern society, I disagree with his solution of becoming primitivists. Can't work; genie is out of the bottle.

What a sick fucking cunt. She is mentally ill, there is no other way to say it.

Where can I read more about his Manifesto actually being fully available? I've never heard that before.

I used to think this guy was crazy, but then i read his stuff and i realize that he is a genius and was right all along.

He has alluded to his belief that 'you can't turn back the clock' and thus farming is here to stay. I think he would be shooting for Iron Age villages or something. Which would immediately be enslaved by more numerous, violent humans.

I've known about the guy for awhile, but just now skimmed through his Manifesto, and even though I am/have been a Republican for all my life along with hating liberals, his Manifesto unfortunately seems to be pretty shit. link 2 book

relevant headline today

crazy weird shit. Apparently it had quite an influence on him too

100% neckbeard
definitely ahead of his time

On some background to the CIA experiment Ted was involved in

>"In 1967 [....] hundreds of college professors on more than a hundred American college campuses were under secret contract to the CIA. [...] The Harvard study my brother participate in was called "Multiform Assessments of Personality Development among Gifted College Men." It was overseen by the noted psychologist Henry Murray [...] it is clear that my brother was a guinea pig in an unethical and psychologically damaging research projected conducted by a team of psychological researchers who used deceptive tactics to study the effects of emotional and psychological trauma on unwitting human subjects."

On the nature of the experiment Ted was involved in

>"The weekly sessions in Murray's lab typically consisted of one-on-one conversations between the research subject (Ted) and a purported peer who was actually a plant: one of Murray's graduate students who had been coached to behave in an insulting way toward the subject. The idea was to upset subjects by deriding their belies, values, and personal characteristics."

On further details regarding the experiments

>"the transcript of one session in which the acting research assistant focused the conversation on my brother's beard, calling it "stupid." [...] On occasion he would pass one of the researchers on campus and offer a shy "Hello," to which the psychologists never responded but kept on walking by, as if Ted did not exist. We know that the experiments involved the calculated humiliation of subjects. We know that the basic premise of the research was to study how bright college students would react to aggressive, stressful attacks on their beliefs and values."

At some point in time, due to living in the shittiest part of Oklahoma City, I was presented with an ethical conundrum. On one hand, Timothy McVeigh injured 3 relatives and wrecked the church I was baptized in (St. Joseph's Old Cathedral) and where my family went to mass every sunday. He attacked my blood, my soil, and the cornerstone of my faith, but growing up in a state capitol, in a low income area, I came to the horrific realization that his characterization of bureaucracy, government, leftism and ethnic minorities as being the greatest existential threats to modern White Americans was completely accurate. I couldn't condone what he did. Then I read "Strange Brains and Genius" by Clifford Pickover at the Ralph Ellison Library (a black existentialist Marxist) when I was about 11 in 2002, and I got interested in Dr. Ted K. There was, suddenly, an individual with a similar philosophy and an actual strategy.

anyway to meme her mother having an abortion and bring it about in this timeline? this is a being who is wickedly deranged

/pol does know his (((religion))) right? Do the triple parentheses give it away?

Essentially this. He's a really bright guy, but he didn't get all the way there.

I even think there a few regular anons who would actually rationally defeat Kaczynski's point of view and push him towards a more complex and nuanced one.

The end compromise reached might be something wild even crazier, such as a new neo-primitivism, techno-luddism, or even 2nd gen neo-Feudalism.

There's a reason why Ted is locked away and nobody is crying to get him out while people like Jordan Peterson still get to drop the equivalent of nuclear bombs on the leftist establishment at the University of Toronto.

Are the transcripts available? I really can't imagine such actions or interactions to have such a transformative effect on anyone.

According to Ted's brother
>"When my brother's federal public defenders asked him about the Murray experiments, he characterized his participation as "the worst experience of my life".
Check that archived thread I posted, it has some really interesting information on him. His early days, days at Berkley, moving to the wilderness interactions with women and neighbors all kinds of stuff but I think it's all second hand information from people who interacted with him

neckbeards on purpose>neckbeards due to laziness

He’s describing pol!

