White people have never been persecuted for the colour of their skin

>white people have never been persecuted for the colour of their skin

Is she right Sup Forums?

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She is.
It's not reverse racism, it's just plain old racism.

No. Racism requires power. POC do not have power. Whites have never been persecuted.

There's no thing as reverse racism. It's just racism.

There are no systems holding whites back because of the color of their skin.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Your attempt at redefining the actual definition of racism isn't going to work.
Nice try though.

Nice definition from your dictionary created by whites in a time that whites are dominant. That definition does not hold today.

r u srs?

race war now

Not an argument.

>Racism requires power
are you like rearded?
please seek help
racism does not require power.

No one cares, nigger.

You're thinking of prejudice.

he obviously isn't

I know you're either larping, or just fucking retarded, but I kept this from a discussion I had a while ago regarding the attempts at redefining "racism'.

For your reading enjoyment, and why nobody outside the retarded left will ever accept that "racism = prejudice + power":

It's been an insidious, multi-decade creeping shitstorm. Back in the 90s, there was a big push against racism - *actual* racism. The "hey, there's a black dude - let's beat him for shits and giggles." And that shit should be put down.
But, over time, things the left didn't like were tucked into the "that's racist!" blanket, and any discussion was shutdown and forbidden. And because discussion was forbidden, more and more things were added to the "racist" label.
Then, when whitey starts saying "hold the fucking bus a second, choosing blacks over whites based on being black is racist!", the term racist was changed to be "power+privilege", so in effect whitey could never, ever, ever be racially discriminated against but instead was the eternal aggressor.

And that's where it stands now - and google/youtube/twitter/pick your social media platform is complicit in this shit. They're propagating this insanity by shutting down moderate opinions like Peterson as "extremist", because a logical discussion of left-wing 'facts' will show them for the utter fucking lunacy they are.

(You) 3.9/10

Fine. It's bigotry. Happy now?

Just figured, you must be just a troll.
I refuse to believe someone can be this stupid and survived to be 18+ y/o (Sup Forums global rule).


The clearest argument so far.

That's right, white people have NEVER been targeted or attacked because of their skin color.

No. Just like gender things are changing because right wing retards are losing their grip on power. White people are inherently racist because they benefit from racist systems. I'm not saying people can't have prejudice against whites but they for sure can't be racist against whites.

The redefining of words is pretty clever. They've programmed their newcomers to believing it so they genuinely don't think it's possible for white people to face racism.
Same shit with violence, abuse, bigotry etc. I'm not sure if it's intentional but this tactic is very effective.

>Racism requires power.
You mean like this?

Nice cherry picking


what is affirmative action

You sound inherently racist, calling a whole group of people "inherently racist."


came here to say this too.

End Racism, Don't use skin color as a test.

Society at large has seen through your lies, kiddo. Nobody believes what the left says anymore. I used to be left of center, and now I'm far-right without changing a single opinion.
You've lost - it's all just...bleating now. And well deserved bleating. You've taken what could have been a force for good and corrupted it - and there is no coming back from that.

Nice try though.

South African white ghettos?

look at what's happening in South Africa, and tell me its not possible lol

Trump has a 33% approval rating hahaha. Republican Party is a joke now good luck in 2018 and 2020.

You'd have to stop using the entire English language for this point to be valid, retard. You can't use English to support all your points but then turn around and say because one words definition doesn't fit your agenda, it's wrong.

If you used Swahili or any nonwhite language to explain this, you might have a point, but in reality a rose by any other name is still a rose. Call racism whatever you like, whatever word you wanna use, could be glupity. The point remains it's still discrimination based on race. Any race. If you discriminate based on race you're racist.

The second issue is whether or not that's a bad thing.

I'm Irish and Italian what's your point?

Everybody knows whites fucked over blacks in SA. What's happening is not because of skin color. It's revenge for white savagery.

And there's the goalpost shifting. The left never fails to use the same old tired tactics.
I'll bet you were genuinely, truly surprised when hillary lost. I mean...everything said she was going to win by a landslide, right?

The left is a spent force.

Exactly the way to end racism, is judge people by their actions, merits and beliefs.
You'll only create enemies, who could've been on your side by judging them(white people) by their color. Even calling normies racist based on the fact that they're white will get them to turn against you, your beliefs, and people like you that believe that shit.

>It's revenge for white savagery
I'd say it's more envy for white savagery. Blacks would happily have done everything they accuse whitey of doing, and more.
They just lacked the ability to do so.
Those grapes I can't reach sure are sour.....

White people have been enslaved, though.

>Italians and Irish in America
It's actually really funny that Italians didn't even get to America until after slavery was ended, yet they have to accept the same guilt as other white Americans- and on top of that they were initially called wops and dagos and not even considered white. Fucking dumb guidos should have stayed home.

We gave them high technology and they destroy it constantly. What did we fuck up? Lmao the only thing we fucked up involving shitskins was thinking we could live together. Clearly we cannot.

She won by a few million votes.


But yet, she still lost. Surprising, isn't it?
The left is losing the exact same way....


Stop trying to force your retarded definition on other people. Racism means prejudice. You're referring to institutional racial discrimination, which is absolutely fine and morally valid considering that the west was founded by white people and white ideas.

>It's revenge for white savagery.
Indeed, social justice was never about equality. It's about revenge.

She likely stole those votes.

She won by a few million illegal votes.

Hillary had 3 million illegal votes
Hillary: I won the popular vote by 3 million!
Yeah, but illegal votes don't count.

Well she is right in that reverse racism doesn't exist.

It's just racism.

>racism requires power

Under that logic, the KKK aren't racist because they don't have much power now. And Nazi Germany wasn't racist until the Nazi Party gained so much power.

