Deep state removes your president

What do Sup Forums?

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Start cleaning up the targets I was assigned.

>When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Violent revolution. If freedom and country can only be taken back at the barrel of gun so be it, we've done so before.

Figure out how the hell white people riot

>when your honeypot doesn't get enough clicks

Sorry senpai, maybe it'll work better later.

This country will not last 10 years. I've already got my guns and will buy MREs once things get a little worse. I suggest you do the same, and figure out what your bug-out route is. Basically, you should prepare to - in less than 10 years - live the rest of your life without government.

Lel the deepstate = the neo-jews?

>what do
Find politicians and journalists to k!ll in the name of revolution

Do you think that masterpiece hobbled itself together in mspaint? 5 long hard minutes of my life I'll never get back


Embarrassing, you do know that you have an id right?

Not give a fuck I guess because I'm getting out of this shitty country soon.

claim I never supported him anyways. its just american politics.

deep inside be upset

You want an unappreciated masterpiece?

shitpost online, I guess

President removes your deep state
What do deep state?

Damn son. That is a masterpiece. Is cameltoe really that deadly?

>deep state

this meme needs to die

we were played faggot

Leaks every bit of classified info they can get their paws on. ironically if Trump is about to go down he should just declassify EVERY GOD DAMN thing including the JFK and roswell shit.

He will if it comes to that.

He will air every single dirty secret they have, and he will have vengeance.

Doubt him and you'll lose. I think he has proven this as fact by now.


He would if he were actually going down.

>Violent revolution
Stop fooling yourself.

The only two ways that things can be fixed is like this:
1) A modern neo-Hitler, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
2) 50 -100 years of right-wingers secretly making their way up the ranks, espousing their ideology in extremely short bursts, supporting poorer whites attempting to revolt, being willing to be cutthroat to other white people in order to keep their tenuous position

>Figure out how the hell white people riot

By posting frogs and BLACKED porn while larping as crusaders.


If the shitlibs try their bullshit with Trump then the world will see again what happens when white people say 'no more'

I personally can't wait to go liberal hunting on my nights and weekends

Please let them try to remove him. We'll set the swamp on fire.


Lay siege to DC

There is a higher chance of aliens landing from mars than white people rioting due to injustice.

What would actually happen is it would totally demoralize masses of Republican voters and make the party totally unelectable for the next 10-20 years.

Democrats would win by a landslide in every election after the point Republicans democratically elected candidate was removed.

This is why Democrats are pushing so hard for it to happen, it just amazes me Republicans aren't fighting against it harder.


Mostly because the alt-right has disavowed Republicans, despite the fact that Republicans are still our best vehicle for making real change.

>it just amazes me Republicans aren't fighting against it harder.

Because it's not going to be a docile thing like you seem to believe.

Many of us want it to happen, because we know what we will be doing next.

It pisses me off to no end that the democrats will treat this shit like life or death and do whatever their president says. They will be corrupt as fuck to make sure the job gets done. But the republicans are full of bitter old rhinos who won't help their president.

In other news..... Lisa Murkoswki blocked Trump from making recess appointments during the summer recess. Fucking rhino cunt. Any alaskans here?

Why didn't you archive?

WAR in rl

kike faggot die in a fire

Shill thread, sage

Nuclear war.

Military would have Trumps back. Well except the corrupt generals like McMaster and Petreus

shit son, I ain't got nothing else to lose, me and millions like me. Im thinking they really dont know what kind of shit they are stirring

When white people riot, you get pic related

>The only two ways that things can be fixed is like this:
deepstate only responds to new blood politicians or guys with axe handles breaking bank windows in the middle of the night

>Im thinking they really dont know what kind of shit they are stirring

They don't, and it's actually kind of hilarious to me.

Tone deaf until their deaths, I guess.


All Trump support has to do is refuse to work and libtards will starve in a week. plus inner city food riots will kill a bunch.

There are plenty of us like that. They have left a trail of enemies in their pursuit of power. We will have our vengeance if they do what they are planning.


And Hillary had a 98% chance of winning. The deep state is playing with fire, and every future treeswinging liberal knows it. Day of the rope is near.


>their president.
He isn't their president. They joined the other team internally a long time ago. Lisa Murkowski ain't no Republican. She's just registered as one. Here's another, Carolina's Thom Tillis, who's blocked Trump's appointment for an important immigration spot, which is why we're not getting the immigration legislation we want.
He's holding out for 10,000 H1B visas; that's his demand.

I know this is a "please the honeypot" thing to say but here goes:

Disclaimer: I'm old. I'm unarmed. I'm just slinging harmless theoretical philosophizing and shit. My posts are satire. I literally have issues with killing spiders, let alone hurting people. Nor am I inciting such acts in others, nor do I approve of them, etc. etc. etc.

