Trump Blames Congress for Bringing Russia Relations to 'Dangerous Lows'

Wait, when did we stop blaming everything on Obama?

Other urls found in this thread:

Since Trump failed to bury Obamacare

When the house and senate pushed a wreckless un-vetoable bill through that even the EU faggot nation hated.

You read trumps statement about the bill right? No?

He's not wrong. The house and senate are responsible for the bills that further fucked relations and even if trump vetos the house and senate will super majority is because both republicans and democrats want to be against russia and punish them.

Putin brought relations to dangerous lows when he hacked into our election infrastructure, hacked into the DNC and DCCC and ran a massive bot assisted propaganda campaign to help republicans and Trump get elected.


Source? Also source that we didn't do the same shit?

No proof that Russia hacked the elections.
And if Trump gets impeached a civil war will start


Hahahah and it changed nothing about the outcome of the election. No votes were modified.

This right here. The left doesn't know how hard the military supports Trump.

Obama and Medvedev

>>I support Trump so the military does also!!!

You Alt-fags sure project a lot.

The left cannot witch hunt a man out of the white house.
Finally someone agrees with me


Also a lot of gun loving rednecks will support trump.
You "Gun Control11!!" Libtards will lose a civil war

This is the real problem and Trump is running out of others to blame.

Civil War for Trump? Morons. You are suggesting that Trump and the military should go full violent authoritarian government take over? Sounds pretty fucking communist to me faggots. Your guy sucks.

What propaganda points were the Russian bots pushing?

Name the top 3 spam points. I've never heard anyone state them.

Exit polls beg to differ. Clinton was massively ahead from exit polls but somehow in swing states that count votes electronically, Trump managed to win, often with over a 5% discrepancy between exit polls and "actual" vote tallies.

That all you got Antifag?
You are probably snickering in your mom's basement over your little picture there.


I bet you'll be out there on the front too wont you, Cletus!

You tards are all the same. Just itching to shoot people that point out how out of touch with reality you are.

Top ones were Clinton's health, pizzagate, and stuff related to wikileaks.

We didn't say they would go full dictatorship style takeover.
But if trump does get impeached. A lot of the military would support him.
Maybe even a coup may occur.

I wouldn't be laughing when you get killed during the civil war

Well here's the thing. Do you honestly believe the military especially the guys and girls who want to stay in for 20 to 30 years and earn their pension would vote for people who want to downsize and cut them out? Or how about when the democrats controlled the VA and caused far too many veterans to die? You see where i'm going with this right?

Thank you. What people don't realize is that the military has been fighting terrorist and doing a lot of urban combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. If the military sided with Trump which it would side with Trump or at the very least right wing interests trust me no way Democrats could win in a civil war.

>Clinton's health
Confirmed on 9/11

Seth Rich leaked those, that is now confirmed.

Yeah (though the Podestas and Alefantis are known pedophiles)


Jethro, chlamydia will kill all you cousin fuckers before you get out of the woods.
Also, you can only carry so much sweet tea and meth. The moment you run out, you'll be liking for your sister to get a pep fuck and then it'll be back to the doublewide with yall.

>Maybe even a coup may occur.
next tier levels of delusion. Makes sense why you still support him.

so all the stuff Sup Forums was spamming twitter about. Russian bots is code for Sup Forums shitposters

Only way the democrats would win if NATO gets involved.
A civil war would lead to millions dead, but we will keep a democracy

No what i'm saying is if the democrats want war and they have already started it by normalizing violence against Trump and Republicans instead of working together. All is takes is one nut case to set off the fire of another civil war.

B-but ptg told me he iz aa most powerful man in da world!!!!!

A source familiar with the thinking of the msm is saying there is reason to believe that the Awan brothers and their wives could very well be Putin offspring, created in labs via test tubes. All the networks quietly agree -- they are fine looking kids!

The civil war will ruin any trump havens since they rely on govt handouts mostly funded from blue states you hate so much.
But yeah, I wouldnt be laughing when I get killed in the civil war, but the laughter will be from you dying in the famine caused by the war youve been itching for since you realized you'll never escape your inbred roots.


