Is Brazil part of the west?



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if it was still a part of portugal it would be in the west

Uma delicia.

nigger/mulatto/mestizo country devoid of whites that embraces socialism... Nope

>Are a bunch of portuguese speaking brownskins, who mostly live in tin and plywood shacks who could hardly prep and hold their shit together to prepare the olympics part of the west?


its part of latin america

That really is not a good example of the mosaic of the national image, but okay.

Brownskins yes, tin and plywood shacks is partial reality to marginalized communities.

I haven't laughed at brazilian olympics in a while, somebody dump?

No. It is part of Latin America.

See Sam Huntington's 'Clash of Civilizations'.

in a small part, yes

Half Brazilian here. Country is a shithole, please avoid. I can't wait until my mom kicks the bucket so I can sell the home I bought for her there and never return to that godforsaken land.

you people arent human


blue is what?

what did you think was going to happen when you made this thread?

It's the last remaining part of the Confederate States of America.

The West is pretty much western and northern europe, us, canada and (very) arguably australia. Eastern NATO members included only when it fits the narrative.

Non-socialist nations on a certain year, compared to 2007 I guess

2011 lefties of the Foro of São Paulo group compared to

2016, red is commie, blue is not

It literally is

Not the physical geographical west, I mean the geopolitical block of the west

By this logic, Italy is not western, and Morroco is
Niger is, Australia isn't

it is part of western civilization like most latin america
Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe.

If your talking about the "west" as European ideology and values. Answer is No. I think the only reason the "west" isn't called the North is due to Mongolia, Mexico, anything with Stan in it, and a few other countries.

West as a location on the globe. Answer is Yes.

North and South is the only proper division on the age of capitalist liberalism guided by americans. The power holders and the have nots.


t. Hispanic white.

we wuz superpowers n shiet
isso daí nao foi a merda que o PT tentou espalhar nas escolas pelo Brasil? que o Brasil é um poder regional, etc. pra justificar a gastação de dinheiro?


the country should be balkanized tho

>Western lifestyle or European civilization
>If your talking about the "west" as European ideology and values
Hey tards, the West is explicitly defined as a sub-European division of Europe. It's Western Christendom as opposed to Orthodox Christendom. From there we can get to more strict definitions, like the "true West" only being Northwest Europe and the Anglosphere, ie the places exposed to the reformation.

>Is Brazil part of the west?
Under the looser and more traditional definition yes

under a stricter definition you go into the LatAm + Southern Europe pile, aka "basically Catholic muslims"

I'm torn on Vargas, I like him because he's from RS but I hate his ass for destroying state autonomy and centralizing power which led to the bloated federal government.

He was such a psycopath, that he took his own life to solidify his reforms

Não, é uma proposta geopolítica de desenvolvimento, defesa e projeto nacional, desenvolvido pelo André Martin. É uma proposta interessante! Não precisa ser PT ou PRONA pra reconhecer alguma validade no projeto. Melhor que se resumir ao papel de vassalo chupa rola.

Nothing wrong with integralism, Vargas, Enéas or the military government. We need autocracy, we should never leave autocracy.

Você sabe em que país você está seu demônio? Ser brasileiro e defender centralização é esquizofrenia.

Vai dizer que o que tem hoje funciona?
Mil vezes mais o governo militar, que perseguia comunista escroto, afirmava um projeto de desenvolvimento nacional sem vergonha de grandeza, não abandonou as instituições moralistas e não entregava tudo de mão beijada.

Do jeito que está, não dá.

Industrialize o país, militarize todas as instituições educacionais para retirar o câncer vermelho e moralismo liberal de lgbt, crie uma ideologia para o guiar o desenvolvimento da nação e do indivíduo e que sobreviva para além do horizonte do presente, acabe com as 60.000 mortes por ano e crie uma estrutura de saúde que atenda a demanda populacional e minha alma será do estado.

