Redpill me on catholicism

redpill me on catholicism

Is it really a denomic cult lead by satan incarnate himself? Or is Pope francis just a shit pope?

Is the doctrine of Faith + Works legit? Or is the only way to heaven by faith alone?

Why do protestants call them liars and idolaters, but use the bible that Catholics put together?

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It's an authoritarian structure that appeals to its own authority as equal to God's actual word, the bible

"Catholics put together the bible" is historically disingenuous, but even if it were true, that bible directly teaches against Catholic doctrine






Traditional Catholics are pretty based. Moreso if they support monarchy. The people who make up the Catholic Church range from GOAT-tier to shit tier, but Protestantism is incoherent.
> triggered Protcuck detected
As someone who grew up Protestant and have run the gamut of ultra-devoted to agnostic atheist, listen to Catholic Answers

Papists are satanic Jews

francis is just a shit pope

Literally nothing is more cucked than having a genetically inbred Habsburg chinned retard getting half your country killed for his own glory and a few acres of land

>implying faith through works

>"Catholics put together the bible" is historically disingenuous, but even if it were true, that bible directly teaches against Catholic doctrine

The church put together the official canon.

google the council of nicaea user. that is the meeting where theemperor constantine codified the roman catholic church to unify the empire under one wasdesigned to control based on the ancient schools of mysteries and the ability to astrologically predict harvest times and "miracles" like the flooding of the nile etc
you can findthe unedited version of the bible stories in the nag hammmadi codex, the old testament is just the sumerian histories that the jews learned during their captivity in babylon

That sounds like some gnostic shit user

The shills always attack Catholics and whites. Who knows why. Maybe they fear the Polish master race.

>Or is Pope francis just a shit pope?
The Cuckpope is a scourge sent upon the church by God as punishment for the rampant pedophilia, homosexuality, and corruption in the church. Same with the Muslim/nigger flood of Europe.

The church has been through worse, however.

>Is the doctrine of Faith + Works legit?
Yes. Sola fide is the main Protestant heresy.

>Why do protestants call them liars and idolaters, but use the bible that Catholics put together?
Because Protestants are literal brainlets who can't appreciate mysticism, symbolism, ritual and context.

that definetly includes "cultural Catholics"
there no way 62% of orthodox christians think homosex should be allowed
Again, "cultural catholics" strike again. I know for a fact that the church doesn't affirm "gay marriage"

Can't find the pic but there was a fair gap in Trump voting between non-hispanic and hispanic catholics

There are nominals in every group, this is representative of how American Catholics respind

Catholic Church acts more like a multinational corporation trying to protect its brand, when it comes to pedophilic priests, than God s church. Reading the Bible and praying to God are probably better than putting sheckles in the Catholic offering plate. My .02

might as well calll francis jacob the deceiver .. he is a demonic mut

There's no such thing as a nominal baptist.

How do you figure? What makes a nominal Catholic?

ill just drop this here


The apocrypha isn't god-breathed, this isn't a compromise on infallibility of scripture
Not that I defend Luther

God is in your heart, the church possibly. Jesus Christ had a lot of bad things to say about the orgional Church, being Judaism. The Church is not the be all end all. Your personal relationshipmwith God is everything.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

That messed up sculpture is called "The Resurrection" (in italian), added to the hall in 1977 - it is an artistic depiction of Jesus rising from a nuclear explosion in the 20th century, set in the Garden of Gethsemane (which is apparently at the base of Mount of Olives in Jerusalum, where jesus supposedly prayed and his disciples slept before the crucifixion)

It looks occult ? It doesnt really exude glory to God in the highest.

Catholicism is part of the ethnic identity of many groups while being a baptist is strictly religious and not particularly linked to any one group.

There is a reason why "lapsed catholic" is a phenomenon.

imo Catholic converts are shit. You have to have been brought up in the faith to truly understand it.

Episcopalians/High-Church Anglicans are really the only ones who are close enough to be acceptable to enter The Church

Francis is a Jesuit and per Papal law can't be the pope. The real pope is under arrest at Gandalf castle. The bulls move closer to his see daily, tic toc...the Catholic revolution is here.

To be fair, I think it's kinda good - it's not talentless modern art, and it being messed up is a meaning (unlike, say, Rothko)

The debated term was "nominal", as in "existing in name only" which we could apply to mean "non-practicing"

>Is it really a denomic cult lead by satan incarnate himself

"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.

I was baptized catholic as a child but never attended mass until I was 14, when I attended a catholic high school.

Regrettably, I never paid attention in theology class so my knowledge of church history is limited.

Bullshit, sounds like anti wasp propaganda. I was born with my religion, but yours is aquired later.


Translating the Bible into lingua franca was probably the worst thing to happen. A whole bunch of peasants reading and interpreting without the devoted times spent to studying the symbolic, esoteric, ancient, and mystical context of the Bible and its history just ends up ruining it for everyone.

And same goes for Vatican II.