You are mad liberal who is using the old "Your a redneck card", go to one of your Antifag rallies at the local YMCA

NATO would have larger stuff to worry about without fighting for lefties. Without the US NATO would fall apart in 1 month.

Trump and Putin just want to be friends but everyone keeps trying to turn our countries against each other.

Why are (((they))) so against the US and Russia being on friendly terms?

Better dead than red

Yeah NATO would collapse.
But other groups would form, and maybe the EU could become a NATO like group.

This isnt a democracy. Jesus you alt-fags are stupid.
Inbreeding much be a bitch...
But hey, at least you save on christmas cards huh. Cover Mom, aunt, and sister all in one go.

Congress needs to serve Republican needs.

Only violence I've seen was anti-fa faggots who don't really fit into the democrat party.

You should pull your self out of your mothers pussy long enough to protest them if you hate them so much. Not that you can.
Whats the old saying?
There's no place like Ma's cooter?

We are trapped in the belly of the machine and the machine is bleeding to death. The MSM has brought a huge divide among the American public and are trying to fix it while sweeping all of the problems under the rug by giving americans an external enemy to hate. its just they are all cold war left over and are relying on the old enemy they had at hand and think this generation will identify with it. Big mistake!

Yeah we aren't a democracy.
We are a Republic.
That is all you got for you is calling me out for saying "US is a democracy"
My god you libtards cry more than you think

But they are supported by the Democrats. Just like BLM. You see the left does a hardcore cycle of poverty in order to keep people voting for them. They allow these crazy protests to happen which destroy neighborhoods which cause home prices to fall and businesses to leave which causes an increase of government handouts and other welfare.

Agreed, the only thing they can do is cry.

Military rule is preferable to authoritarian control by politicians, actually. The military is more likely to give power back.

You guys know that Medvedev said that "Trump should be liquidated." Right? That's a KGB term for a burned asset.

Losing the argument?
Better start trying to come up with counter statements

Isnt this whole thread about you alttards throwing a tantrum and threatening war because your god emperor is turning out to be a huge turd?

>>WHAAAAAA!!! Stupid Liburls!!! If Trump is impeched then Imma shoot people!!! WHAAAAA!!!!
>>*sniff* dumd libtars!!! why are you cry so much?!? *sniff* 5d chess!!!

They are supported by Soros.
Fucking globalist

It's so painfully awkward when the r*ddit retards leave their safe space. How many upboats are you missing out on right now, with your sharp wit and edgy delivery?

>be shareblue shill
>live in city
>see rural and suburban people revolt
>call them retards and inbred
>consider them flyover states
>lose election
>blame Russia
>stay with narrative
>tell people on pol they will not survive civil war
>Trump is impeaches
>neocons and liberals work together to snuff out nationalism
>pol lives in countrysides and starts civil war
>liberals in cities smug they will win
>call them uneducated and unable to build or think of good strategy
>pol blocks semi trucks full of food
>months pass and many resort to canibalism
>mfw shareblue fag dies of famine or pol invaders

This right here is a typical far left reaction. Insult and no debate. Be careful kids you will find this often in the world.

Don't give in to some stupid fucking hack out of ignorance, at least look this shit up.

>The United States is not a direct democracy, in the sense of a country in which laws (and other government decisions) are made predominantly by majority vote. Some lawmaking is done this way, on the state and local levels, but it’s only a tiny fraction of all lawmaking. But we are a representative democracy, which is a form of democracy.

>And indeed the American form of government has been called a “democracy” by leading American statesmen and legal commentators from the Framing on.

Lots of Russian propaganda is circulated here, that's undeniable. Pretty much all the general threads were started by Russians.

Probably has a "Love Trump's Hate" t-shirt too

I don't know what you mean by supported by by the Democratic party. Obviously the anarchist favor the democrats but they aren't supported by anyone one a few angsty teens. I would bet there are more Russian hooligans supporting anti-fa than DNC members. Probably a lot of democrats supporting BLM thinking it will buy them black votes though.