Ajeita essa bagunça caralho, do jeito que tá, tá um limbo.

Seu SOCIALISTA ... Quem tem que crescer o Brasil é a população civil, e não uma classe política """"""""planejando""""""""" toda a economia.A vida não é Age of Empires.

Da uma olha nesse artigo, por favor:

Isso, sou socialista, defendendo a militarização de toda a linha educacional, a partir da primeira série indo até as universidades.

Bem PT eu sou. Viva os travesti do quilombola, não é, camarada?

>American educa-
oh wait


você é da galera que acha que Hitler e Mussolini não eram socialistas?

Of course not.

Can't blame Joao desu

eu digo pra você entre essa berta e uma deliciosa india, eu tambem pegava a india
(I say to you betwen this berta and uma deliciosa indian, i would also take the indian. in monkey language)


Em que momento clamei por Hitler ou Mussolini como exemplos ideológicos para guiar o desenvolvimento nacional? Você é da turminha da cobrinha? Respeito seu posicionamento mais do que os mainstream, ainda assim, continuo posicionado no meu.

when people say "the west"
they are thinking
white people
brazilians arent white

so no

West = White

Brazil isn't white.

I actually agree with you.

Drop the bong son.

Sinto cheiro de cobrinha. Tenho certeza que uma sub-raça como a brasileira é capaz de prosperar sob uma ideologia jamais testada antes :^)

I don't, most people consider India or Turkey as part of the west too, that not talking about the hungry eagle that's barely anglo-speaking.

You'd think a bong would know where the Prime Meridian is.

A sua ideologia, se não deixar a economia livre, é matematicamente impossível.O planejamento central sempre falha.A única autocracia relativamente sustentável foi a do Pinochet que manteve o autoritarismo moral mas aderiu à escola de economia de Chicago.

If Turkey is west, why didn't it entered Europe yet? They are not westerns, they are divided by their ethnic group. Being white is a fundamental part of being part of the heritage of western civilization. Sum that with being partly core of the liberal global power project of our historic situation. There you have, a western nation.


>most people consider India or Turkey
Who is the insane mind that think this?

> ideologia jamais testada antes :^)

Estados Unidos até o fim do século 19 :~)

Latin America is a cultural and political entity on itself but it's very close to the West. They have - all memes aside - a lot of European blood, they speak European languages and follow catholicism. So they're closer to us than muslims and chinks will ever be. Truly an ally of the West.

Não acredito em nacionalizar tudo, e matar a economia, mas acredito na intervenção estatal para recursos estratégicos, grandes conglomerados ou empresas estrangeiras capazes de gerar grande nível de intervenção no projeto nacional de desenvolvimento.

Sou business friendly total.

Anyone, it was part of the anglo sphere just like Australia, any reason you may think Australia it's part of the west applies to India too.

What are the red face paint brazilian native women called? I'd fuck them into obilivion

Mentir na internet é feio viu :^)

Australia is largely populated by people coming from the British Isles, that's why it's Western. India is populated by poo's and they've kept their culture so they're oriental

It was when it had a military dictatorship. Now it's run by a bunch of communists desperately placating monkeys and getting impeached in the process. Third World shit tier all over again

I want to be able to leave my shit on the beach in Rio without it getting stolen by a fucking monkey again.* Bring back the junta, then we'll talk.

*This is happening in every beach in Florida near a high-concentration of Haitians. Proof monkeys are fucking monkeys everywhere.

"Kuruminha" and she's underage

isso é muito pra cabecinha dos liberotários

The only real influence Australia has is being part of the five eyes intelligence group, made out of Anglo nations.

They are marginal to the american global empire power project. Remember when France blowed up atom bombs near Australian shores, and aussie complains didn't even stopped the frenchie doing those shits?

Aussies are marginal to the current geopolitical configuration of power. They are western, but they are not part of the core.

Not even close.
The values and ideals of the west have nearly all been forgotten, and no one is interested in recovering or defending them.

