Is East Germany based or is it cucked like the rest of Germany and western and northern europe?

I have been seeing articles that talk about East Germans demonstrating hostility to the Muslim refugees that Im seeing as the opposite of what sweden or france or the UK or Canadas moveas to bending over and giving them what they like.

Is east germany /our/Germany or is it also as cucked as the modern West?

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Bau auf! Bau auf! Bau auf! Bau auf!
Freie Deutsche Jugend bau auf!

Its poorer than the west, so by definition it's more based. AfD is entirely east German creation afaik.

its where the cancer begun in the cucking of overall germany look at tis span mama merkel

the how do you explain the AFD?

>AfD is entirely east German creation afaik.

The AfD started when a large group of economists and university professors focusing on the economy rejected the euro and wanted an alternative, what the fuck are you and the polak on about?

is east germany based or cucked like the rest of germany?

East Germany (Stasi and related ideological, intellectual, secret service, academic, and other power hierarchies) took over West Germany and the entire EU, what are you on about? Why would a nation of citizen spies, collaborators, informants and denouncers be "based" in any way?

based. West germany is the problem. AfD gets up to 25 % of the vote in some states in the east

well how come west Germany allowed immigration when east germany didnt and kept east germany more german?

The Rest of Germany ist cucked either, big cities tend to be but the vast majority of Germans don't live in those.
>inb4 why Merkel
Because CDU

You're also forgetting the south you retard, stop making threads about shit you know literally nothing about and don't get all your news from Sup Forums

East Germany didn't allow anything and neither did western Germany it is simply poorer and has less big cities so poor sandniggers have no reason to move there.
Fucking he'll Yankee, think or research but don't refuse to do either.

but why would east germany be cucked if they were as much as isolated from the world as the rest of the communist satellite nations and the USSR?

I am saying they are not, rural regions aren't in general.
NRW is fucked due to having many large cities very close which basically form a megacity

well shit, you guys should re seperate and be east germany again.

East Germany had the better national anthem I know that. I also find East German military stuff dirt cheap. I honestly end up buying some military scarf just because I liked the art work on it.

either we have a united Germany or we don't have one at all my friend. Germans in the west just need a bit longer =)

If you have a united Germany as of right now you'll may eventually be split between the turks/muslims from the middle east in West Germany and the more European East Germany.

It already is pretty extreme in the west. Major cities are barely even german anymore but there are still many patriots here.

Look up racial statistics for your country and mine, then kill yourself.

>its where the cancer begun in the cucking of overall germany

T. Burger who was force-feeding "muh holocaust", "muh sexual revolution", "muh feminism", "muh prosperity freedums" to Germans

Why you burgers are so unwilling to admit that it was you, faggots, who pushed for degeneracy, and not communists? Can you spend a fucking day without blaming others for your own shit while still having that shit-eating "holier than thou" attitude?

Not even true, the GDR took immigrants from other socialistic countries like Vietnam and North Korea. The main difference to West Germany is that the East didn't get the (((American))) reeducation brain-wash. There was no guilt complex for the Holocaust.

better Vietnam and north Korea than retarded third world barbarians that only rape little European boys and women.

this is true. The (((de-nazification))) ruined the west. It's only slowly realizing that the eternal guilt is fucking bullshit and ruining this country for a while now.

I know I saw a picture of some East German kids who went on a trip to Vietnam and met Ho Chi Minh and were hugging on him.

Fans of a white ethnostate would disagree, but of couse it did much less harm.

Funny though that the (((Americans))) also are the reason for the Turk invasion because we had to take the Anatolian trash as an exchange for the positioning of nukes by the US in Turkey.

I was born in east germany and my parents are east German. My parents fled in the 80s and now I'm living in California. I fucking hate commies and west Germany. Lol. I think since east germans have been through communism they really despise the jews pushing for the entire world to turn into socialists. Then again some hardcore stasi east Germans probably loved living under those conditions. My parents hated it. Fuck Europe. I'm glad I grew up in the US. Also fuck Bernie Sanders aka Erich Honecker 2.0

I'm white American and I don't care about having a white ethnostate, so long as there is healthy fertility, good moral fiber, technological progress, and proper work ethic and good education and little to no crime as such during the height of Comm unit East Germany.

my grandmother also fled Berlin before they build the wall. She said it was horrible there.

>> East Germany: police state, universal health care, proper government planning.

>> West Germany: Cucks, pederasts, coal burning females, turks and muslim immigrants that didnu nuffin and are turning West Germany into Somalia.

As a whole the country of East Germany was just shit. Nothing else other than that. On the other hand the people that knew they were enslaved and imprisoned went on to be based and protective citizens of a proud Germany.

Except we didn't

>The myth of the Clean Wehrmacht (German: Saubere Wehrmacht), Clean Wehrmacht legend (Legende von der sauberen Wehrmacht), or Wehrmacht's "clean hands"[1][2] is the belief that the Wehrmacht was an apolitical organization along the lines of its predecessor, the Reichswehr, and was largely innocent of Nazi Germany's crimes, comporting themselves as honorably as the armed forces of the Western Allies.
>The myth began in the late 1940s, with former Wehrmacht officers and veterans' groups looking to restore honor and evade guilt; in 1950, as part of the rearmament of Federal Republic of Germany, the Western Allies endorsed the myth as a matter of public policy

We were also the ones who were responsible for depicting Rommel as a brilliant genius, give the Germans a guy in WW2 they could look up to, instead of commie revisionism that he was oy vey an ebil nazi

>Following the war, the Western Allies, and particularly the British, depicted Rommel as the "good German" and "our friend Rommel", hewing closely to the tenets of the myth of the clean Wehrmacht. His reputation for conducting a clean war was used in the interests of West German rearmament and the reconciliation between the former enemies—the United Kingdom and the United States on one side, and the new Federal Republic of Germany on the other.

