US-Canada Balkanization

How would you like to see the states and provinces redivided into countries, Sup Forums? I put down my ideal northwest country and filled in the rest to the best of my recollection for how these things usually go.

You can use this blank template to make your own, better map.


how bout you neck yourself northerner trash

OP, we want the area you call "Canada".

Tidy. You think Texas would want to join up with those other states?

Redraw it with Dixie separated out, I literally don't care.

I wouldn't mind letting you have Nunavut desu. Good luck controlling the northwest passage though.

Thanks! The less sea control the more whale we can kill. More sea, more whale.

fixed your map


My previous work.


Implying dixie could defeat Florida with our swamps, guns, and crazy ass people.

i hate leftists so much that they can just have the west coast and suffer it out, one day ancap land will just annex them



There was no Balkanization, there was military aggression by USA and NATO. Pol is retarded.

Seeing all those maps with Quebec being independent make me smile


Very true. Watch out for the Russians. Also...

r a r e

>connecting BC to California
>letting the Russians have Alaska back
absolutely disgusting

Glorious. Did you connect Texas and Florida?

Ancap is dumb but I appreciate the thought that went into this. Very interesting chronological progression.

Fuckin white my dude.

Again, connecting British Columbia to Mexico is a heinous act. Madmaxland looks like fun though, the diagonal shape is intriguing.

fuckin wew lad. I like it

Yeah this is an interesting and well researched one. The shapes of some of those countries are almost too weird though.

Not gonna deny you that one in a balkanization. You and Texas get easy outs.

Those areas you guys have listed as Ancap regions are practically that way already. The flyover states are all like their own little countries, each with a unique identity and most being financially conservative.

on the other hand here's a nightmare scenario

>letting the Russians have Alaska back

The arctic circle is going to be strategically very important in half a century. As soon as Canada and the US began to collapse Russia would easily retrieve Alaska and some of the northern islands for themselves to establish a larger foothold in the region for resource extraction and control of valuable trade routes.

us newfoundlanders want nothing to do with quebec especially not be in union with them


Ye dumb fuck

>never really payed attention to any of the huge lakes in canada
>one of them is called great slave lake

It just seems practical. You can always join the yanks.

I would love this timeline


Yeah, which is why I want /mycountry/ to control it. I'm imagining a voluntary combo-secession rather than a collapse. But it would be a very tough chunk of land to get, I agree.

You guys didn't join the confederation until 1949, you absolute madmen. You deserve to be freed from the wolf again. But you should join up with the other maritime provinces, eh?

Doesn't really phase me, but yeah, that's one of the big ones.

>trying to make an ethnostate out of Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois
Those are 15% black, are you just gonna truck them out of there or what?

> "trucks"
I'm sure that's what this user had in mind

trucks of peace amigo

Fair enough I suppose. Also gonna have to find somewhere to dump them that won't strike back at you!

I've said this before, but a white ethnostate in the Midwest like that is fucking retarded. You're practically landlocked by hostile countries and just as importantly you have no port to the sea. On top of that, the creation of such a state will effectively brain-drain, except here white-drain, surrounding territories, increasing their hostility, and creating platforms for more extreme governments to form there as destabilization most likely occurs. There are so many factors here practically necessitating future wars and conflicts. An arrangement like this can hardly last for long. It's essentially planning ahead of time for a shitty situation which will necessitate future bloody conflicts to rectify.

Hawaii son inglesas