They've kept their culture?

That's why white people do yoga practise meditation and have mantras?

That's why everyone on the west knows or lives around at least one Indian?

But they are to the overall perception of white culture, maybe even more than other more obvious anglo countries.

Eu acredito em promover empreendedorismo nativo para pequenos e médio projetos. Acredito inclusive que o governo deveria fazer um esforço para auxiliar essa classe a ser mais bem sucedida.

Turkey maybe because of "we wuz superpowers in the past", but india is litteraly shit, their economy, their living standards, their [spoiler]roads[/spoiler], i don't se what West would gain by putting they in the same team. Population to die in a war maybe?
if that is the answer, then i don't consider then West, it's is the West's dog that will bite China.


This is brazil my friend, police don't exist here.

Yes, they are, because of their ethnic composition, maybe it will change if the cancerous liberal faggots keep pushing for massive immigration for no reason at all, but to destroy the bounds of a nation, and impeding right-wing nationalist groups to form and resist globalization.

t. nunca leu uma linha de história econômica estado-unidense

latin america is part of the west. we follow all the western trends but fail to apply it.

Here comes the

We shouldn't follow trends, we should aim to create our own identity, our own power project, without doing blunt opposition to the americans, like the Iranians and Russians do.

t. mentiroso

>That's why white people do yoga practise meditation and have mantras?
>That's why everyone on the west knows or lives around at least one Indian?

Just go back to following Spain/Portugal like you originally did. The problem however is that those countries too are americanized

Vamos pelo caminho certo.
Vamos pelo caminho do

In Latin America it seems to me the elites (mostly very European looking) are part of the west, but most people are mixed/indigenous and part of their own civilization.

How can it be, if the central banks and real financial power giving all the cards, are owned by ***them***? Puppets don't rule, they obey.

até 1913 nem imposto de renda exista nos EUA seu socialista do caralho.E foi nesse ambiente que o John D. Rockefeller, filho de um lenhador, se fez o homem mais rico do século 20 a pisar na face da terra.

We don't need to aim to occupy a powerful position on the global american empire, we should aim at elevating the population living standards all around, while improving and nationalizing our economy.

What's the term for half mestizo half white? I usually just don't mark anything when asked for my race on a form


>Cultural exchange it's know all a russian plot.

Muh Russians.

Liberalismo Clássico != cobrinha. Mentirosinho.
Fiqua nervosinho não, nem mesmo o homem branco conseguiu manter o liberalismo clássico vivo. Cobrinhas nunca vão sair do papel.

Damn that guy in the second pic looks just like me, guess you're right. Good to know huebro. You guys know of any fun places to party in Belo? I usually just go to Ouro Preto to fuck college chicks but I won't have enough time this year

Sorry, I don't, any br city is good for gringos fuck fests, women are totally loose here.

Yeah that's what I've seen for the most part. Kind of sad because I'm open to bringing home a qt huewifey if I could find a nice catholic one, sadly I only seem to meet sluts when I'm down there.

Dude, you're deaf or what, all this multiculturalism bullshit that is ravaging your country too, is part of a cultural marxist plot, study Africa's geopolitics 90% is marxist or left-wing due to the USSR influence.

Globalists are to blame, we now live a globalization x nationalism struggle.

Stick with nationalism and you are on the moral side.

Yeah if only Brazilian nationalism didn't involve so many gibs. My cousins are all so socialist it's fuckin sickening

>Acha que o sonho molhado da ditadurazinha integralista dele é viável

AHAHAHAHAHAHhAHhaHAhaHAhaHA você fica escutando marchinha nazista sem entender alemão também?

I believe in welfare to the more vulnerable part of population. But it should walk side on side with massive job programs and the development of economical independence with government.

I also believe in sterilization programs to lower the number of the overall population.

Sterilizing - Yes
Abortion - No


Você chora vendo esses videozinhos aqui, postador de sapo?