You're just a fucking commie shitbag revising history as always

>east germany
>proper government planing

Are you retarded? Is American education really that bad?

so you're saying East Germany had a shit government that didn't provide the people with goods and services?

Yeah I think a lot of east germans tried to flee before they started shooting people at the border. Fucking dirty commie pigs.

Of course it fucking didn't. It was a chaotic mess. The economy was garbage. You had to register for a car and had to wait up to 10 years to get one. Food was limited to the same stuff. You don't know the story of eastern germans getting bananas first thing after the wall fell?

the east part is less cucked. would move there but cant stand their horrible dialect!

East Germany would probably be the 5th member of the V4 if it were still independent. Unless the other members of the V4 are still sore about the East Germans bearing the odd distinction of being the most faithful disciple of the USSR among the Warsaw Pact countries. IIRC in 1956 and 1968 East Germany was begging to be allowed to crush some skulls in Budapest and Prague.

Anyhow this all boils down to which Germany got more thoroughly mindfucked after WWII, Generally the East Germans were treated more harshly, but somehow they never developed the sense of self-hatred that the West Germans did.

I havent heard of the story of East Germans and bananas. Also, honestly I still would have prefered to live in East Germany if it meant going to a less degenerate society as I presume capitalist west germany was completely degenerate.

Because Rommel was against Hitler in his last year. It was done to demonize Hitler.

You would have loved if all your neighbours were spies just waiting for you to say one bad thing about the government

If you don't say that you a a literal communist. They had planned economy, which is technically worse than market economy.


It was so based they had to build a giant wall to keep people from leaving

if it meant not living in a degenerate society full of fags and gay propaganda and rape hungry pederast jigaboos and muslims than yes. Plus I bet the women arent as coal burning as the western counter parts.

You didn't really have to say anything, they'd just make it up if they didn't like you. It's exactly the same as the current workplace climate in most of the west, where you get false accusations of looking at someone wrong or things like that, except now you have widely accepted mass surveillance, which didn't exist in Stasi times, so social control and auto-censorship is so much more effective.

Mexico should do the same if they think their country is so superior.

"My first Banana"

Jesus Christ, get a grip dude. There were all kinds of parallel power structures using the official rules to perpetuate their hierarchies, it's not like the rules were ever taken seriously by anyone, it was just a convenient method of fucking people over.

Jew detected.

more cucked

Its pretty obvious to me at least that the US is the cause for shit in the world since the Spanish American war. This country was a mistake to be honest.

Wait a minute...

Do you see that?

How about now?


Silly goy there's nothing to see now move along


>if it meant not living in a degenerate society
East Germany had some pretty bad degenerates. Look up Wolf Biermann and his wife's daughter Nina Hagen. At least they got kicked out of the country though.

Ironically the most right-wing city (Bautzen) is at his nostril.

arent all those refugees in non east germany aand given those shit by cucked west germans?

German on vacation?

Fake and gay


They are all Russian rape babies they are all fucked and rightfully so. Germans are the worst tbqh


the russian rape baby meme is way too exaggerated

I'm an American who visited Germany, and East Germany is easily better than the rest of the country Muslim wise. Bavaria isn't quite as good, but still better than the rest of Germany.


The nose points to Auschwitz. Great find!

The central government makes sure that Fugees are placed throughout the country. I'm sure that the refugees that get sent to the East consider themselves unlucky. Also the government might be a bit careful about overloading the East because there was a particularly nasty incident in Rostock involving locals rioting against refugees.


All of Eastern Europe is based and I have no idea why. Almost makes me wish D-Day never happened and the Soviets pushed all the way to the Atlantic before detonating their shitty system like retards so that Western Europe could be based today as well.

east germany was germanys only hope of ever staying white but i guess that is to much to ask of west germany and the US

The eternal german always shines thru and ruins the rest of Europe.

Drinking Gordon's right now. Fuck me, both sides of that image are bad.

(((How))) did we get h e r e ?

Rural area based as fuck!
In the cities many old commies, hence the rather high votes for commie parties as well as AfD.

East Germany produced fags like Bill Kaulitz. Although he was thoroughly harassed for it.

Excellent German history knowledge for an American.


My life in east germany in a nutshell
>live in saxony
>own weapons, mostly hunting rifles
>go every weekend on the hunt with your based buddys
>you can say 'nigger' whenever you want and no virtue vulture is gonna sue you for hate speech
>healty birthrate, many redpilled young people on the street
>no mudslism
>no niggers
>only some antifa splinter cells who get daily BTFO by slavo-germanic alpha males


Always jarring seeing soldiers pictured throughout the cold war with long(ish) hair and sometimes facial hair

Migrant concentration

Cute twinks too!

Most people here are greedy, selfish, incompetend insectoids, who see immigrants Not so much as a physical threat, rather than a materialistic.
They just can not stand the idea, that someone has "more" or a better Life in general. It does Not matter if it is in the familiy or total strangers when it comes to money.
On the other side, the beer is pretty good, living is mostly cheap, women who come from the west to study here are most of the time good looking (don't bother with eastern women, especially from the Mountains).

>Baden-Württemberg and Westphalia

East Germany was based,

They aren't cucked because they are Slavs.


>be poor as fuck
>also dislike sandniggers
>vote more left than any other German region
>complain about muzzies and still being poor
Ossis are leeches that live off the money of wealthier regions.