>1 post by this ID

2 posts beat my one, welp you got me. Oh shit I got two posts now, we’re on even ground now, come here i’lll kick your dog and fuck you in the ass, and i’ll pay you 2/3 of what i’d pay a decent tranny whore.

post by this ID
>>posted 4 mins ago
whats your point schlomo

This guy was a kike too but he was one of the most redpilled men to ever live.

>kikes are intelligent
literally no surprise to anyone who understands history

>weinigerposting on Sup Forums


So you're suggesting we get distracted by the constant bickering between left and right that gets us nowhere, keep travelling down the rocky road that technology is leading us as opposed to reverting back to a state of existence that humans have naturally developed with over millions of years.

He's describing Sup Forumsacks who don't lurk like you

I was hoping that mini series would delve more into him and his writings which might introduce them to an entire new audience. He was spot on for much of what has happened over the past 10 years.

In his diary he wrote that after harvard had almost convinced him to become a trap he realized if could do something as dramatic as cut his dick off he could just kill anyone he wanted too

definitely has some main stays of mind kontrol kults/CIA
controlling culture & counter culture;
tech & countertech

Kaczynski is Polish, not a kike.


and holy



this is the most red pilling shit I've ever read

I've never read such a lucid explanation of an analysis of leftists...

I've felt these things to be true but never been able to articulate

Leftists know they are inferior, and hate anything superior because they are losers

good old Ted. the official title of his manifesto is "Industrial Society and Its Future"

on the second page, the very first sub-heading is "THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MODERN LEFTISM"

it's hard not to start just copying whole passages from the book, but it's too long. but holy fuck was he on something about "leftists"

But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th
century leftism could have been practically identified with
socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not
clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak
of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists,
collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and
disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But
not everyone who is associated with one of these movements
is a leftist.

The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern
leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “oversocialization”.
Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of
modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic
only of a certain segment of modern leftism;
but this segment is highly influential.

By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only inferiority
feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum
of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness,
depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred,
etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such
feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these
feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern

bugs... easy on the carrots

Motherfucker Nietzsche predicted the future by about 500 years. Even right now, he predicted, and the end result of the direction we're headed, he predicted. Down to the hedonistic "degeneracy" we see today, he predicted.

I mean I literally want to just start pasting the whole book its ridiculous

pic related

Neitsche was not writing five hundred years ago friendo.


We need more Uncle Ted OC anons

Ted's view on modern society isn't that novel. It's great and one of my favorite pamphlet length manifestos, but people like Jacques Ellul (whom he definitely had read, his books where found in the cabin).

*Had discussed our modern industrial system at great length.

I'm drunk and forgot to add that part.

Tell me about ADX Florence

Why does it have the security?

Ted has mentioned Ellul many times in his writings.

Regarding the notion of his ideas being 'novel', why don't you read his retort? (image)

Mcveigh was better

Interesting, the only thing I've read of his was the manifesto. I actually like the manifesto a lot and was just trying to think of something to add.

If you were a fan I'd suggest his two books, Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution; Why and How.

Anti-tech was written and released this year, lots of food for thought, particularly in relation to contemporary issues.

I don't want the alphabet soup at my house though.

Oh wow you used the slashes, guess that proves you’re an oldfag. Any retard could come here day one and mimick your group etiquette. I don’t have to talk like you to know I belong here, i can tell every day when events happen and I have thoughts and I come here and you share my thoughts before I speak them. Nowhere on the internet have I had this happen with such consistency as here over the years. I truly feel at home here, but we could do with less disfunctional screeching at each other over trivial details, this was my point about ted’s description fitting this place and you two goons have helped prove my joke true. Amazing things get done when we focus fire as a group, I dunno how much we really helped trump, more likely we hurt him but for example the fire marshal generals were pretty special time around here we changed people’s lives and hopefully some of them woke up and recovered. Some of them might even be here now :^) I hope we can get more focused in the future we really need to get away from the icebergs ahead.

