I have to teach students common core math this year and I already want to kill myself...

I have to teach students common core math this year and I already want to kill myself. As a person who was taught an engineering level of math education, how do I teach effectively without committing suicide over how retarded the curriculum is?

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Accept your fate, endure and overcome.


Be a cool teacher like Robin Williams from that one movie. Fuck what the curriculum says, do what you think is right for the kid's betterment

I doubt it will really help you feel better, but you may at least find this an interesting read.

That's why I'm an English teacher, OP. I spout bullshit all day

Just teach them proper math instead and sprinkle it with a little bit of common core "because the gouvernment said so".
It's a great opportunity to redpill the youth.


what actually is the common core boogyman
I've seen some pictures online of bizzare test questions but I think those are fake
Do people just not like it bc obama

I say this as a maths student and coming from a family full of teachers
you are not there to teach the kids maths
you are not there to teach them useful skills
you are there to teach them to pass an exam
your job is to get them thru the exam and onto the next stage where they learn to pass an exam in order to get to the next stage to pass an exam to get into a job where they are taught the useful skills
Its a retarded system yes, but it is the system we have and we must do our best to abuse it to its fullest extent
teach the kids the bare minimum, get them doing exam papers over and over again make it so every time they do one they are like robots
make it so they are getting A*'s every time
that is your job
do it

it's fucking retarded

It's designed to obfuscate math so the well performing kids (generally white boys) don't do any better than girls, niggers and mongs.
Interestingly it's a private institution that designed it, and the creator explicitly stated it was designed to destroy white prospects.
I probably needn't mention he's Jewish to boot, but there it is.

Get a job at a private school


thats not teaching
its (((teaching)))

you should be ashamed of yourself calling yourself coming from a family full of (((teachers))).

i almost puked reading your garbage.

remember that you're teaching children
ignore the common core
just teach what will let them pass the tests

Good luck I guess

m8 trying to actually teach the kids puts them at a disadvantage in the current system
you must change the system before you change your teaching methods
trust me we are trying to get this done

by disregarding the curriculum and actually educate the kids

they'll be upset though, as you aren't making docile goyim like they want you to

Good luck... the liberals niggered up basic math. I have young kids, their math is taught in a way that would screw them over in higher level differential calculus.

Retarded reasoning is the base of liberalized "math".

Not be a stuck up math faggot who thinks because he/she can handle big algebraic equations that you are somehow superior to say someone like me who can rebuild engines, gunsmith, rebuild frac equipment, etc.

You are a fucking math queer. You literally have no purpose other than doing math. Stop being pompous.

Quick rundown on how common core works?

Just fuck a few students and you will never have to teach again.

Or kill yourself in class.

Holy fucking shit.

Come on man.

Τry to make a game out of math. Like a game of capitalism where everyone has to buy/sell imaginery products. There could also exist rules about taxation, bargains etc. The winner would score 100% at his grades and the first to lose 0%. That way the students will get interested in math and ENJOY the class. Or at least be an enjoyable person who respects and loves them. I don't know i am just brainstorming ideas

Give them a barebones rundown of the Cornhole Core retardation, then immediately teach them real math.

Its called don't be a pretentious asshole. Be thankful that you have been given the education you have received and be honoured with the fact that you have been chosen to educate those who know less than you. You're teaching for a reason. You're smart (somewhat) and now it's time to put it to good use for someone else other than yourself.


Lol... you use math if you repair things... just admit it to yourself.

Shitty government system that (((teaches))) instead of actually giving students useful knowledge.

what the actual fuck, burgers

At least maths queers can read the entire OP before replying, retard.

Also, this what is wrong with the common core shit? I've also only see retarded problems, and retarded teacher answers.

>how retarded the curriculum is
teach them the traditional method

What exactly is wrong with the curriculum?

Yeah, simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions. Stuff that apparently is "stupid" to OP.

I dont puff myself up because I know how to solve shit like x+4(45y)/(87-90x)(67x-x)/73.1-344(-x)=z

Forgot to mention that it's specifically designed to create good malleable goys

Still too vague. In here it's basic math til grade 4 (algebra, equations, inequations and shit) rekt by geometry grade 5-8 with second and third degree equations, coordinates and basic functions, 9-12 precalculus, calculus and the advanced versions of what we did in the previous grades.

Have you looked into the curriculum? From what I can tell, common core is hated only because parents are too dumb to understand basic algebra and look retarded in front of their 4th grades.