Francis is a shit pope. Fortunately, the Church has had shit popes before, and we've pulled through. Read up on THIS fucker some time, he makes Francis look like an angel.


Did you have first communion?
Have you gone through any other sacraments like Reconciliation or Confirmation?

what are you on about? Are you implying that Catholicism is acquired later? Im pretty sure most baptists are adult/late teen converts.


No one owns Christianity. The purpose of the Catholic church is to create non-critical thinking subhuman zombies that do their bidding. Look at the history of the church and how they have always kept secrets and knowledge from the public.

Jesus cut through the smoke and mirrors mysticism. There is no gate keeper between you and God.

I was brought up in a very hardcore, traditionalist Catholic setting. I dumped it in my 20s, went atheist for a while, then discovered Paganism. Never fall for the Semitic trap again. Pray to your anscestors and the gods, and reconnect to our people.

forgot to add;

white=predominately catholic dominated

black=predominately protestant dominated

>believe in the supernatural, up to and including believing in minor pagan gods
>somehow worshipping capital-G God, the omnipotent and omniscient master of the entire created reality, is a "trap"

>hitler did not try to ban catholicism and make the state its own religious force
Yeah I mean I really don't see why catholics and nazis didn't get along!

Everybody that is born to religiously practicing adults is born into a church, it is not something exclusive to one church or religion. The origional comment was ridiculous.


What's your frame of reference for being "pretty sure"?

Why do you think familial heritage would not apply in America's largest non-catholic denomination?

Sounds like a young earth creationist mentality.

>Did you have first communion?
Here's the thing, when I was a freshman I thought it would funny to take the eucharist without being confimred or going to confession

I should probably not even be allowed into the church desu

>Have you gone through any other sacraments like Reconciliation or Confirmation?

Neither of these. Don't you have to be confirmed to go to confession?

never cringed so hard in my life

At least from what I can tell Catholicism is just a more centralized more corrupt version of orthodoxy with "extra" lines of scripture

Your condecending attitude is why your Church will die. You dont have a monopoly, you dont even own the business. You should be less of an enemy to fellow Christians and more of an ally. Do as thou willst, you have free will

I didn't mean it that way. I mean in the ethnic sense ie being being catholic is a major part of being Irish Italian or Spanish. While being baptist is not part of being part oa specific ethnic group.

A catholic who stops being religious is more likely to still call themselves catholic

A baptist who stops is more likely to call themselves atheist or agnostic

>tfw parents were both Catholics and went to Catholic secondary schools but abandoned their faith and never raised you as a Catholic

Non-practicing baptists still call themselves baptist just like catholics, presbyterians, lutherants etc

>A catholic who stops being religious is more likely to still call themselves catholic

As a practicing Catholic I have a big problem with this. I have a huge, huge problem with "cultural" Catholics, since they really are just atheists after all. They'll get tossed into Hell as surely as any fedora-wearer. Their "Catholic culture" won't save them. They're like the Pharisees that claimed to be "children of Abraham," but which Saint John the Baptist rightfully called a brood of vipers.

And i call total bs on that notion. The majority of religious people are born into churches other than Roman Catholicism. Just retract that statement.

You are not going to be the only Christian faith in heaven, if you are fortunate enough to be there.

>What's your frame of reference for being "pretty sure"?

The doctrine of credobaptism.

>Why do you think familial heritage would not apply in America's largest non-catholic denomination?

Which ethnic group in America is baptist? Which ethnic group has a history of being baptist? Despite what the baptists teach, it's a relatively new denomination.

Are you the Anglo version of me?

People do that, and there's unfortunately nothing we can really do to stop it. I knew some pretty weird fundamentalists who claimed that evil satanists would take the host back home with them to do evil rituals with... don't think I buy that but just know that we do take the eurcharist seriously.

all can be forgiven assuming you are truly repentant of your actions. I wouldn't worry about "not being worthy".

And If you haven't had reconcilliation before confirmation comes up (around age 14 or 15 iirc) they kind of do it all at once which is nice.
You do need to have confession before you take your first communion. And the concept is that you should always confess your sins before accepting the body and blood of Christ but there are some pretty loose interpretations on what constitutes a sin that needs to be confessed versus one that becomes absolved from taking the host itself.

(As you can see even among Catholics there's a lot of debate as to our rituals and practices)

Mostly scots irish in the southeastern US are culturally Baptist faith. Im not going to take their ethnically based faith from them based on Catholic Centrism, and neither should you. Humble yourself

Do not be so quick to judge!
"cultural" Catholics still claim association because they feel it is important enough to hold onto despite lapsing in their faith at the moment.

I know a lot of people who were very devout while being raised, then stop practicing until middle adulthood and then come back to the faith.
It's a universal human feeling to struggle with faith.
Cultural catholics may be so today but you do not know what is in store for them tomorrow, in a year, or ten for that matter. Chastising them will only drive them further away

The doctrine of believer's baptism gives you demographic information about conversion rates? We're not even talking about racial proportions or ethnic identity, I'm arguing that generations of Christians are born into baptist homes, and many of these don't continue to practice but continue to call themselves baptist, hence the term "nominal"

I can critique them as they are while also striving to bring them back to the faith. But I won't tolerate them as they are. As Archbishop Chaput said, regarding the divorced & remarried, we as believers are supposed to call people to grace, not confirm them in their errors.

