Leftism: its own reward?

Do you guys think leftism is its own punishment?

I mean you read about these liberal "parents" who abuse their children into becoming sodomites or even castrating themselves.

They're destroying their own children, and removing the possibility of ever having grandchildren. They're basically squandering their legacies and in the long run extinguishing their own values for the earth.

They're making their own children into walking mockeries of their lives, constant reminders that they threw away everything good in exchange for evil, and it all inevitably ends in suicide if not murder.

The amount of humiliation, misery, and suffering in such experiences is worse than I can imagine, and they must be aware at some level of all the failure and futility and waste in their decision, and to think they still have Hell to look forward to!

I wouldn't wish such an existence on my worst enemy. Vanquishing leftists would not be an act of triumph, but rather of mercy.

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wtf is wrong with their faces?

seriously are they even human?


Demonic possession can give people uncanny facial appearances.

Watch this video about Sweden.

An entire country going down in flames into the abyss.


They're only really hurting themselves.

The innocents they destroy will suffer in this world, but in the next will have peace.

It a self correcting disease. It's most contained in big cities. They destroy themselves while us in the South, Heartland and Breadbasket are mostly immune to this.

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Du er Konge av anti-shekels Norsk bot.
>tfw I can feel the poz
Fucking hell mate. Utter self annihilation.

Those screenshots are horrifying.

No it isn't.

It's a punishment for the children, who begin innocent. And worst, the filth ends up feeling good about ruining their kids lives.

People like this Fucking exist!!!
But to be fair, in our countries, we have young chicks gagging on cocks in front of a camera, just to have their digital footprint online forever.

This, in order for them to feel bad about what they've done they'd first have to view that as being something bad in the first place.

The problem is it's not the children's fault. The government should take their kids at birth.

Their children never had a chance. The kids also internalize leftism and become just as bad as if not worse than their parents. Ive seen it happen. It's regrettable, but what can be done? These kids are already ruined. A few manage to break free from their conditioning and rebuild themselves, but the abuse will haunt them for the rest of their lives. God in His mercy will take everything into account on Judgement Day. Jesus said something about a millstone. Leftists should not be allowed around children.

It's well known that (among whites, within age cohorts) number of children increase as you move from left to right on political identification. I don't have the graph but surely some user can post it.

>Do you guys think leftism is its own punishment?

Romans 1:27 And in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

>receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

Certain governments deliberately feed these people children. The fostercare industry is basically just a human trafficking operation. They often take children away from Christian parents for homeschooling their children and give them to...I can't even say it. God I hate this world.

>anal chlamydia and rectal prolapse without modern medicine

Mark my words. When these kids grow up they're going to be farther right than any Sup Forumstard is now. They're going to hate their parents and everything they stood for. This is child abuse.

wudnt no chlamydia in bible times

It would be if innocent children weren't the victims.

I believe to realize that leftism has become so repellant and abhorrent that it is serving more and more as a cautionary tale for young people.

Plus, pls rate pic related. Suggestions for Improvements are highly appreciated.

This is what I was talking about. Not only does the government not take the raving mad degenerates' children but also they give them other sane people's children. And the most fucked up think is I know certain normal people that have adopted children and instead of searching here they went to Africa and China, while the local orphans are handed to degenerates or raised among all sorts of subhuman criminals in youth centers.

Is it OK for perverts to commit sexual abuse against their own children because "it's only their own lineage lol"?

Raising a child "genderless" will probably turn out to have similar effects in terms of the psychological mess it leaves behind for the rest of society to clean up. Morally it's one step back from actually shooting the kid in the head.

Liberalism really is the best way to break down wealth.
Once parents destroy their children's reproductivity and normality, the parent's wealth goes down the drain, especially since tranny kids almost always suicide faster than any other group of people. Also most charities are scams and keep 80% of what they receive and giving away money to non-family is the most cucked thing one can do, you're practically giving away your life's work to a complete stranger who did jack shit to help you through your life.

Hurrah liberalism! Killing wealth across all generations in all racial groups! Woohoo!
>70% of wealthy families lose wealth in 2nd generation

Also, be ready for the hormonbocked then transitioned kids to shoot up some schools and neighbourhoods at some point.

Pretty .uch. They will be worse than reincarnation of hitler. They should name next generation nigger killers because that is what they will be

Obviously leftism must be combatted. I just find it comforting to know that the enemy is working toward their destruction as well.

Get the fuck off my board, Sup Forums is progressive now.

Government is not the solution
Senator Nancy Schaefer explains corruption in CPS system (she and her husband were mysteriously murdered shortly after)
During Bill Clinton's stint in office the CPS system in America was changed so that monetary rewards were awarded when children were removed from their families, so you can see how this would lead to abuse.
When you want something done good or bad, create the monetary incentive to do so.

When i read about the oral part i literally got dizzy
Fucking disgusting man

>genetic pussy
>genetic girls
>genetic vagina
>genetic woman
>genetic woman's G spot
Genetic is the new real.
This fucking timeline...

"The modern world will not be punished. It is the punishment."
Nicolás Gómez Dávila

French genes

I'd say german. Never saw people with such faces in France.