Polish school in current year

>Polish school in current year

notice anything Sup Forums?

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Majority non-white.

There seems to be some sorta blue shirt fad.

>notice anything Sup Forums?

Yes. "NO EXIT"


No one is squatting.

it's full of schoolkids?

Left side, second row, second child in. Found the ethnic!

Can see the FAS from here

Poles go home


all I see is a hall full of slavic subhumans, anything I'm missing here?

I see it. That teacher in the middle towards the bottom with the tits

Not enough diversity, obviously Nazi school

Yeah poland is stronger than western europe.

Found another non white kid


This is how Polish schools celebrate the end of teaching year.
In UK you just dress cassualy and do nothing 6 hours.

>Brit talking about FAS
Can't get anymore ironic than this.


Same story for the first day of school. Each school has it's own flag.

Poland: the country that's such a shit hole that even Syrian refugees prefer to turn back and live under Isis

Twice a year in Polish schools you have a Flag shown and you swear to learn as hard as you can.

If an American Indian were then it would be more ironic.

Stop being interested in Poland so much. We don't fit you intellectually, racially and civilisationally, as our country is already surrounded by third world subhumans.

Liberalisation of gun laws, full control of borders and access to nuclear weapon will isolate us from you all even more.

>A country where arabs and niggers are scared to live in
Sounds like heaven desu

i think she's a gypsy

and by "learn" they mean "drink"

Basketball in the gym?

Exit sign by door in ENGLISH?

Stage in gym?

This is an American school before the government imported so many niggers.

OP is a dumbass.

>American education

>top income tax in Poland is 32% !!!
Polan, prepare to get enriched by the swede again!!

They worship Satan.

1 male teacher. They obviously need quotas to increase the number of female teachers.


Holy shit is that an all white school? They're gonna get closed down.

>Basketball in the gym?
>Exit sign by door in ENGLISH?
>Stage in gym?





I can't believe you just said that. Your cosmopolitan bias clearly shows how ignorant you are.

In first grade of my elementary school, we were knighted one by one by our principal with a giant pencil after saying oath on our knees

That's awesome.

>Polish school 2 days ago

Notice anything?

Someone pls photoshop her out she's ruining the photo.

No, seems like a normal polish school to me

polskas play apehoop

no white people. That's the end goal of liberals. You've got a long way to go before you get on our level, where there are no white people in the society, Europe.


>This is an American school before the government imported so many niggers.
So you think this is a photograph from the 1600s then?

There's a fucking triceratops in the back. I noticed that

So many qt lolis


nothing to see here, move along

I'm not joking when I say that Eastern Europe needs nuclear weapons quick. The EU central will start to threaten you within just very few years.

Hover Arm Overload

>east europe threatened
Thats why they want an EU Army. To prevent secession of states. UK and France can obviously do as they like as nuclear states like brexit, but counties like Poland Hungary Romania will get occupied if they tried to secede... maybe even by just refusing their new federal governments nigger quota.

Why do Army's exist? To defend against existential threats.

Are member states leaving en masse considered an existential threat? Of course.

>Raising an Army to prevent secession.

Here we go again.

wat is this?

Historical reenactment.

Spoiler: that's the only school in Poland, that's their entire population of minors.

Your jealously is palpable aquafresh.

I notice that the entire building was built by the EU

So jealous...

all I want is a qt white Polish girlfriend coming from a white Christian family

is that too much to ask ?

Yup, looks like 1980's America.

>No exit
It's in England

Saving it anyway, because the law can't stop me

Civilized humans

Polska jest moja Israel.