Not an anglo my friend.

Perhaps, is your Dad still somewhat stuck in his faith despite denying it completely? My Dad doesn't believe in anything supernatural but he still has a deep rooted hatred towards Protestants and you can see how catholicism still drives him in certain ways. My mother, on the other hand, has completely abandoned the faith and feels equal ill-will to all religions alike.

This makes me really sad.
Catholicism has such an important history in Great Britain. A shame that they'd discard it like that.

>He interprets it as a friggin Nuclear Explosion

Factionalism, Christians as a whole need to focus on the words of Jesus. The world is, as always against us, united we stand, divided we fall.

It is. I've tried to become a Catholic but I just can't do it. He's right to say that if you aren't raised as it you'll never be it.

If Christians leave a vaccum of faith, due to division, its going to be allah akbar. The choice is yours


>Intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war,[1] La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of Gethsemane and its dimensions are 66 ft × 23 ft × 10 ft (20.1 m × 7.0 m × 3.0 m).

Literal retard

Christianity is the foundation on which western civilization is built. If you want to preserve your belief system and civilization you should focus outward rather than petty sniping at fellow believers in Christ. Jesus died for our sins and if you ask for forgivness you will go to heaven. Follow John 3:16. Its that simple. We have something worth preserving, but we have tomfight for it.

You have to go back
Shame the anglos forgot to hall of cocks you
Quetzecoatl isnt real and you arent aztec


oh come on they looked like spooky faces or beings when you first look at it, not a nuclear explosion, didnt even know that

for the record this does not look like a nuclear explosion, looks way more like some sort of astral or demonic beings

Transubstantiation is effectively proof of Catholicism's cult-hood.
Jesus died a single time to as the ultimate scapegoat for sin, but Catholics instead resurrect Him every mass and devour His flesh and drink His blood. Yes, Catholic doctrine does not say the little crackers and wine are a symbol to remind us of Christ's sacrifice, but rather literally His body parts, to be cannibalized. A cult that cannibalizes their supposed savior? Complete denial of the reality in front of them? It sounds like something from a horror B-movie, but that's what their church says they must believe.

Nigger what

Transubstantiation teaches that the bread and wine are literally Jesus' flesh and blood, not metaphorically. To illustrate this the leftovers have to go to a magic decorated golden box because it is literally the savior in there

Well if you look at many ancient Sumerian myths they share those with the Abrahamic religions. Such as the great deluge, amongst others.

The Catholic Church WAS the Church back then m8


Episcopalians are heretics who deny apostolic succession, and the vicar of Christ Himself, and promote and glorify Satanic rituals such as divorce and gay "marriage". You should be ashamed.

John 20:23

If you weren't born into Catholicism, you will never truly be into it. I went through RCIA and discovered every little hypocrisy and fallacy in the church and left as soon as I got a grip on what I was getting into.

Do your own research, but in my opinion it goes against almost everything Jesus preached.

Paganism has no philosophy behind it.

If you do any serious philosophy, you'll end up at a God very similar to the God of the Bible.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
The catholic church invents many middle men between God and His followers when there's only one— Christ. They will tell you the priests (who God said NOT to call "Father") can forgive sins, or that you can pray to Mary so she can pray to God for you. They also argue that works are important for salvation, but no matter how many good deeds a murderer does, the fact they killed another person does not change. They can only be saved by Christ's sacrifice, but the Catholics say otherwise.

It's clear what the Catholics are trying to do. They're trying to cut the CHRIST out of CHRISTianity.

I expected Poland to come up sooner or later, but not in such way. have a (You)

>Transubstantiation is effectively proof of Christianity's cult-hood.

All the early Christians, including the Apostles and Paul believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Why would Paul warn against recieving the Eucharist unworthly if it is "just a symbol".

Things like the real presence were deeply held beliefs held by all the early Christians, martyrs, Church fathers, doctors and people who built the faith.
The idea that everyone got it wrong right up until 15 centuries after Christ's ministry is preposterous.

Doesn't that seem strange to you? doesn't that ever cause doubt?

Christ is the one mediator of SALVATION.
He is not a mediator in the sense that anyone in the communion of saints are.

When we ask for intercession, we are asking for a more pious and fervent soul than ours to offer up their prayers for us. We can't do the same for Christ. We can't ask Christ to pray to God for us, because Christ IS God. By asking for intercession, we are combining our prayers to God.

And if no man has the authority to forgive sins, then why did Christ grant the Apostles the power to forgive sins? That would make no sense. Protestants need to answer for this.

1 Timothy 2:5 (ESV)
5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

Romans 8:34 (ESV)
34 Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.