America guarantees the right to pursue happiness-

but does not guarantee food and can one pursue happiness
while starving and homeless?

Sometimes it makes us all happier if your ass starves to death.

> pursue
> implying pursuing means "give me for free while i play COD"

omfg have you fucking retards heard of evolution? you are so far removed from your roots it is fucking pathetic.

Fair is fair- it's Her turn>Sometimes it makes us all happier if your ass starves to death.
Is easy to stay rich when you are standing on the poor.

the declaration of independence != the bill of rights

Why the fuck are you laying down then? That's right, you're from Canada. It's your nature. As you all say, "Sorry." Carry on.

>the declaration of independence != the bill of rights
When your mind is rooted in the past, it's impossible to grow into the future.

which asshole said that?

>how can one pursue happiness
>while starving and homeless?
By pursuing food and shelter you fucking idiot.
Chase happiness all you want, nobody owes you any help dog fucker.

Why do the most liberal states have the most homeless? Examples include California and New York.

Can we finally obliterate this stupid fucking concept?

It doesn't guarantee you the right to eat it guarantees you the right to hook procure food.

It does not guarantee you a home it only guarantees you the right to try to procure a home.

>but does not guarantee food and can one pursue happiness
while starving and homeless?

Um, by trying to get food and shelter? Then they'd be happy. Pretty simple to understand if you aren't an idiot

It guarantees the right to PURSUE happiness.
It doesn't guarantee actual happiness, or anything beyond our constitutional rights.
Stop trying to promote communism, faggot chink

if you look into the history behind the right to pursue happiness it was actually intended to represent the right to work for and spend money. Thus, you have a right to buy food and shelter, but no right to free gibes.

Well, I imagine your happiness would mean you need to be alive and in a home, right?

Go ahead and pursue it all you like.

You have the right to PURSUE happiness. You have to catch it yourself.

Pursuit imblies effort. Not leeches and drug addicts getting gibs.

>A leaf thinks we have the right to abstract concepts.
>A leaf knowing what a right is

Exactly this.
Liberals never get this.
You get Constitutional rights so you can work... WORK... on making a better life for yourself.
Not waiting around for gibs, like native Americans, Mexicans, niggers and refugees.

I'd rather be starving and free than healthy in a cell. Socialism imprisons you to the state, since you don't pay for your own healthcare the state forces to take measusres to preserve your health to save costs and taxes "unhealthy" behaviours. And when you become a cost burden on the state they liberals advocate Euthanasia.

How can I pursue happiness because I don't own a yacht?! I can't function without a yacht.


These liberal retards just need to look at what is going on in Venezuela.
Bernie Sanders once said we needed to be more like Venezuela, but now his bitch ass ain't saying shit.

>socialism had failed, look at Venezuela
Nice equivocation of socialism with capitalist socialism.

Venezuela is state capitalist, sweetie. The means of production are still owned by a bunch of rich capitalists who don't give one unit of a fuck about the poor.

Alexander Hamilton puts it best, you degenerate leaf
>Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice, without constraint.

idk op how can I pursue happiness if the only thing that will make me happy is a billion dollars but america doesn't guarantee me a billion dollars???

You have the right to pursue food and shelter and that makes me happy.

The right to pursue happiness is guarantied, but no guarantees about actually achieving it.

>The right to pursue happiness is guarantied, but no guarantees about actually achieving it.
A German teaching freedom...please.

Does that make my argument somehow less valid, Leaf?

>Does that make my argument somehow less valid, Leaf?
What argument? Shoo! Shoo! dirty Germy!

I think it also means that it is not given to you, but you would not know at the moment seeing as in all these Socialist countries you are just given "happiness." You only get what the government gives you with no promise to be able to achieve anything else.

>how can one pursue happiness
while starving and homeless?

The greatest thing is that even if you are starving and homelesss the trade off is you could also work on yourself to become lets say our President. A small loan of $1mil not withstanding.

Also, I have thought of how that would work. With enough money just for gas and my friends and family I could possible campaign enough to win a primary and then take the GOP funding if I where to win the nomination of the party. Of course that is not happening but that is the type of leg work you can put in if you want something enough in this country.

Ahh, like Cuba, China, NorK, Laos?

When will we get real gommunism..?


A bunch of rich capitalist who impose a socialist society on the people. What is the difference who the ruling party is? Socialism is bad for the people

But I saw on Reddit that communism is the best, did they lie? Or are u lying..

Happiness is the freedom of not relying on other people to survive. Happiness is the liberty of self sustainment and knowing the only factor in your success or failure is you. Quit putting your failures on the shoulders of others, if you want to be in chains and rely on someone else to carry you we'd gladly send you to Georgia.

Put down the fucking Marx and read some Adam Smith or John Locke

God damnit you fucking commie niggerfaggots food and shelter are not natural rights, the means with which to acquire those things are natural rights

The Constitution with the Bill of Rights securing rights from the tyranny of a government, as a living document, is growing into the future retard

kek. You have got to go back