The president likes to retweet, here's why that's a bad idea

Trump retweets his supporters. It's on his page. Today he retweeted a pro-trump tweet.

Any rich liberal can pay the owner of the account retweeted to change their profile pic to something like goatse or NSFW. Then Trump will have a dirty pic on his profile page, if he doesn't delete it fast enough it will be a highlight for the fake news media.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares.

We didn't elect this dude because of how clean and nice he is.

>X happened, here is why you should think like this about it:
I hate buzzfeed so very much

What part of this is up for debate? I'm explaining something that will happen f it hasn't happened already. If you think it's no big deal then that's good because I never said it's a big deal to me.

Oh my god, you really are this stupid?!

No, are you?

It was an exclamation not an actual question. Hence the "!" at the end, indicating it is *not* a question.

You had a question mark don't deny it.

Can we just delete this fucking thread? OP Clearly doesn't give a shit.

Alright I'm done, I don't know how to explain this to you, read some books maybe that will help. Learn how to read properly first though.

An exclamation mark after a question mark is just an exclaimed question.

Are you fucking stupid?!

Yes you are.

OK girls, break it up

Is a rhetorical question a question?!

they already openly pay a "veterans against trump" account to harrass him constantly so that he looks like he hates the troops
anyone who believes in the liberal media at this point is as bad as a communist

Yes technically, but it is a rhetorical device - an implied statement in the guise of a question.

Thanks for shitting up the board OP.

>inb4 you claim you were asking a rhetorical question

Like I care, the people who visit his twitter regularly are the anti-trumpers posting muh russias and waiting 24/7 for him to tweet so they can post another muh russia

just came here to save it and then close the thread

the piercing looks out of place

You're really shit at your job.

Thank you. This is the worst trend in journalism since...I don't know what. It's not just buzzfeed doing it, either. Major outlets (usually in the opinion section) often have headlines in this format:
>______ happened, here's why you should think this about it
>No/Yes, ________, something really is/isn't like that
>No/Yes, ________, is a bad/good thing for society

really shows a fundamental view (a wrong one, I think) that journalism is primarily to answer HOW and WHY rather than just WHAT.