Was Idi Amin racist? Even though he's black, he was a dictator who tortured his people. We're the Hutus in Rwanda racist? They had military power and killed a bunch of Tutsis.

>its about revenge
Thanks for making that clear. Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

>The Natives' Land Act adopted in 1913, awarded the ownership of 87 percent of land to South Africans of European descent. The modern discontent among the black South Africans has caused the populists to call for a confiscation of white-owned farms in the north.[8] The EFF party, founded by Julius Malema, demanded redistribution of the land and wealth.

wants to call people racist without having the self awareness that they are racist as well. People need to accept that racism will always be around for all eternity and to accept it.

>white savagery
That's an oxymoron. The savage is explicitly defined as that which is not white.

Barbary slave trade.

People like OP will never address such questions as those facts conflict with the narrative they're driving home - which is simply that 'whitey is evil while all other races are good'.
It's a childish belief that should be smacked down.

went to a majority minority(lol) high school, mostly blacks, haitians, and spics in florida. most white boys got bullies for being white

No she's wrong. There are these things called the Barbary pirates.

Honestly, can anyone actually remember a 'she' being right about anything?

Protip: niggers didn't even live in or use any of SA until whites came in and started building shit. THEN when we had built shit, they complained, while also abusing the amazing shit we built.

Perhaps. But we've been persecuted over dumber shit than what we look like, fag.

For what we believe, for example.

Any evidence to back up those claims?

And how is booting whitey off the farms working out for african countries?
Oh, right - they're starving.

Whitey was simply better at....everything than Africans were. And still are.
As I said...sour grapes.

Nigger Nigger Nigger forget about all the slaughter of whites in Africa ? Maybe all the peace loving fucking Indians in colonial America who killed whites ? The savages in Asia who killed only whites , or modern day American ground apes who kill whites in the city everyday ? Only a Nigger Nog would assume such fuckery !!

Moorish occupation of Spain
Ottoman occupation of Greece (including the Greek Genocide which happened along the Armenian genocide)
Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus

Racism = prejudice between two of the same species. Niggers can’t be racist because they aren’t human.

She's saying that juden is not white.

Tell that to white South Africans asshole

The bottom line that everyone needs to understand is that EVERYBODY benefits from our society. Why the fuck do you think everyone wants to move here if everyone of color is OPPRESSED? Its bullshit you fucking know it.


Good try

>Is she right Sup Forums?
no, people are fucky to each other all the time for all kinds of reasons

and now to ad-hominem attacks.
Never change, lefty.
Because you can't.

So really killing niggers is an animal rights issue

Whites are persecuted by jews

what makes you think the next wave of "progressives" wont change the definition of a fucking word on you? How tangible can these definitions be if they can be modified to fit an agenda every 10 years. Whats going to happen is you're going to piss people off into a frenzy because now YOU are being the oppressor.

>cherry picking
Yeah, he's the first white boi/grill to get mauled by niggers in Murica. Wanna know how I know that you're a filthy nigger?

>For 2012, Just Facts said, 3.2 million to 5.6 million noncitizens were registered to vote and 1.2 million to 3.6 million of them voted.


Yeah since 2012, the number has totally gone down and no illegal votes, right?

The power of an individual to be racist does not need systemic support. 1 per in can kill, beat, maim another person because of perceived differences. And the funniest thing about all this is, blacks supporting other blacks in open aggressive stances against people who are not black. Fucking idiot

>t. liberal arts major who makes up his own definitions of things.
Go to Oxford English Dictionary. Look up racism. Then kys

There are no systems holding blacks back because of their skin color. Affirmative action and diversity quotas are examples of institutionalized racism against whites. From jobs to college admissions to government contracts, equal whites are passed over in favor of minorities based solely on the color of their skin. It's real. It's happening right now.

Speculation isn't an argument.


And that's what the modern left doesn't seem to understand. The very rules they are putting in place can, and very likely will, be used against them. The use of feelings-based metrics is entirely dependent upon the zeitgeist of the times.
And that zeitgeist sure can fucking change from generation to generation.... and they've dismantled a lot of the protections they otherwise may have had against such a backlash in the future.
Some lessons are hard to learn - this will be one of them.

>being this retarded
Why don't you move to a black majority country then, nigger? Whites don't want you around anyways.

Reverse racism legitimately doesn't exist. It's a term popularised by the left to discredit legitimate claims of racism.

What a joke you are.

> Kill all white people
> still not racist though *smug smile*

Just won a seat on my town council and am going to be a i I professor soon. I'm gonna enjoy teaching my students about the evil that is whitness.

>m-muh triggered
t. plebbit

I'll take South Africa for $800 Alex

It’s more like population control. Culling is one method. Spaying also works.

>Doubling down


My mother was very nearly murdered because she's white.

We were living in Ghana at the time where both my parents did charity work as doctors.
There was a revolution and the rebels wanted to kill whitey.

A local priest saved her life by claiming she was send by God so killing her would bring bad luck.

>can barely post
>is a professor

And my grandmother landed on the moon.

Anybody can make things up on the internet.

Really it's the idea that matters, not the term that describes it. People focus on definitions too much.


It's the idea that you see as wrong, or not. Liberals want to avoid acknowledging that they don't find the idea of abusing whites for their race wrong. And so they make it all about the word and somehow people are so stupid it actually works. That's what's truly amazing.

>Anybody can make things up on the internet.
Isn't that exactly what the left did with the definition of racism?



Speculation is precisely what, YOU because not all the left puts forth this pathetic of an argument, are doing when you say that the definition of a word is subject to change based on what...what again? Speculation that there is no racism against a certain group of people?