What is Sup Forumss opinion on this film and book? is it redpilled or does it encourage degeneracy?

what is Sup Forumss opinion on this film and book? is it redpilled or does it encourage degeneracy?

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>muh redpill

Fucking neckbeard poltards trying to be edgy by calling anything they like (((redpilled)))

Tell me, is running around raping women and robbing old men redpilled?

Fucking aspie spazz

>aspie spazz

i never said it was redpilled i was merely asking what was pols thoughts on it, you want an aspie spazz? go look in the mirror

It was unpleasant and pointless to watch.

I think it discourages degeneracy. I want to distance myself from Alex as much as possible. That being said, he does pull pussy well, the cretin. Credit where credit is due.

The book was good.

i agree, that it somewhat discourages degeneracy because really who wants to live in a world like that? but it makes me wonder if this is were our society is heading

You sound like a whiny bitch.
Learn to read in the time you save from not whining.
Find the lessons in the works.

holy shit was watching clips of it earlier and im listening to youtube.com/watch?v=kt45SJ-zEUI right now : )

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=kt45SJ-zEUI

thats the problem though i cant really find much of a lesson in the film. nothing was resolved at the end

In the novel Alex changes his ways in the end.

The film is fairly redpilling.

- Even though all the characters are white, and most of them are bad, it makes people aware of mindless brutality and sadism for the pleasure of it.

Leftists feed people the spiel that blacks are violent because they are victims and oppressed and the like, and that everyone is fundamentally good and will behave as long as you gibs them dat. A Clockwork Orange shows another motivation - sadistic pleasure in violence.

It's not ideal that the people shown in the film as enjoying sadistic pleasure in violence are white, when the reality is that they are overwhelmingly black and hispanic. But at least it shows that the concept exists.

Moreover, it shows corrupt politicians willing to go along with anything for PR, and it shows the effects of brainwashing due to rapid display of imagery.

You could remake that scene, just showing crying brown face after crying brown face in The Guardian, and in the end he votes for immigration and Islam. People who have scene it should be able to think more about brainwashing through imagery and the effects it can have.

Basically, the concepts are valuable, even if the attribution of those concepts is wrong.

Retributive justice

but there wasnt any retributive justice though

is the book better?

>it shows corrupt politicians willing to go along with anything for PR, and it shows the effects of brainwashing due to rapid display of imagery.
Yeah, I see the the politicians as the main villains, because they are the ones empowering the criminals - like making Alex's old gang the police.

The movie is about the EU

Deleted it from my Kindle a few minutes ago after finishing 2 chapters. Found it a boring trial to read. I started to understand the language but even that didn't make it interesting.

This guy gets it. So yeah, it's pretty redpilled.

I've read it. Actually, since I'm poor as fuck I stole this book from the local library. They did added the book to their system even though it was siting there for months. It was very dirty. It's an OK book, but I think it's cult following comes from the movie.

It shows what a society with no respect for the laws could look like, when even parents lack the reason and motivation to teach their children, because it could've been seen as abuse. But it paints a more realistic view of Brazil than of any civilized country, because we got the culture of the underage dindu (he doesn't even have to be 1/5 black). And our prisons are so bad that doing what they do in the movie would be probably a step up.

Laws are social constructs user

>not degenerate
though choice, OP

what are you a SJW who thinks writing about a topic instantly means being in favor of it?

>what is dystopian literature
neither the novel nor film glorified that shit. it was purposefully awful to stress what we should not become but likely will unless we change as a society

Stupid leaf.

Actual Thread Theme.

Hitler's favorite symphony.

you know the library will give you the book for free if you just return it in a reasonable time right? its how a library works.

They'll lend me, yes. But the public library workers have no love for the books. They're more interested in project trying to get niggers to read.

>shows the effects of brainwashing due to rapid display of imagery
I always thought this was just a meme, but could there be something to it? I've seen plenty of ex-normie testimonies of how Sup Forums sucked them in and converted them. Is it the quickfire nature of Sup Forums that has such an effect on liberals rather than the message?

I think it's pretty redpilled.

this guy is a fucking retard

>>shows the effects of brainwashing due to rapid display of imagery
>I always thought this was just a meme, but could there be something to it? I've seen plenty of ex-normie testimonies of how Sup Forums sucked them in and converted them. Is it the quickfire nature of Sup Forums that has such an effect on liberals rather than the message?
Just turn on your TV user, see how the media is trying to condition people to accept degeneracy, race mixing, homosexuality, trannies etc. It is happening in real time right now.

yeah but that doesn't bring justice to his victims at all

read The Wanting Seed, also written by Anthony Burgess

>What did he mean by this?

Shows the self destructive nature of the young and drives a point with Alex and his reformation.

I knew asshole degenerates who dressed up and wanted to act this shit out in real life.

Fuck this movie. Kubrick is a tool, I hated half of his movies.

It seems to be a satire of sociology's pretensions that crime is a result of inequality and social forces. The protagonist is simply portrayed as a malevolent animal, who in the end, exploits the false compassion of society to escape prison and receive extraordinary compensation for his 'ordeal'. You know by following the protagonist's voice over that he is just an evil POS who needs to be put down. In most films where evil is portrayed as a real thing it will always have a conservative tone.

Rapid flashing on screen makes a hypnotic and suggestable state in the viewer. TV flickers do it all the time. ( Huxley - BNW Revisited and Mind control in America , by Jacobson )

Edgy faggots latch onto things for shock value. Where do you think we are?

Anyway Kubrick is redpilled as FUCK
>eyes wide shut
>full metal jacket
>clockwork orange

it was banned in Britain for years because somehow violent attacks which occurred after its release were attributed tot he Film.

Full Red Pill affirmed.

Film and book are two different animals. The film uses a Hitler figure and a duped Church figure to try to reform Alex. The music for the film was great, and was done by one of the original traps. I would consider the film a black-pill, if you want to use that language.

Taxi Driver is the red-pilled Kubrick movie.

The story was about how he was "rehabilitated"
He didn't genuinely feel remorse, they crippled him.

Taxi Driver was Martin Scorcese


The book is better but difficult to read the first time through because of its invented slang. But the book has an extra chapter where a few years down the road Alex has a new gang and meets up with one of his old friends who has a job and family. Alex decides that he too wants to have a family and job and no longer wants to be a hedonistic shit that hurts people. The main lesson being that you can't force people to be good and moral but they may grow into it as they mature. Also the book is way more violent so there's that.

Yep, sorry about that.

I found the forced "reform" he had after his time in prison interesting, that his choice to abandon his destructive behaviors had to be of his own will, not forced upon him.
one can't be moral without the option to do evil.
tldr; read the book, and read it to the end, it doesn't glorify rape and random violence, it warns us not to choose to behave that way.

wow you are a fucking idiot.

Barry Lyndon is the only red pilled Kubrik movie.

>taxi driver
>kubrik movie
>not Scorsese

get out

Barry Lyndon is pretty based. Every frame is like a picture in that film. The cinematography is like nothing I've seen before.

That preacher kkk comic is so applicable here