>graduate students who had been coached to behave in an insulting way toward the subject. The idea was to upset subjects by deriding their belies, values, and personal characteristics."

Now we just call it Sup Forums

>land of the free
>forbidden literature


Fucking this.

why did everything happen in 1995?

Not far enough or he wouldn't have sperged out like some Luddite from hundreds of years ago.

Capital is superior to any man.

Old fag here (47). I remember watching "In Search Of" or a similar type program during their original network run. The re-enactments of the Unabomber placing the bomb while wearing a white hoodig and aviators was creepy as fuck.

The capture of the Unabomber was also surreal. There was a lot of media attention surrounding a militia known as "The Freemen" who would ran an extorition racket by issuing "liens" against local governments and forging counterfeit checks and currency.

The Clinton-era ATF surrounded the Freemen's Montana compound. Corporate media noticed other government law enforcement surveying another small residence which ended up being the Unabomber's hovel.

I lost respect for Unabomber when he tried suicide by hanging himself with underwear.

Then Andrew Breivik plagiarized the Unabomber's manifesto which made me gain back interest.

I like to think (our) American Indians would have evolved to Unabombers were it not for getting strung out on alcohol and junk food.

Somebody explain who is that guy, I'm uneducated fool :(



No but really he was a bad dude, you shouldn't idolize criminals and anti-socials.

I think the coming collapse is inevitable.

>posts as anonymous

Do you know where you are? Normieville is down the hall and to the left.


My philosophy teacher from college was the one who figured out who he was and that basically resulted in him getting caught

Straight to archive

I see that you lurk Ted threads quite often NordBot

Your philosophy teacher was Ted's brother?

The letters between Ted and his brother are very interesting.

It's Ted, your friendly Unabomber!

You really have anything to hide? Your D&D sessions in your basement? Really now just don't be building bombs or something dumb.

I think all the major terrible things these guys predict is just going to happen. It's a full speed freight train, no brakes, the engineer is dead and there are some rich guys dining in a caboose who just think they've got it all under control.

his brother is an establishment cuck


No it was Ted's brothers wife.

She realized the writings looked a lot like Ted's and she told her husband...hey this looks a lot like what your brother always talks about. And then they both decided to go to the FBI

There's an ongoing Discovery Channel special about him goin on right now. It's bretty gud so far.

If that photo was black and white, it could be a Smiths album cover. If he had a quiff, and the word "Morrissey" was stamped on it, it could be a Morrissey album cover.

I respect your taste in music Gen Xer

>I think all the major terrible things these guys predict is just going to happen. It's a full speed freight train, no brakes, the engineer is dead and there are some rich guys dining in a caboose who just think they've got it all under control.

No one ever talks about the inherent fragility of a technological civilization. As it gets more specialized it becomes more and more of risk of falling down if you remove a few pieces.

100 years ago if you didn't have access to a wagon wheel you could just make a wagon wheel. You can't do that with a microprocessor. So if people become completely dependent on specialized tech to live they're just setting themselves up for extinction. I think Ted saw that.

everything happened in the 20's man. Evola was discussing the same things we talk about here in terms of meme magic and the death of society 100 years ago.

The first world war was a massive blackpill.

Tell me about it.
He had "leftism" and the industrialized society down to a T.
You can even hear a lot of the critiques of the white hipsters that infect "African-American neighbourhoods" we are hearing today. (shame in their ignorance they aim it at ALL white people.)

If you like Kaczynski then you must read this.



Go away sean

Very similar yet more expansive. Says clearly why and how society must be changed, starting with understanding human nature at the individual level, and focuses a lot on economics towards the end.

Why was he called the unabomber though? The bomber part is obvious, but what the fuck is a una?

Morrissey might be unable to keep his mouth shut like the wallflower persona he once maintained, but he's enough of a redpilled faggot to proudly join a circular man train with the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos, Yukio Mishma, Douglas Pearce, Ernst Rohm, and Alexander the Great.

Alas,men of leisure become slaves to inner feelingsof dissatisfaction and interests over which they have little, the left.

university + airline + bomber


If you're a Trump supporter and you think Ted is right you don't understand Ted.