I did
OP is literally acting like doing an easier job is somehow disrespectful to 'muh knowledge' and a waste of their time

I had a math teacher like OP once
I passed with a 99 but it wasnt a pleasant experience because she was a cunt the entire semester to folks that werent at my level of IQ

>sus out the kids who really care about math
>engage them and see if they can sit in your class while they eat lunch
>teach them the way you were taught while they eat and goof around with you and their fellow soon to be mathmagicians
i had some teaches who did this but it was mostly reading and history classes. still fun as hell to casually explore what we were learning without all the howling monkeys and brainlets.

This. Common Core is just easier!

Get with it, idiots.

nobody is proud of being able to solve that

Try to be an enjoyable person and give them some occasional redpills but only hints. About the math part try to be as simple and minimalistic as possible. Use videos, make videos about math.


> One post by this ID
kys. Also if real, post examples. But meanwhile, saged.

>catering to stupid people

pick one.

just learn math and talk to them a little bit more about concepts and how to analise problems. Pure calculations are pointless if you do not understand what you are doing.

Jesus fuck that pic.

Teach normal math to class 1 and common core to class 2. Keep track and when you get fired publish a book and try to get on fox. You will have 20 years salary in 5.

That just ain't right

Refuse to do it. Let them fire you over it and then sue. It'll be easy to turn that into a class action referendum against the entire system, and every parent in America would support you.

t. butthurt student who failed english


Take that and shift each concept four years later for common core

Be like Jaime Escalante of 'Stand and Deliver'.

One Hour Photo is the film title you're looking for.

>Marcus Garvey

That's true, but common core math is also completly retarded and layered with obfuscated notation.


do it op

Wut? I don't get it, if Common Core allows for answers to be different based on different solutions .... then Cultural Marxism is real, oh fug.

>As a person who was taught an engineering level of math education
You're probably bullshitting. The people who hate common core math are usually innumerate.

This is a meme picture and a pretty good example of incorrectly written equations

OP, you must act you conscience! If you know you are teaching wrong how will you live with yourself for the rest of your life? Think about it you will go on knowing that you failed your students and set up there lives for disaster. Worse yet you will be complicit in the continued destruction of society that you will live in as you grow older. You must hold to the truth and let the chips fall where they may even if that means losing everything at least you know you did what was right. Be strong man.

firstlly, asian kids are far better than anyone in math so your white genocide conspiracies go to shit instantly, secondly:

> and the creator explicitly stated it was designed to destroy white prospects.

got any source for that?

Ok so I just checked this common core bullshit and seriously what the actual fuck is it? Why does it exist? It makes no sense at all

Asians are considered collateral damage, arsewipe, and are basically seen as 'white enough for punishment' by the raging marxists running the education boards in the West.

I've read some samples of CC math that weren't that bad, they just got the students to think of accomplishing similar problems in different ways. Then there are other problems where there's an unnecessary of complexity to accomplish something simple; as if confusing the student was the primary focus.

My favorite ones, though, and I don't think you'll fall prey to this, are the problems that ask the student an interesting conceptual math question, and instead of the student not understanding and getting it wrong, the teacher is too fucking stupid to understand why the student is right. I think this was the case for that famous pizza problem everyone on pol posts. I could be wrong.

I dunno. Have you seen any egregious examples of CC math thus far, dude?

So, if I understand it right: traditionally, 2+2=4. Done. But now, 4= 4x1, 2^2, 12/3, etc.

It's an attempt to utilize maths teaching to instill relativistic logic. Instead of solving a problem with a set answer, you're being taught to come to a conclusion through any means possible.

Considering that early mathematics instills the some of the logically processes you use for thr rest of your life, there's societal implications to such a change.

But in the meantime teachers justify it as being a more open process that helps students learn the underyling rules.

Or something.

>societal implications to such a change

like what? is it a problem HOW you became a conservative?

I can't understand it. Look into it it is rubbish. Doesn't even care about accuracy which is all Math had going for it.

Common Core is a set of standards that decides what kids should know. It says nothing about the specific ways to teach them. That falls on the states, school districts, and individual teachers. But I guess it's easier to remain ignorant and blame muh common core for our shitty education system

you can "teach" kids common core without teaching them common core

The whole point of common core is to give kids different tools to learn so that they can better understand the principle behind the math you're teaching them. In the actual district they just care about how well your students do in their tests, but if you can skirt around common core and just teach mathematical methods that actually make sense and have your students still understand it, then you should be fine. As long as you dont teach by following all the common core shit pedantically and as long as you do more than just give them common core worksheets, then you wont be like those retarded common core teachers that just make school harder for kids.

