Jobs Report

Does this have anything to due with Trump or is it a result of Obamasd policies?

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Obama policy's

no this is still obama's doing. Trumps work won't show until the economy has a downturn

Everything good = Obama did it
Everything bad = Fucking drumpf impeach!! xD

Employers were leaving in record numbers but reinvested in America due to protectionism.
Obama even told a town hall in 2016 that the jobs weren't coming back

How so?

Remember when the jobs numbers were fake under Obama but real once Trump entered office?

Monkey did it of course. Black men are superior in every possible way. Did you know they invented Science? They even built the pyramids! Now let's all just sit down and watch them fuck our women. We'll enjoy it. I promise!

Fake as in people had to find another part time job yes.

Trump, nor the GOP led Congress, have enacted any policies that change the economics of America....we are still currently under Obama era economics.

If you look back at the early Obama admin, we were still under all the disastrous Bush policies for about a year.

It will take at least a year or more before we can really say it's the Trump economy...but I seriously doubt the cuck will last that long.

What about the Foxconn factory and the Toyota factory? Would those be built under Obama?

Obama's policies were Bush's policies -- bailouts and reflation

No because the threat of a high tariff and tax penalties didn't make any businesses change their minds about staying here.

Lol. Liberals. Trump has already ended Obama's regulations which were designed to destroy American industries and the middle class

Notice how they report "employers" added more jobs instead of the usual "the economy" or outright saying Obama did it.

Companies have outright stated they've changed the way they do business already due to the political climate.

>yfw they never count homeless or people who haven't had a job in over 4 months or something

He has passed no meaningful legislation. All of the policies currently in effect are from the previous administration.

Considering for years Obama's slogan was "those jobs ain't coming back you gotta find something else to do shieeet" I'd be quite skeptical to pin it on him.

Neither, it's low interest rates

>meaningful legislation

define 'meaningful legislation'

Lol. Go back and read his executive orders. Basically ended the era of unnecessary regulation

Which companies? Carrier? They sent those jobs to Mexico anyway.

Ford? Building a factory in China instead of Mexico.

>what is deregulation
>what is optimism

Obama is president = Unemployement rate is 42%
Trump is President = Unemployment rate at historic lows.

Businessmen feel a sense of relief that, no matter what else happens, at least the current White House doesn't see them as a target to be attacked. It's no surprise that they've started hiring, after a decade or more of being hesitant to hire anyone new because you didn't know what new penalty might be coming.

EO's can be rescinded by the next president. And I've read his. Most are BS that sound good but accomplish little.

Then don't buy ford, jesus. This isn't rocket science.

Foxconn and Toyota just recently

>he thinks jobs are legislated into existence

Next we'll be mandating financial success and killer sex lives for all!

Drumpf hasn't done shit so it's Obama's Policies

It takes a long as time for things to take effect

How about any legislation? Six months in Obama had passed the ARRA, auto bailout, and a bunch of other stuff.

>h-he hasnt done anything meaningful!
>what about dereg EOs?

All of which stagnated the economy for years.

He has undone almost every Obama executive order and regulations. Some times I wonder if people don't realize how powerful the president is.

how do I create jobs in my country lads? these savages are unemployed which leads to crime, the government wont do shit because crime drives tax

Neither of which are American companies. And I'm not aware of the administration having any hand in those decisions. They'd be tweeting about it if they had.


Ok, I didn't realize you were a moron. Have a great day.

Obama didn't have a decent economy his whole fucking time in office.

Libshits and liars now think this is because of him?

No fucknuts, it is confidence in Trump and slashing regulations.

It's all Obama. Trump hasn't even passed a budget yet.

>not American companies

Okay? They're creating jobs. Also pretty sure Trump did tweet about it.

They were poorly written but necessary at the time. It would have been Great Depression 2.0 if the auto industry went under.

They are using the same fake numbers obama used unfortunately. They could just tell the truth but instead do the same thing and now they will own it when the economy crashes.

>if I ignore the recession it's like it never happened
Just like you're ignoring Trump's deregulatory steps, I suppose.

the 42% is total people not working even those who have retired or who can't work, and when Trump said it he also listed off like 4 other numbers and ended with:
>some say the unemployment rate is even 42%
But I guess you wanna cherry pick to make your double standard argument lel

Right. 7 straight years of economic and job growth. Dow up from 7k to 18k.

Obviously a disaster. Sorry your coal mine closed Cletus.

>Trump hasn't even passed a budget yet
Remember that part where we're talking about the private sector? Inflating job numbers with useless government positions is the Left's awful technique.

Trump was affecting the economy before he was in office. Business thrives more the less the government micro manages.

>some say the unemployment rate is even 42%
Why isn't Trump using that number now?

Fuck off leaf

Not enough has changed to give him credit yet. If we're still creating this many jobs in 6-12 months, then I'll tip my hat.

Because when he said it, it was used as a hyperbolic statement meant to express how bad things might be that they're not telling the people.

Great question. I'm hearing, people are saying, that the real unemployment rate is actually 40%.


It's probably a bit of both maybe?

>Inflating job numbers with useless government positions is the Left's awful technique.

Public sector jobs obama under Obama went down.

>7 straight years of declining household income and purchasing power.

But the crony capitalists did alright, so we're all good.

So for 8 years the job market fell and unemployment rose and suddenly within 6 months those policies flipped their effect?


That's been declining since Reagan was in office. Most of out economic problems can be traced back to that POS.

What? Show your work.

Believe the opposite the propaganda news and neo liberals tells you.

they don't have to be american companies to benefit the states. the wages of the employees, their income taxes, the corporate tax on the american subsidiary, etc. all benefit the US. plus the impact of the business on other businesses in the local economy in the US.

Business enthusiasm is up because of Trumps pro-growth agenda.

1. Regulations. By slashing regulations they lift unnecessary burdens.
2. By renegotiating trade-deals, in where american companies will be more favored than in the past, it allows companies to expand, increase revenues.
3. By slashing taxes, which hopefully will happen this fall, they allow companies to be more competitive on the world stage. They keep more of their money, and thus, they can invest and expand more.
4. The soon-to-be announced, once in a generation opportunity, to bring back overseas revenues to the United States (maybe as much as 4 trillions), companies gets additional money to invest.

If you say that this is because of Obama, you're sadly mistaken. Obamas policies got companies and the economy to stagnate.

Jobs hire based on the future
The future seems to be : less regulation, lower taxes, protectionism

You don't wait till AFTER that happens, you get in before it happens

Just how far are you willing to go back to excuse Obama's failures?

If he could improve the economy for the crony capitalists, why couldnt he improve it for the rest of us?

He was opposed to reaganism and trickle-down, so why didnt his policies reverse it or at all stymie it?

Spbp. For the next 8 years of economic and job growth under Trump, libfags are going to either spin it as being Obama's doing, or simply ignore it and go back to playing with their identity politics.

Very good

Thanks Obama!

polfact rating: Lying shill

Trump has passed more legislation than Obama did in the same amount of time. Suck it kid ;)

Everything bad under Obama was Bush's fault. Everything good under Trump is Obama's legacy.

The fucking mental gymnastics.

Drumpf still says they're not real. Continued growth of jobs will correct the fakery.

Obama, 100%.

Trump, most of the idiots on here don't understand regulation. The deregulation trump has in-acted is showing in gdp and job growth.

>Obama even told a town hall in 2016 that the jobs weren't coming back
THIS needs to be pointed out more often. Great point.