Military doesn't get involved with politics. Every time a military coup occurs they find 1 party/person to transfer authority too.

I don't know if this is true but jesus christ are those threads persistent.

Nah. I'll just hammer on about how you cant get enough of you aunty Momma's front butt.
You seem to want me to get off the subject.
It's nothing to be ashamed of, Billy-Bob.
Game of Thrones has made incest stylish.
Youre like the louis louis vuitton of infamily puss crushing.

Every time? All I need to do is search history and find one counter example then.

That being said, the American military is different. It's not a feudal army, or a peasant army. It possesses a long standing tradition and I trust it would actually give us a positive reset. It's arguable that's how this country started.

The guys down here at Ft. Bliss don't really care about the giant cheeto puff to be honest.

Source: E-3 PFC

>cricket chirping intensifies

>>Get out of my safespace!!!!!! Liberals ruin everything!!
>>First Obummer takes my guns and now Hillary is installing sharia law!!!
>I sure home Trump give passes a law so my low skill job has to pay me $1000000 cause school is hard!!

Cry more, trailer trash!

Accurate portrayal

I mean they are supported by Soro's with how much he banks into far left agenda in a way they are supported by democrats. Last time they had crazy riots against trash cans very few people were arrested.

hello, mr Mccain

>implying I don't want sharia law
Throwing you off a roof would be awesome.

>>Sister fucking intensifies

Why are you still hear Turkroach?


Porking someone outside your immediate family would be awesome... but what do I know?

How sad is it that a woman as hot as Joe Dirt's sister would never even make eye contact with you?

Nope, that doesn't bother them at all

It was fucking up plans for Ukraine

Thank you, common sense is not the Libshit strong suit. After all mommy and daddy wipe their asses for them. Us rural people know how to live without gibs or government at all.

> Sees Trump became president
> Protest at your local school, harrass Trump supporters
> Love Trump's hate
> Go on Sup Forums
> Tries to argue with Trump supporters
> Beaten by facts
> Calls the republican "trailer trash"


We have guns unlike them

And we got tools along with mechanical ingenuity. Plus we grow our own food. Have you seen people on youtube build their own guns and cannons?

>I joined for free college: the post

I may not like you jihadist, but I will admit that sums it up.

> Says they grow their own food
> Meanwhile rural farmers can grow their own food to stabilize communities

Trump tars
Have more:
meth addicts

67 thunderbirds on cinder blocks in front lawn

Have less:
non-mobile homes
sexual partners outside of family
high school diplomas

> People build their own guns
> *Guns explodes in their face*

Hey asshole! They do grow their own food!*

*mushrooms grow in the crawl space underneath their trailers.

>have less
You realize "have fewer" was actually more appropriate in every case, except for education.

I will be laughing eating my stash of potatoes will you liberals in the city starve to death

City people or country people?

I am going to say never heard of an 80% receiver?

City people, the guy was referring to ANTIFAgs building their own guns

Check out the sling shot channel on YouTube. It is very easy to build a deadly projectile firing weapon.

You really believe that only red states can grow food!
You do realize that even the largest cities only make up a small amount of a states overall landmass, dont you?
Jesus! You wood lurkers must think california is just a giant slab of concrete.

Right around the time he kicked that nigger out of his house

You weed hippies think all of Cali is full of democrats.

Well guess what retard, not all of cali is blue.

I'll take your word

I would'nt be surprised if they did peek down the barrel while loaded.

A lot of California's agricultural production is in red counties. Urban retards are ruining more farmland there every day.

Lol, nah. I just had to get away bro. I was thinking about doing it online but i don't have the time. Not having to pay for shit and living in the barracks is cool though, while i watch my money stack up waiting to get invested.

Oh of course get some cocktail Molotovs and you have yourself an easy firing projectile.

You inbreed hicks think conservatives only live in the sticks and liberals only live in the city.

Well guess what, retard? Populations aren't completely uniform.

>in the barracks
>no BAS
>no BAH
>making stacks