The answer is 16. Recall PEMDAS:
1) Parenthesis: 2 * 2 = 4
2) Multiplication and division have equal priority, begin with first operation read from left to right: 20 / 5 = 4
3) Complete second operation read from left to right: 4 * 4 =16

I work in the education sector, create your own curriculum that covers common core requirements and any of your own. Take it to your supervisor and get it approved, take the initiative to teach the next generation correctly.

Brackets have priority answer is one. Get out lefty.

>left to right
No. In a properly written equation you can read it backwards, forwards or whichever way you please so long as you are following the rules of PEDMAS/BODMAS/whatever.
The "left to right" is what they each children for ease of convenience.

Once the expression in the brackets have been simplified they merely suggest a multiplication operation: 20 / 5 (4) = 20 / 5 * 4

At this stage division and multiplication have equal priority and the first operation read from left to right, division, is performed.

except you haven't finished simplyfying the bracket until you have eliminated it by multiplying it by 5.

>20 / 5 * 4
This is ambiguous as fuck and therefore wrong.

niggers are too dumb for basic arithmetics so they need tricks to soften things up

Ok class, someone please come to the front and show your work

I asked my sister what she thought about common core (she's one of the top in her class) and she said she hates it, I looked up the creators of common core and a lot of them had (((interesting))) last names

It's wrong you stupid leaf. Ambiguity like this example is simply not acceptable in mathematics. This kind of example should only be used to show how one should NOT write their equations.

>asian kids are far better than anyone in math

They cheat and lie more than anyone. Gooks are dog eating retards who've invented nothing in comparison to whites.

An unrelated question

during postgrad, every mexican i met was shit at maths. Couldnt understand the concepts at all, if they passed a class it was by pure rote. When i asked, it seemed they missed a lot during their undergrad years

Are mexicans dumb or do they teach maths differently in mexico?

Please demonstrate the multiple interpretations for this question and their answers. I like to learn new things.

Also can you source this fact? I'm looking around but not pulling anything up.

Thats why normal people use fractions instead of "/". Maybe then the class could learn some actual mathematics instead of arguing about the priority of those operations.


you fucking retarded leaf
reason being? in 20 / 5(4) THE BRACKETS ARE STILL THERE DUMBFUCK. After you finish the bracketed equation it is now 20 / 20 = 1.
fuck you and your jewish tricks

Correct if you want this to be a good equation that will equal 16 it better to write it on two lines
fraction line (2x2)

Where those two brackts above e/o are one joined bracket.

>multiple interpretations
There are none. It is wrong. The question should be rewritten so it appears like >source
Graduating secondary school

Comrade, 5(4) = 5 * 4. As a multiplication operation it takes equal priority with division. It is the operations inside the parenthesis that take priority over other operations.

I graduated secondary school and have no recollection of this. If it was common knowledge it would be trivial to provide a source. I've looked and found none. Be a sport?

Dont teach common core math. if tyhey go after you explain to the state ( parents, and world etc. not the elite educationalists) what common core cirriculum entails.

If they fire you you have a civil case and a chance to become a national hero, because most adults, and kids will agree with you.

But user, public education is required to make students retarded. Perhaps OP should buy a bunch of XL microwaves and have students take turns filling their heads with high-powered "knowledge", 5 minutes at a time.

The fact that you are arguing about an elementary school equation is a proof in itself, that something is wrong. Mathematics are about solving problems, not about arguing which operation has the highest priority. That is only a hindrance and should be clarified beforehand.

make it fun, use the math to calculate cool shit, like "how far will this catapul launch this cabbage"
if you are super good at math, find that one kid who actually likes it, and make them super good, can really make a difference.



Phoneposting, but take a look at these. Ambiguity will lead to weird situations which can easily be resolved by adding brackets/parentheses, which is universally recommended.

Is it true a question should be equally computable from left to right and right to left?

I don't know that. I don't remember being told that. Doesn't mean it's not true though.

Why don't you give up with that retarded ambigous picture and just tell teachers to teach kids group theory so they understand why do we have order of operations at all.