But, and I mean this as innocently as possible, I wonder if people's frustration with these two (and a handful of others) will reach the point where someone tries to Gabby Giffords someone?

I mean, that's the six gorillion dollar question, innit. And if I were FORCED to give my opinion, I'd say that every day it becomes more and more likely, and that it's nobody's fault but the Democrats, and that sooner or later, they will push too hard and someone out there will fucking snap. Tillis and Murkowski, et al, should really think about this long and hard. I would not risk my life to please my masters, no matter what kind of blackmail they were holding over my head, no matter how huge of a payoff they were offering. Not fucking worth it. Shit's too unstable in this country--hell, in the entire world--right now.

They don't. I think there are a few cautious voices in their camp trying to warn them, but also way too many dumbass arrogant faggots like John Schindler who just keep egging them the fuck on. It's crazy. Murkowski is in deep shit and seemingly she doesn't even know it. I would be scared outta my mind if that many people hated my guts that badly.

Honestly, once the first person goes there will be many that follow shortly.

It won't be a one-off like Giffords, it'll be a dozen. There are a lot of people out there itching for someone to take the lead. I haven't figured out if this is a calculated risk (they want people to snap) or just plain tone deafness.

Except Trump literally brought this on himself. If he never tweeted, this Russia investigation would have been over by now.

>not so fast citizen-slaves

>trump brought this on himself
nigger what the fuck have you been smoking?

Laugh at rural and suburban retards

Also, if I could offer you an honest tip for your sims.

This group functions much more closely to the dynamics of chaos theory than game theory.

If you're applying the same metrics as you used to, your sims are bunk.

Totally different paradigm.

>Admits he fired Comey because of the investigation
>Lied constantly about meeting with Russians
>Has his son release emails that basically prove guilt

He lies all the damn time. Why do you fags continue to support him?

>inb4 Muh Hillary
Jesus fucking Christ no one cares about Hillary. Lock her up for all i care. Why are we demanding politicans that aren't liars or criminals? Is political apathy so strong in this country that you're just willing to give all the power to oligarchs and Globalists?

>There are a lot of people out there itching for someone to take the lead.
Yeah, exactly. I think Dems are counting on Republicans' greater stability, tendency to conform, and belief in rule of law to give Dems an advantage. Thing is, privately they'll admit conservatives are more stable, etc., but what they can't deal with--even in private--is that conservatives are just as smart as they are, especially once they are woke and paying attention. These people aren't rinos, they're dinos LOL....they have this fatal lack of understanding of computers, the web, and the power of the new media--especially aided and abetted by some cloaked hard-righters in legacy TV media, like Hannity and Carlson. Dems have underestimated ALL of this.

I don't think it'll go well for them if they push too hard, because far too many Republicans and assorted conservatives are seriously on to their shenanigans. It's not 1970 anymore.

My fear is that a tipping point will occur but the fatal lack of over-the-top, gonzo craziness on the right will stay their hand. In other words, SOMEONE will have to take that lead. I hope that person's out there if and when they are desperately needed.

Should try getting your news from not twitter you gullible cuck

He would if they even allowed him in the cool buildings and compounds n sheit

>he lies all the damn time.
perhaps, but even so, I voted him in and ill be damned if im gonna watch some bullshit sidelined play to pull him out of power without a god damn fight.

Besides food and guns what are other necessities? Any vitamins? Maybe vitamin c to take care of the lack of citrus if you live up north? What about other perishables and goods? Glue, flint and steel, what else

>if he never tweeted

They literally want to impeach a guy for posting on social media. This is how pretty the kikes are.


What the normiesphere doesn't seem to understand: the group that they're facing off against aren't really Republicans. They're alienated Americans (many of whom were Dems a decade ago) tired of liberty being spit on, that do not care what party they have to get behind to right the ship.

They are not beholden to the same predictable script conservatives play by, and their will is far stronger.

When Trump supporters realize the "deep state" is just the rule of law that the American founding fathers fought to establish.

>He forgot what happened last time white people got fed up with Jews

Tip: 60 million people died

How does the old saying go? White people are nice and accommodating, until they're not?

Vitamin C
Iso alcohol & medical supplies
More than one pair of shoes/boots

Archive Norgebro, where were you?

I thought we were a nation of laws. If he actually broke the law, why shouldn't he be removed?

The founding fathers did not fight for the establishment of the Corporation of the United States of America.


The president literally disperses information via Twitter. Please provide a list of Sup Forums approved sources.

>They're alienated Americans (many of whom were Dems a decade ago) tired of liberty being spit on, that do not care what party they have to get behind to right the ship.
this, I came here looking for answers, and what I got was a deep dark look at whats going on.
t. ex liberal

ah yes, the same laws that were being broken by the democrats at the same time, and yet my outrage must only be against drumpf!!

I have come to the conclusion that Sup Forums has become a massive D&C psyop with it's ultimate goal being to destroy the United States.

Those Democrats are guilty too if that's the case. We either decide that laws matter or they don't

Yes, I'm sure Trump RTed Fox, not because he actually knew better than anyone else the situation

>Not getting your news from Twitter

lmao, faggot, if you're quick enough you can create the news.

>What do Sup Forums?

I have ~80lbs of rice and other non perishables and a water filter good for 3000 gallons. Tools, guns, ammo. When the deep state takes down Trump to prevent persecution of their many high crimes and treason, while most of the public sees them for what they are doing so transparently, I will be ready for the trucks to stop rolling, for the power to go out, for mobs of killers both far left and far right, terrorists, as well as opportunist thieves, to prey on the innocent. I will survive at least as long as it takes for radiation, chemical/biological weapons to kill me.

Can Trump decapitate the management of the NSA, CIA, and FBI? I swear to god if you just fired the top 5 layers of all those orgs, replaced them with known patriots -- ALL the fucking leaks would stop and Trump would finally have control over his own government.

Don't think so fucking hard on it.

Sup Forums is simply one of the last place you can say whatever the fuck you want, they've been trying to subvert it for that for a long fucking time.

It's a shame my old computer died and I lost my old CIA shilling images.

Lol but they let him become president at all.

"You thought we'd let you keep him????"
"No. You had to sit a helplessly watch him steam roll over all of you. Stop pretending you have power."

>We either decide that laws matter or they don't

Depends what your last name is.

I spent 3 years fighting the American army in cities and urban environments as an insurgent. I'm ready for a civil war, even though fighting against the military would be a fucking disaster. Our infantryman are extremely lethal. Hopefully they are on the right side.

Yes, I fact....though inwardly I've always been more conservative than I let on, still, this is pretty much me too. I always had a bad feeling about what the elites were up to; to me, that was part of old school leftism. Paranoia of the secret cabal who holds all the power, don't trust them, watch out for politicians, corporations and bankers--that kind of mindset. The new left though are Orwellian zombies. It's scary and amazing what brainwashing can accomplish. I have a super bad feeling about where the human race is going if we don't win. The idealistic (and not bad at all) dream of true, old school liberalism is pretty fucking dead and the left killed it. Now I just hope we can survive.

if sessions doesn't appoint the second special counsel im fucking done paying attention to the circus.

You KNOW all these leaks are coming from top people at the FBI, CIA, NSA and probably Mueller himself too. They are so brazen with the leaks it's almost as if they know there's nobody above them watching them....

Decapitate these agencies and you win your country back. They are the swamp.

Alright you're all talking about an unfair removal, but what if it was proven without a doubt he have done things even beyond the pale for you?

The press pissed away all its credibility promising a 1% chance of Trump victory, and in so so many other instances. Who is going to believe it now. Look at the democrat's new platform, Trump rebranded. Who is going to buy it now. An elephant never forgets.

>Decapitate these agencies and you win your country back. They are the swamp.
Yes, agree. They are. How could anyone ever have forgotten? We've KNOWN they are evil for decades. I think most people with any discernment pretty much "made" them for JFK's killers decades ago, and then there was all the bullshit with drug running in South America, overthrowing governments around the world, performing horrible experiments on American citizens, even's ironic because what normies believe the Nazis and Mengele were the CIA and their associates actually, clearly, really are.

>When you just want to talk about kawaii anime girls but ended up in conflict that will decide the fate of USA

Good luck.
When your people are being killed by hit squads when you force people to have no other choice remember people warned you leftists.
When police are beating the shit of you as well its not going to be funny lefty.

I am certain the deep state will have much more success in the American Spring than they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine.

Depends what things he had done, innit?

>CIA and their associates actually, clearly, really are.

CIA's historical roots are with nazis. Before that rebranding, they were OSS, and did not have nazi influence.

See: Reinhard Gehlen

Aye, let's start with some of the results being a sham, then. We're just supposing now, don't jump down my throat.

Worst I've heard levied is trafficking in young girls via his modeling agency. Again, we're just supposing.

Miss the Scalise yet?

>Worst I've heard levied is trafficking in young girls via his modeling agency.

I don't know if there's anyone who I'd trust that information from.

Maybe Mattis, that's it.